Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 41 Invaluable Knowledge (2)

“Why does mana in the world react with our body to produce only a particular elemental essence? Why cannot one wield all the elements? Why does the percentage of elemental affinity one has matter?

“Why is thunder superior to fire if both are just a subsidiary of the world’s mana? ” Oogway asked Ronan , as he wanted to invoke curiosity in the young one’s mind , as he paused to let Ronan process these questions for a bit before continuing as he said

” When a human child is born , that is considered the best time to measure his/ her talent and elemental affinity… why is that the case?

it is because the world’s mana had not yet reacted with their bodies hence traces of other elements will not be present in the bodies.

Humans develop elemental affinity in their mother’s womb itself during the third trimester as that is the time when they form their dantian.

The dantian is a small organ that is connected to the spinal cord at the very end of the human body , just above the prostate gland.

Every species that can weild mana must have a dantian in their body , as it is the gift of lord Shiva that allows races to become elemental users.

The DNA in one’s body defines the characteristic of the dantian , which is nothing more than a filter for the world’s mana..

The dantian is the heart of the mana circuit , as the worlds mana absorbed in one’s mana circuit is pumped through to the dantian before being absorbed into the bloodstream , which is why humans are born with a peculiar elemental affinity , as their dantian naturally filters out the world’s mana to only let a specific elemental affinity pass through into the bloodstream.

The percentage ratio in which the dantian filters the world’s mana is the elemental affinity that the crystal shows you , as 40% fire 40% water etc.

Do you understand this concept till this point boy? ” .

Ronan was lost in the profoundness of the revelations that he had just heard , as chanakya who was sitting beside him looked even more dazed than he was , as both of them forgot that Oogway even existed for a moment as they tried to process the information they had just gotten.

It was only after Oogway coughed twice did they break out of their stupor and ask him to continue.

Oogway sighed as he said ” However the dantian is not alone in determining one’s elemental affinity , it’s their entire being that evolves from birth to adapt to the dantian.

This is the reason why by dantian transplant one cannot change their elemental affinity , and why you are not hunted since birth for your superior element.

Which is because , the blood vessels , the organs and the heart , every fibre of an elemental users being is designed to be in accordance with that element , as the body as a whole is a smooth machine with many interconnected parts.

replace one , and it will never run the same again , which is why one is stuck with the elemental affinity they are born with”.

What Oogway was basically trying to say was that not only Ronan’s dantian , his blood vessels his heart , every organ in his body was designed to handle 95% thunder and 5% fire essence flowing through the blood , as no other essence would be permitted in any other ratio in his body.

Understanding this concept Ronan nodded in acknowledgement and signalled for Oogway to continue.

Oogway said ” That is about the origins of elemental affinity , now let’s talk about the nature of elements , and why some are stronger than the other.

This is because of the fact that some elements are closer to the true nature of mana than the other .

Mana is the energy that creates and mana is the energy that destroys. Lord Shiva himself wields pure mana , as the world itself is pure fuel for his needs.

Following closely behind are the forbidden elements , that have nearly the same constitution as mana , except for the part that gives life.

They are forces of destruction , similar to what lord Shiva wields himself when he enters a rage.

Under the bright blue heavens , no element can counter the power of the forbidden elements , which is why their users are so feared and killed on sight. As letting them live was basically akin to raising a tiger as a roommate. Bound to end badly.

Next are the superior elements having a 70% nature similar to pure mana , boasting incredible strength.

Clans with superior element bloodlines have usually risen to form great empires and even today command respect throughout Everlon.

Coming below them are the four basic elements at 50% , followed by inferior elements at 20% , which only leave the variants .

Variants are elemental affinities that don’t fall under these categories and have wierd and unique properties. However never has there been a variant in the history of Everlon with a mana sync rate of over 50% , as all variants are basically Inferior element users or only slightly better than them.”.

Explaining this much , Oogway spat some blood from his mouth , as although Ronan and chanakaya were unaware , he was actually trying to supress the presence of the forbidden element within Ronan’s blood to atleast buy him a few years time to grow in peace.

Currently the forbidden energy in his blood was on the cusp of breaking through and leaking out and was incredibly taxing to supress.

Life force was the only energy that could counter the destructiveness of golden thunder as Oogway had to sacrifice centuries of his life to only buy a few years time for Ronan .

This was a selfless sacrifice on Oogways part , as Ronan’s pureness moved his heart to make this choice.

Noone had told him to do Ronan this favour , the one favour that he owed chanakya was already being paid back by the knowledge he imparted to Ronan . However even then he chose to do this favour for Ronan , as seeing the kid Oogway found a trace of hope in his heart.

A hope that maybe , this kid could one day bring order to this accursed world by standing at the very peak of it.

Having lived for 100,000 years Oogway had seen it all , yet throughout history he could only name 2 individuals that were even remotely comparable to Ronan Draco. Both of them his progenitors , who used their powers for evil.

However both of them had pitch black souls corrupt with the devil’s influence damned to burn in hell for the rest of eternity. However Ronan was different.

The continent still felt the effects of the two great sinners , even after centuries had passed since their death , and none of it was good.

However if Ronan would someday righteously stand at the peak of the world , just what kind of a continent would he create with his purity?

would he create a utopia for everyone and usher in a new golden age for mankind? or would he turn evil just like his ancestors?

Although Oogway did not know the answer to that question , he knew that if he did not do this kid this favour , he would never find out .

Hopefully his dreams would someday come true ….

/// Apologies for this chapter , as it is purely an info dump kind of chapter , however essential for world building and context.

again an apology for uploading it unedited , as the schedule with my editor was missed ///


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