Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 18 Academy Life

Ronan reached the national academy after a 7 hour long journey from the capital .

The academy was built on Mount Satpura ( Seven mountains ) , a chain of 7 peaks on which smaller schools of practices were built. Looking from afar it looked like a mysterious yet beautiful place hidden behind clouds with dazzling sunlight falling as streaks of individual rays onto the treetops.

With the base of the mountain being home to village ‘ Lonavala’ , consisting of only retired military personnel and their immediate family with an overall population of 2000.

It was safe to say that the academy was located at a quiet and isolated place with basically no external influence. Yet with a unique flora and fauna and an optimal study environment.

Ronan entered the academy from the first peak , called the ‘ Peak of Gathering ‘ , the place where the academy market was located , it was also here that visitors were greeted and any entry to non-authorised personnel beyond this peak was restricted .

It was here that the customs and quests hall was located , as the entry and exit of all goods as well as the issue of quests and missions for students was issued. As only those with a academy badge issued could leave the campus grounds..

Since it was the start of a new semester with 7 year olds from all over the nation gathering , there was a special welcoming area constructed to welcome all the new students.

While education was free for everyone from Avalon , the academy did accept any student aged 7 for the price of 20 Gold a year as tution fees.

The reputation of the academy was extremely high amongst other countries , however the high fees made sure that only a select few fortunate enough to have the money could enroll as there were about 1500 students enrolled from abroad .

There were a total of 12,000 students in Ronan’s batch , which was a 5% increase over previous years batch and a 50% increase over a 10 year period , displaying how the popularity of education in the academy was on the rise.

Since the education was basically free , parents slowly started to push their children towards studies , rather than getting them into labour as they understood that with them only graduating school and attending a sect for higher training. Their chances at a better life were incrementally more than being a farmer.

With many peasant to noble stories becoming a reality , after one being a shining star in the academy , with the head general Sam being the principle example , the popularity of enrolling into the academy was on a rise.

However with a fixed state budget , an increase in popularity of education meant that the competition for resources was that much more intense. As with more people to take care off , the same resources had to be thinned out.

As Ronan entered the academy grounds he noticed that the children around him had not concealed their aura at all as he could easily make out who was at what power level in a 100 meter radius around him.

Ronan was not a very judgemental guy , he was pretty much chill with everything in life and did not bother with who wanted what . However power was important to him , as even though he would never express it outwardly , his mind went

‘ Trash ‘

‘ Trash ‘

‘ Trash ‘

‘ Trash ‘

As he scanned the room for potential sparring partners were that could be worthy enough to make friends with.

However his search returned inconclusive as the highest level he found out in the crowd was 7 , it was a power level that he had achieved when he was 3 years of age.

What perplexed Ronan however was that people in the crowd flocked the level 7 kid as if he was the reincarnation of the fire god Agni himself as they worshipped him and tried to please him with pleasantries.

Ronan was a royal , hence his handsome facial features and well groomed appearance and oiled hair made him stand – out from the crowd a bit . But because of his bruised body with visible battle scars all over. He looked more like a son of a warrior than the prince of a nation.

Ronan had long learnt about how to conceal his power level , and he did not intend to reveal it to anyone if he was not needed to do it . However he had no qualms about displaying it either. But the display had to be meaningful , he was not interested in vanity or becoming an object of worship from weaklings.

A few kids tried to strike up conversation with Ronan , asking him his name and where he was from and such basic questions , but Ronan just looked at them without uttering a single word. He was not interested in making idle chat with level 2 kids.

Ronan usually only dealt with disciplined military officers who were his sparring partners in the palace or with his family . Hardly ever having peer -peer conversation with kids his age , hence when he heard the shrill voices of annoying brats he was not interested in giving anyone a reply.

However this gave him an arrogant aura as those who did not get a response from him got annoyed , calling him deaf and a stupid child.

These remarks made Ronan raise an eyebrow , however father Alexander had long taught him that an angry warrior was a dead warrior and a warrior who fell for taunts and vain pride was even worse than a dead warrior .

Hence Ronan had learnt to grow immune to useless taunting from a very young age , as he stood in bliss not caring of what others said about him.

Thankfully soon the principle of the academy came out to address the crowd along with 8 teachers following him , dressed in pairs wearing red , blue , green and yellow robes with different sigils on them. With the principle being dressed in a regal white.

Ronan tried to feel the fluctuations of aura coming from the principle however to his shock there were none . It was like the principle was in a realm similar to his grandfather and father , most likely surpassing level 100 . Which made Ronan instantly more respectful of him , as he became more attentive for his speach.

Naturally just like Ronan , everyone quietened down as the teachers arrived , as anticipation built for the academy Life that was about to start!


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