Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 39 Meeting The Progenitor

“Chanakya, why did you bring this cursed child wielding the forbidden to my doorstep?” The ancient voice asked. Both Chanakya and Ronan were stunned for a moment.

Ronan had no idea what wielding the forbidden meant, or why he was called a cursed child? He looked towards Principal Chanakya for answers.

Chanakya answered, “This is Ronan Draco, son of Alexander Draco and grandson of Augustus Draco, formerly known as Augustus Phoenix, the leader of the phoenix clan.

“He is the second prince of the kingdom and a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy having a 9 star natural comprehension. I bring this kid to you, o’ great guardian, to use my one favor that I have with you. Please grant him the opportunity to learn about the nature of elements from a progenitor like you, as nobody in the world can explain the concept behind elements to this kid like you can.”

Silence engulfed the room for a minute before two shining sea blue eyes opened, scanning Ronan with scrutiny.

“Hmmm…the phoenix clan…hmmm, that explains the cursed smell in his blood, it’s that bastard’s bloodline. No wonder. Hmmm, a 9 star talent… Excellent constitution, an incredibly strong affinity for the forbidden along with just a trace of origin fire.

“Shame, truly a shame. You are blessed with too much, which is why your rise will be a threat to humanity itself. If you are allowed to grow, the world will someday be at your feet.

“Hmmm, should I kill you myself, right here? But you have committed no crime worthy to be punished, but that doesn’t mean you will not commit one in the future.

“…I cannot make up my mind..

“A peril, a dilemma, a hundred thousand years of life and meeting countless races and prodigies, but never met someone so blessed by the gods, yet cursed at the same time.

“Say, what do you see in this kid, Chanakya, for you to use your one favor with me on him?”

Both Chanakya and Ronan silently listened to the giant tortoise’s monologue as Ronan felt scared internally from the stuff the blue-eyed tortoise was spouting.

Chanakya too could not understand what the tortoise was saying, yet, since the guardian had asked a question, he was naturally obliged to give an answer first and ask his own doubts later.

Hence, Chanakya said, “He is a good kid. Never have I seen someone so privileged possess the same amount of willpower and drive as Ronan does. Not just that, he trains till his body runs out of mana and his muscles run out of energy. He basically crawls his way to his dorm at the break of dawn. He doesn’t have a trace of arrogance in his achievements, either. However, he’s prideful about his family. The kid is one-of-a-kind that way.”

Taking a deep breath, Chanakya continued, “Mostly, although his elder brother Percy is also similar to this one, I feel not even the faintest trace of trickery or malice inside this child. As, despite all his gifts, pure is the most suitable word that comes to my mind when I see him.”

Staring at the Guardian of Avalon, Chanakya gave his final statement, “I hold high hopes from this student. His future seems limitless to me.”

Ronan looked up at Chanakya, wide-eyed as a warm feeling arose in his heart. He had no idea that Chanakya watched him train everyday, or that he was using a favor with someone so important just to provide him with an opportunity to learn.

Coupled with the fact that he already gave up a precious pill to heal him, Ronan realized that he had a true guardian standing over him at the academy.

Putting all thoughts aside, the first thing Ronan did was fall on his knees as he kowtowed before Chanakya. He respectfully called out, “Teacher.”

It was a big deal to kowtow in the world of Everlon, as kowtowing was only done before the gods during prayer. Hence, for Ronan to do it before Chanakya showed his sincerest form of respect for the man.

Chanakya was momentarily stunned before he blessed Ronan as he said, “Ayushyamanbhava” (May you live a long life).

The ancient turtle who overlooked this entire scenario was deep in his own thoughts before saying, “Hmmm. Pure, eh? It is hard to judge whether anyone is pure or not… Do you consider yourself to be pure in heart, Chanakya?”

It was a tricky question. However, without a moment’s hesitation, Chanakya said, “No, I lost my purity a long time ago.”

The turtle looked deep in thought before giving a reply.

