Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2 The Origin Of His Powers

Alexander took his second son in his arms, his heart full of unspeakable emotions as the baby wriggled in his embrace, he looked at Ronan, and for a moment nothing else in the world mattered.

He looked in his eyes, the same jet-black eyes that he had, and swore that he would never let these pretty black eyes turn red. Grandpa Augustus and Percy then came into the room, as Augustus kept weeping in joy at the sight of his beautiful second grandson.

He kept muttering his name ‘ Ronan ‘, he was over the moon. But his happiness did not last long, as the high priest of the temple of the Fire God Agni, came into the room.

With The priest were Alexander’s mother and Augustus’s wife Luna Phoenix and a Clergyman from the temple, with a two crystal ball in hand.

Alexander stiffened up, as he put his son back beside his sleeping mother. He then said ” Greetings, high priest Roygar “.

Roygar bowed, he said ” Greetings, My king”. Then he bowed towards Augustus ” My chief “.

Augustus just snorted, he had no interest in such formalities, he hated the orthodox members of the church, and he was not afraid to show it..

Roygar said ” Congratulations on having a healthy baby boy my king, according to our clan’s rules, I am needed to test his aptitude and elemental affinity, Just after birth is a golden time to test such things as this is when the world’s mana first reacts to one’s pure body. May I? “.

Thunder boomed in the background!

Alexander’s and Augustus’s eyes turned a shade redder, as the temperature in the room turned up by a few degrees.

Due to the increased heat, Ronan started to cry, which woke Sierra up. Sierra was startled to see the men in the room, At first, she saw her husband Alexander and son Percy, then father and mother in law, but the moment her eyes landed on the High priest Roygar, her expression stiffened, as she glared daggers at the man, like a fierce lioness protecting her baby.

While Roygar was here to indeed do as he said, test the elemental affinity of the baby and the talent he possessed, according to the traditions of the Phoenix clan, should the baby have any connection to the forbidden element, he would be killed at birth.

Roygar did not come in peace, he was here to enforce the will of the temple and the laws set up by the first ancestor. Alexander was torn, an internal struggle in his mind, about what to do was raging a battle. For a moment there he was indecisive, which lead to Roygar taking a few steps towards his child.

Sierra flared up when she saw Roygar approaching, she said ” Not one more step priest “.

Roygar put both his hands up, however, continued to move forward as he said ” I come In peace my queen “.

However, he forgot how much the king loved his wife, as in a flash, blood was trickling from his neck, as he found a sword at his neck. It was Alexander’s sword, With fierce eyes as red as blood now, Alexander glared at Roygar, he said: “You Dare to defy your Queens orders? “.

Roygar stopped at once, he said ” The test is mandatory my king if you are uncomfortable with me carrying it out, perhaps you could do it yourself “.

Roygar was not a man with a weak spine, Alexander might be the king, however, the temple was not weak either. Connected to the roots of the fire clan, if a war broke out between the state and the temple, there was no saying who the Phoenix clan members would side with. The rules were absolute, and he was here to enforce them.

Usually, a clerk would have come, however, today was especially ominous, a thunderstorm came out of nowhere in the arid land of Avalon, and the mana fluctuations were abnormal, it was exactly the omens of that forbidden power.

Alexander and Augustus knew it too, so did Sierra, that is why they were so apprehensive of the high priest.

In the world of Everlon, everyone was born with elemental affinity, whether it was man or beast. There were four basic affinities, Four inferior affinities, and three superior affinities. Usually, elemental affinity was a racial trait, very rarely did exceptions occur.

The four basic affinities were :

Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth

The inferior Affinities were :

Metal/sand ,Ice ,Nature ,Sound

While the three superior affinities were :

Darkness ,Light ,Thunder

Only on rare occasions was someone born with dual or triple affinities, and even if they were born with dual affinities usually one’s affinity to one element would be much greater than the other.

Effective dual wielders were as rare as finding a pearl in the ocean. However, what common people did not know was there was an even stronger version to the superior affinities, a knowledge buried and lost with time. The knowledge about the forbidden powers.

The reason why the knowledge of these powers was lost is that the races who possessed these powers were deemed as threats to mankind and hunted to extinction, thousands of years ago.

Beyond darkness laid the forbidden power of the void

Beyond Light laid the forbidden power of the sun .

Beyond thunder was the forbidden power of golden thunder.

Each of these powers was a hundred times more powerful than their base counterparts, and hence individuals wielding the forbidden powers were akin to gods amongst superhumans.

There were two races that once used to wield the powers of the sun and destruction. The pureblood angel and the pureblood demon race. The two were in a constant power struggle a thousand years ago, and when heroes from the human race started to rise to prominence, the two-way power struggle became a three-way deadlock.

With the ancestral genes diluting, the angels and demon races slowly lost the powers of destruction and the sun and became darkness and light energy wielders.

However, terrifyingly, compared to the powers of destruction and the sun, the golden lightning was much more terrifying. The only existence in the history of the continent to have wielded the power of the golden thunder was ‘that’ cursed existence that was said to be the father of the Phoenix clan.


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