Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 110 A spar for ages to come?

The next few days were merry in the royal palace of Avalon. Ronan had miraculously got his life back and even managed to evade the target of the world order on his back as he secured backing from shakuni.

It was like a dream come true at the Draco household and Ronan’s new ring was a big part of the equation.

Ronan finally started to make public appearances and Alexander once again started to take him to court. As both his sons sat beside his throne Alexander felt his backbone grow 2x in size as with the two maestro’s sitting beside him he felt a fire inside him which he hadn’t felt since his youth.

Getting their hands on immense amounts of monetary funds , courtesy of shakuni Alexander met with the minister of trade and commerce and Leif to start a comprehensive public welfare scheme as well as spend massively on expanding the army.

In the end a plan was approved to start two new military training camps and expand the size of the army by 100,000 men in the next 2 years.

There was a proposal for swapping old equipment with new one , but Alexander found that the old ways were still very effective in training the body and although he was not against getting new and better equipment , a complete swap was just too wasteful hence he decided to only approve request for essential equipment.

After the constant stress on making everything in Avalon by Leif under the pretext of ‘ Domestic stimulus ‘ , a concept that even Alexander was not aware of , Alexander decided to give private contracts to the blacksmith’s of Avalon on a tender bid basis..

The import of natural resources such as coal , iron ore and copper was increased significantly as Alexander had commissioned the start of two grand projects that would change the land of Avalon for generations to come.

Putting Ronan incharge of one project and Percy incharge of the other , Alexander placed heavy responsibility on both of his sons as it was also a test for them to prove their intelligence and worth while also interacting with the talents of Avalon.

Percy was in-charge of the dam project , a massive 600 feet tall dam sprawling over a 1.2 km wide river that would tap into the river ‘ Saraswati ‘ , and provide consistent irrigation to the Avalonian farmlands while also protecting it from flood.

The project would employ over 12,000 workers and was a 3 year long project with multiple complex phases involved , however if it was successfully constructed then not only would it make the usually turbulent waters of Saraswati navigable and useful for trade , but would also make it possible for miners to mine precious metals from the riverbed which was said to contain gold ore.

The discovery was a secret as of yet , as if the news that Avalon had a potential gold bed was leaked to the other nations then their lands would be under a lot of external threat as every major power covered things like gold mines the most.

Hence why alongside the dam project , it was extremely important for the safety of Avalon to start the wall project , as Alexander planned to construct walls against every major city in his country including the capital city of Avalon the ‘ Purplehaze city ‘.

Other than the capital , there were two other major cities in Avalon , Green-bay city on the banks of river Saraswati , the economic hub of Avalon and The city of white mist , the oldest city in Avalon and a conglomeration of the three strongest clans . The northmost city that was closest to three other neighbouring kingdoms and also a important stop on the inter-kingdom trade route.

Ronan was in-charge of overlooking the construction of the wall in the the PurpleHaze city , as Sierra would have absolutely killed Alexander had he dispatched him off to work in some other town , but nonetheless he was also a project supervisor of all 3 projects in name although Leif looked after the other two.

It was good exposure for Percy and Ronan to take on their first major responsibility and for the socially reclusive Ronan who was away from humans and civilization for years , it was a opportunity to break out of his shell and shake off the social anxiety.

The public welfare schemes and the new employment opportunities had a visible effect on the Avalonian economy and Alexander ‘s popularity both within the commoners and the noblemen skyrocketed as a result.

Nobody actually knew how the state could afford such reckless spending , but nobody questioned the funding part at all as the name Draco was assurance enough that everyone would be paid and on time at that.

It was because of this very mentality and respect that the royal family commanded in Avalon that there were little to no civil riots in Avalon as compared to other nations.

People internally ostracized those that did not approve of the government as for them the Draco family were their protectors and their king , and nobody else could replace or talk Ill about them.

However the respect that Alexander had managed to put to the Draco name was well deserved as had such wealth befallen upon any other king except one such as him , they would have used it to buy expensive gifts for their wives or for making expensive new mansions and palaces that they could use as summer homes.

Alexander was not of that mentality however , as not a single cent of the money received by shakuni was used for private use as according to him every last copper coin in there was the property of the people of Avalon and could only be used for their welfare.

Hence started the golden period for the country of Avalon as both the princes started to take their roles seriously and the common people were reassured that the future of Avalon was bright with both of them being up and coming.

Apparently on the 2nd day of construction of the dam , a massive level 95 one horned sea monster fish had started to attack the workers , but Percy stepped in and toasted the fish alive before feeding it’s meet to the workers for dinner.

All the soldiers were left in awe over his command of the fire element and his strength as before they could even react to the fish’s speed , Percy had already jumped in the water and evaporated and entire section of it using his flame before using a fire blast so powerful that it toasted the fish alive eventhough it was still underwater.

A 15 y/o ascended warrior was not something just anyone could achieve and Percy’s tale of valour and strength started to earn him the title of ‘ Fire Fist ‘ amongst the commoners.

However the greater shock to the world came when during the 2nd month of the construction of the wall in Purplehaze city , Ronan managed to defeat a criminal with a bounty of over 100,000 gold coins on his head.

The notorious womenizer ‘ Destro Ma ‘ , a level 107 criminal that had a massive bounty on his head placed by the central empire had somehow sneakily entered Avalon.

When one of Ronan’s workers told him that his wife was missing since yesterday , Ronan started to use his superior senses to track her from the last confirmed location of her presence to a cave in a forest 12 kms out from the capital where she was taken as a breeding cauldron by Destro.

In an epic showdown of strength Ronan’s axe slit through Destro’s neck clean as he not only saved the workers wife but also freed 17 other women that were extremely malnourished , pregnant and in a near dead state to safety.

When news came out that the second prince of Avalon was also a ascended level warrior the 13 y/o ‘s achievements blew the common people’s minds away.

Ronan’s reputation amongst the commoners was that he was a man of few words as he rarely spoke or showed emotions with only saying things that were necessary.

But although he did not speak much , Ronan was a good listener and cared about the welfare about the people under him as he never mistreated them or talked in a condescending tone.

Labelled the ‘ Ice prince ‘ , for his cold attitude and him not showing any emotions , the commoners started to fall in love with both the princes of Avalon as often debates would spark up in pubs and streets about who amongst the two brothers was stronger and more suitable to lead Avalon.


( meanwhile the night kings general )

The night kings general had now taken over 4 towns and every single one of them was a massacre where the blood of all townsmen was drained mercilessly.

More and more soldiers in his unit now looked like actual healthy humans then just a piece of bone as drinking on the blood of their victims they grew in strength.

However while they had taken down 4 towns they had not gotten any conclusive news about the phoenix clan and the rumors they had recieved were not enough to take action upon.

Feeling frustrated , the general planned a raid on a proper city in a big kingdom as he started to scout openings to launch an attack.


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