Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 12 Aftermath

The next time Ronan woke up , he was in an infirmary as he saw a very serious grandpa Augustus staring aimlessly at the wall.

Weakly Ronan said ” Grandpa ..

The voice broke Augustus out of his stupor , as he rushed to check on his grandson.

Within moments , doctors , healers and other medical staff rushed into the room as the condition of the second prince was inspected.

Sierra and Luna too arrived at a moments notice , while Ronan’s eyes kept darting across the room as he looked for Percy.

” Percy …. where is big brother Percy? ” asked Ronan , panick rising in his heart as he remembered the sequence of events that happened before he fainted . Memories of which made the little one emotional , almost tearing up..

However at the last second , his brothers crystal clear voice resonated in his mind ‘ Don’t cry Ronan , We the Draco’s don’t cry ‘ the voice said , as Ronan willed his entire being to recede the tear forming in his eye.

However the way the adults were looking at each other instead of answering back to Ronan made Ronan more nervous than he already was. Fearing that brother Percy may not be well because of him.

After a moment , Sierra bit her lip as she said ” Percy is fine Ronan , however he is injured . Real warriors may sometimes get injured and need time to recoup from their injuries , hence big brother is resting now “.

In reality , Percy was not at all fine. He had both his ligaments in his leg torn by lion claws , and a bicep tendon cut in half along with half his hand , rendering movement in 3/4 limbs immovable.

Bruised ribs , a head concussion and countless scars on his body , as he suffered from severe blood Loss , teethering on the edge of life and death when he was found by his mother.

A shocking scene greeted Luna and Sierra as they came out of the worship room , completely unaware of the travesty that had came to pass inside the temple. With none of the males around and body parts and intestines of killed maids littered all over the lawn , with 3 sizzling corpses of flame lions and 2 unconscious royal prince’s.

Naturally all hell broke loose for the two women a they saw this scene , rushing to the kids trying to save their lives. As within minutes , a team of the best doctors in Avalon had been gathered tending to the two prince’s.

While Percy had to undergo a serious operation , barely staying alive after the devastating blood loss , only because of the healing magic done by grandmother Luna who constantly supplied life force to the frail body.

After a surgery lasting 16 hours and intense effort by grandmother Luna , Percy was brought out of danger. However would need 4-6 months to make a full recovery.

The news came as a releif to Sierra , however even more so to Alexander and Augustus who could finally breathe a sigh of releif.

Guilt was an extremely strong emotion , and it had been gnawing up the two men ever since they returned from a victorious bandit hunt only to find an utterly bloody temple in their wake.

Men were bad at expressing concern and emotions , hence especially in high intensity situations like these , the rational of men only swings in two directions.

‘ This is all my fault ‘


‘ Whoever is behind this will pay ‘.

which was exactly what the two Men of the family were thinking. With Augustus being the most miserable of the whole family , even more so than Sierra , acting as if his soul had been ripped from his body.

The grandpa absolutely doted on both his grandchildren to the point he did not tolerate a single scratch on them , yet to see them now lying unconscious on a bed , struggling for life , he was devastated , as the usually black eyes of his had already went beyond the blood red color .

Ronan’s unconsciousness was different from Percy’s as nobody could detect what was wrong in his body. As it was as if he had fallen into coma . Breathing normally , without any visual signs of obvious injuries , Ronan should have woken up long ago , yet 3 days had passed and he was yet to gain consciousness.

With grandmother Luna being the only one supressing a deep secret within her heart , knowing about the condition of her second grandson.

Performing a forbidden ritual to save her grandson’s life , Luna without letting anyone know sacrificed nearly 100 years of her lifespan as she ensured that her grandson would wake back up.

However even then it took Ronan 3 more hours to open his eyes , much to the releif of the entire Draco family.

With both prince’s out of the clutches of the death God Yama , joy finally entered the royal palace for the first time in a few days , however the two prince’s regaining consciousness , while a joyous occasion for the royal family , was a disaster bell for the temple and the phoenix clan.

As Alexander phoenix was finally ready to leave the royal palace to vent out his suppressed emotions , as only a fiery hell awaited everyone that he soo remotely suspected behind this incident.

With crimson red eyes , a flaming robe and golden armour , Alexander walked out of the royal palace . 1000 royal guards marching at his tail , as the real massacre of the Agni Dev temple was about to start !


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