Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 137 Ronan Vs Percy (1)

It was the day of the fight , and both Percy and Ronan had not slept a wink the night before.

For Percy it was because he was nervous and scared about the fight , his mind running simulations of what could go wrong and how could he bounce back from the worst.

This was the single fight that he had planned a thousand times in his head, with every step of the plan having a plan B, C , D and E , with him planning the next step of each of those steps as well.

As he memorized Ronan’s moves and his movements and his understanding of his brother as a fighter , he utilized every small detail to make his plans more and more refined to give him the best odds of victory.

Every single minute in the night felt like an hour to him , as his brain functioned at high capacity. For him this was more than just proving that he was number one in this tournament. For him it was a battle for self pride and confidence , as since the day that Ronan had started cultivating , Percy had constantly felt the pressure of being surpassed by his more talented younger brother.

Had it been anyone else , they would have crumpled infront of a talent like Ronan ages ago , as even top tier talents like Zimo were not worthy to take on Ronan with their vastly superior cultivation bases and an even larger age difference..

In many ways , the pressure from Ronan forced Percy to become the best version of himself as the constant push urged him to move past his limits which he would not have easily done from just self motivation.

However if in this fight he lost , then it would mean that all those efforts and all that training was for naught , and that in the face of his brother’s overwhelming talent , his hardwork would prove to be inferior.

Percy did not expect Ronan to live in his shadow forever, as sooner or later the young prince was sure to shine more than the older brother. But if it came after the duo reached 18 then it would be acceptable to Percy as then it would mean that until adulthood his hardwork kept him above even a 9 star talent like Ronan!

Hence this was a fight to prove his worth as a warrior and all the painful days he trained when he did not need to , just because he could be the idol that Ronan always looked upto and not be the weaker senior brother.

For Ronan , the night was sleepless because of the excitement.

For him fighting Percy was a honor , as in his eyes his brother was already the most perfect warrior that could be .

Since childhood he had never toppled his invincible brother , and that image had became a mountain in Ronan’s mind.

He wanted to scale that mountain badly ,not because he wanted Percy to lose , but because he wanted to become an even taller mountain himself.

Currently, Percy was the third strongest person in his mind , with his father being the second strongest and shakuni being the strongest.

Ronan’s ambition was to scale all three of those peaks and stand even higher , hence upon getting the chance to finally clash against the third tallest peak he could not contain his joy.

He knew that win or lose , he would definitely come out of the fight as an enlightened warrior and he knew for sure that his brother was going to bring his best , and to defeat him he needed to bring his best too.

Unlike Percy , Ronan made no plans for the battle as scheming and plotting was not Ronans style at all .

This was a way to temper himself , as he expected that in the future the fights would not always go the way he planned and he wanted to learn how to tackle unforeseen circumstances.

Should he falter so early in that goal , and start scheming from such a tender age where defeat was acceptable, he would never grow to be the peak warrior that he wanted to be.

Hence although he too could make battle plans , he chose not to.

He wanted to take everything that his brother could throw at him and still come out on top , as only and only then would the victory be meaningful for him.

He was looking forward to this fight for months now , and every single day of the competition where he fought weaklings , his heart only continued because there was this payoff in the end.

Otherwise with his nature , he would never waste 6 days of his training time to fight trash like these , as even Zimo and Mad-Dog were interesting sparing partners in his eyes and not worthy rivals.

Only Percy was worthy in his eyes , and now that he was about to get his wish to fight him. The smile on his face would just not dissapear , as he spent the night having a huge adrenaline rush.


( meanwhile Sierra )

Sierra could not sleep all night as she worried about the fate of her son’s.

She feared that the two would pummel each other to dust , as neither one were of the type that would back down easily.

As a mother it was the most painful of thoughts for her to think that the two brothers would injure each other , but she knew that as warriors such a clash was inevitable and it was natural for both of them to be competitive.

She only prayed that the result of the fight did not alter their relationship. As while she knew that if Ronan lost he would not take it to heart at all and shake if off the very next minute , should Percy lose it would be a big blow to his psyche.

Sierra knew better than anyone how hard Percy worked and why he did it , however infront of Ronan’s monstrous talent she knew that sooner or later the elder son would lose out.

Looking towards the skies , she prayed sincerely ‘ Not yet god Agni …. please don’t let Percy lose out yet! ‘.


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