Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 24 Declaring his presence

Ronan took on his fighting stance as he asked ” You can use a weapon if you want , i will fight bare-handed “.

The laughter died down in the crowd as they looked at Ronan dead serious and felt a pang in their throats as they understood that the first year was actually serious .

Jessie found this funny as he sized Ronan up and said ” Oye , oye , has all the legendary drafting gone to your head or what Draco? , I agree you are a great talent becoming level 27 at age 7 , a marvellous feat ! However listen to me Brat , i am ten levels and four years of combat experience above you. I did not spend my years in the academy chasing after girls or learning literature . I’m a honor class student for close range combat , and someone who trains in this very training ground every single day. Let everyone here be my witness that I do .

If you think that I will be scared of you just because your name is a Draco and go easy on you and let you beat me , you are wrong. I will break your bones in this spar draco boy , soo back off and f*** off , as this is the first and last mercy that I will give you “.

Everyone urged Ronan on to let the matter slide , as the rules placed by the academy for peer to peer sparring were clear.

Both parties had to be willing , and no loss of life was allowed . There had to be atleast two witnesses to the fight , Student or otherwise .

Since Ronan asked for the sparring himself , it was clear that he was willing . Hence if Jessie actually did take the opportunity to fight Ronan , legally Ronan would not be able to complaint even if he was badly bruised and had broken bones after the combat.

Nobody wanted to see the second prince who had just arrived be taught such a lesson on the very first day , as they found the idea of taking on someone 10 levels above themselves utterly ridiculous..

Since Ronan did not listen to reason , many tried to convince Jessie to lay it off. But how could Jessie lay it off when he was completely sure of his victory and willing to get back at Percy Draco in anyway possible. Not to mention the fact that Ronan basically violated him with his insults. Hence he was more than happy to teach him a lesson.

The academy students were not happy about this fight breaking out , However since Ronan did not back off , and Jessie accepted the fight , legally there was nothing they could do.

The crowd parted ways as a large circle was made for the two parties to fight in , as a fifth year student council member became the refree of the match.

Jessie chose to also fight bare-handed , much to the releif of the crowd , as they were not sure as to how far Jessie would go to satisfy his ego , should he have chosen a weapon to fight too.

The fifth year council member came to the centre of the circle as he called both Ronan and Jessie to the centre as he said ” Alright , i want a clean fight and no crippling injuries .

Be safe at all times , protect your vitals at all times , hear my commands at all times , as when i say STOP , i want you both to STOP , okay ?

Touch fists and go back “.

Jessie put his fist forward for Ronan to have a bump , however Ronan just stared a hole through Jessie’s eyes but did not touch fists back as he walked off to his side without it.

The crowd cheered this display of cockiness as they shouted ” Ooooooooo “

As Jessie was left embarassed with his fist hanging in the sky , as he shrugged and walked back to his corner.

Ronan calmly monitored Jessie as he spotted a million things wrong with the kid from the very second he started to walk .

Ronan’s mind was a oiled machine that was coded since a young age to find mistakes in any warrior he faced. Instantly only from Jessie’s walk , Ronan could figure out many things that could be used to his advantage.

1) Jessie had uneven feet. He was leaning slightly towards his right side as his centre of balance was naturally off , and his right shoulder was a little bit slant.

Ronan figured that it was probably a leg fracture that was not healed accurately enough , making the length of his legs a little disproportionate . A truly trajic flaw to have as a warrior .

2) Because of the right shoulder being a little slant , there was a constant neck pain that bothered Jessie , as his neck muscles were more stretched on one end than the other. which would make Jessie turning his neck again and again In quick succession straining on his muscles.

3) Finally when Jessie was shadowboxing in the air , throwing vain punches as he convinced the crowd of his might , Ronan observed the pitiful way in which he threw his punches. There was no weight behind his technique as he used no hip in those punches.

The punches probably had lower power than mother Sierra’s slaps as Ronan sighed observing the idiot who was about to have a face-slapping of a lifetime.

When the refree called for the fight , Jessie observed Ronan for the first time , as chills went down his spine looking at the predatory eyes and perfect battle stance he had adopted .

Ronan’s face devoid of any expression it was cold and impossible to read , as he held his ground and let Jessie make the first move.

Ronan was used to sparring with level 70 soldiers and even his almighty father , hence the pitiful speed of a level 37 warrior did not bother him much.

Ronan knew that the only thing that would get him to loose this fight was if he went into a slugfest of strength with Jessie. As at level 37 Jessie’s strength was indeed much higher than Ronans.

However Ronan never planned on letting such a situation happen , as he relied on his superior technique and battle experience to give the senior a run for his money.

Jessie swung a mighty blow , as Ronan let the superior ranged Jessie punch him close to his face , only tilting his head slightly at the last second for the punch to whiz past his ear as he returned one of his own landing right on his jaw.

Jessie was naturally sent flying as he could not understand what happened to him , or how he missed his move.

Jessie tried to get back up on his feet , however it was like he could feel his feet , but his feet did not respond to what his mind said as being hit on the chin he had lost his motor-neuron communication temporarily , a phenomenon he was not aware of.

” WHY CANT I MOVE? ” , shouted Jessie as he saw Ronan calmly approach him with his hands behind his back .

Ronan instantly went speed mode as he circled around a fallen Jessie with nimble toes and incredible speed , as he made Jessie turn his neck multiple times with the strain making him slow and dizzy after a while.

When Ronan was sure that Jessie could not follow his movements anymore , a frightening roundhouse kick landed on the face of Jessie as Ronan broke three teeth and knocked him out unconscious!

There was silence in the entire training hall for a second , as even the refree forgot to speak and declare Ronan the winner of the match .

As Ronan calmly walked off as he said ” Boring “

Only then did clamours break all over the training hall as people lost their damn minds over what just happened . A first year student Ronan Draco , just picked a fight with the fourth year genius Jessie and defeated him in under 20 seconds with a 10 level difference!

Everyone parted and gave way to Ronan as he passed through a sea of crowd that was applauding and clapping his performance with most being covered in sweat over seeing the young monsters performance.

It was absolute domination , even more clean than the victory Percy Draco had over Jessie in the last year’s finals , and Percy was actually in the academy for 10 months at that point and Jessie was only level 35.

Hence on the very first day of academy the legend of Ronan Draco started to spread as the infamous training hall incident was the talking point inside every single house’s dining halls , as everyone in the academy knew from the very first day that a beast had set foot inside the academy.

A beast called Ronan Draco , the second prince of Avalon !


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