“I see. Hmmm… Alright, I have made up my mind. Since you claim this kid has a pure heart, we shall test that. I have three purity stones here, which the three of us will put over our tongues for one minute.

“Should the kid’s stone be even the lightest shade of any dark color, it would be beneficial to the world if I get rid of this nuisance for once and for all.

“However, should he be a pure child, like you said, then I, myself, am interested in seeing just what kind of a chosen son of heaven is this one.”

Ronan felt his heart stop for a second when the tortoise casually passed the comment that it would kill him. However, he had no idea as to why it said so or what sins he had committed. Yet, somehow, under the scrutiny of those blue eyes, it was as if he could not utter any words, and syllables that came in his mind would not manifest themselves on his tongue. He could do nothing but sweat profusely as one crystal-white stone was given to Ronan to put in his mouth.

Chanakya too was on edge from the guardian’s response. However, having confidence in Ronan’s character, he patted the kid’s back and reassured him to just go along with whatever the ancient asked him to do as he himself put the crystal-white stone on his tongue.

Reassured by Chanakya, Ronan put the stone over his tongue as he patiently waited for a minute to pass. Every second felt like an eternity to him. He worried if his increased heart rate would alter the results negatively.

At the end of the minute, the giant tortoise took the stone out of his mouth first. The transparent white crystal had became a navy blue color, signifying that he had failed the test.

“100,000 years… It’s a long time. The world has filled me with malice, no question about that,” he said with a melancholic expression.

The next one to take out the stone was Chanakya. His was a deep green tone with a hint of mustard in it. “Cleaner than I expected. Not a bad man,” said the ancient tortoise with a satisfied tone.

Although both Ronan and Chanakya had no idea what the colors signified, the tortoise seemed to know what he was doing. Thus, they just went along with it.

Ronan was incredibly nervous as he took out the crystal from his mouth. However, much to his relief, it was as white as before. In fact, it seemed a little bit clearer.

“Hmmmmm… A truly pure soul. A blessed soul, yet a cursed bloodline. O’ lord Shiva, my creator, my lord, what have you done with this creation of yours? So unique, so pure, yet so tainted. Why have you sent him to me? I cannot understand your intentions.

“Ronan Draco. Come here, child. The lightning in your body will even cause envy from Indra, what a mess you are. Since I can’t kill you, I will need to hide you. This world is too cruel for you to live in.”

The turtle mumbled as he chanted lord Shiva’s name continuously. Tears rolled down his shiny blue eyes, as if, looking at Ronan, he reminisced about a certain someone from the past.

A certain someone who he had deep connections with, who, just like Ronan, was a child of the heavens. Yet, fate made him a merciless killer, someone who had to be subdued by the gods themselves.

However, he absolutely did not want history to repeat itself. Especially not when he knew how pure Ronan’s soul was.

Had his soul even had a hint of malice in it, he would have killed Ronan in an instant, without hesitation. He vividly remembered the pitch-black stone that came out of ‘That’ cursed existence long ago.

However, Ronan Draco was not that existence. But the crimes of that being were surely going to come bite Ronan someday. The Progenitor of Water , master Oogway was reasonable. He could spare Ronan. But, knowing what was inside his body, many ancient powers would absolutely never tolerate his existence on this continent!

He would be hunted to the ends of the earth by those who would be scared by his ability to wield the forbidden. As no element user in the world can stand upto a forbidden element user , however a forbidden element user with a 95% affinity was unprecedented in the history of Everlon .

/// Here is a fun riddle for you guys for a small prize .

Solve this riddle and DM me the answer on discord

Question : ” What does a liar do when he dies? “.

The first 10 person to dm me the answer will get a coin code for 100 coins , just something fun to tickle your brains .

I will try do this on a weekly basis for my privilege readers , with one or two games a week and many many prices. Hopefully you all enjoy .

Come join my discord server if you are not already there , here is the link. I will also paste it in the comments . https:///KJtRdwcW94 ///


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