Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 145 The terrifying strength of Ronan Draco

The match between Percy and Ronan Draco soon entered a stalemate where none was able to get past the others defenses.

At the beginning of the fight both fighters showed attack power amazing enough to blow each other away while defense was irrelevant, however now defense became the focal point and the initially strong attacks seemed to be pointless.

However it all changed as to when Ronan started to take things a bit more seriously and started to understand the holes in Percy’s defense.

The armour of flame looked perfect , but it was actually not as while it was hard to see from far away , Ronan who was seeing the effects of the armour’s defense from close distance could easily see the trick behind it.

The armour of flame was like a damage absorbing fabric. When hit hard it spread out damage equally to all parts of the fabric without a single part taking the brunt of the attack , it was like a armour but alongside the fluidity of a liquid.

This design was ingenious as it allowed the Armor to neutralize a lot of attacks and come out unscathed, however Ronan could still notice the ripples on the armour when he hit it with a strong attack..

This meant that the fabric like armour naturally had its limits as to how many strikes it could take , and while naturally there was a strike strong enough to pierce that fabric from a single spot , it was actually easier for Ronan to attack it from multiple points at once to create a tear.

Attacking from multiple angles was much easier for Ronan than to create a single strike powerful enough to blast it apart . However the real amazing part was him coming up with this deduction mid-fight as he understood the core nature of Percy’s defense.

Percy was trying a similar trick on Ronan’s defensive technique, trying to find it’s weakness but unfortunately his comprehension was not as fast as Ronan’s Draco’s. He was not able to find a flaw before Ronan did and hence was put on a backfoot as Ronan started his counter.

Ronan pulled away from Percy for the first time in a longtime as instantly he looked towards the sky and summoned dark thunderclouds.

This was the last skill that god vishvakarma had imparted him before he left the cave , the special reward for surviving three years . It was a peak thunder move called ” thunder prison ” , in its perfected form it could even enslave the phoenix , however what Ronan had comprehend at this moment was just the first attack of that move which was the Five dimensional strike.

As the thunder cloud rumbled in the sky the sect masters felt their minds going numb. If they found elemental manipulation to be unbelievable then what about natural manipulation?

In the whole wide world except for a few monsters from the world order and sect masters like themselves who else could mobilize the elemental energy of nature?

Even Alexander only knew 2 natural elemental attacks from his trip to retrieve the ring and hence even he was shocked to see Ronan perform it.

However everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when they felt Ronan’s own lightning affinity present within that cloud and not natural lightning. The clouds were something that Ronan had himself created and not something he summoned.

Even so , to be able to produce lighting clouds Ronans potential was terrifying as everyone watched on as to what was going to happen with anticipation.

Percy frowned , he could feel that Ronan had exerted a lot of strength to summon this move as he could feel that Ronan’s energy reserve had been depleted by half to summon this one move.

This meant that Ronan had bet big on this attack and if he could wether it out he could most likely out-do Ronan in terms of stamina.

His initial plan having failed and his back-up plans not being executed due to Ronan’s weird defense that he had never seen before , Percy was already anxious on how he was going to win. However with this gamble that Ronan was making he might just have a chance to clutch victory.

Percy readied himself for a grand move , however he failed to see through Ronan’s true plan at this moment .

A flash of lightning descended from the sky as percy mobilized a fire shield to protect himself from the direct attack as he raised both his hands to mentain the shield.

The thunder and the shield collided and Percy could feel the insane power behind the attack as his muscles were forced to their limits to withstand the blast .

However right as Percy felt like he would be able to wether through it , Ronan used elemental manipulation to break the lightning strike into 5 pieces as he struck Percy ‘s exposed torso.

Percy could not react in time to add protection against the lightning strikes to his chest as both his palms were struggling to Mentain the shield in the air , but inwardly he was not too worried as he had full confidence in his armour of flames to be able to defend himself.

However, the unthinkable happened at that moment as being pierced from five different angles at once , the armour of flames broke as lightning pierced Percy’s body!


SHOCK ! , HORROR ! , DISBELIEF could be seen not only on the face of Percy Draco but also on the faces of Augustus and Alexander Draco. Uptil this day the armor of flames had never been broken! yet a scion of their own clan broke that same invincible armour at the young age of 13.

Blood dripped from Percy’s chest as he felt more blood rise up his throat which he was forced to swallow down.

It was at this moment that he was finally reminded about the true attacking nature of lightning element which was second to none. Just a light zap and his body was already suffering from internal bleeding.

The crowd in Avalon became deadly silent , as only the panting sound of the two brothers was audible throughout the arena.


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