Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 105 Ronan masterclass

Ronan realised the beast that shakuni was … to have deflected his ultimate move so easily? He was definitely not an easy opponent to beat. However Ronan was not ready to give up , not when the enemy had dragged his family name into this.

Defiant , Ronan decided to use the move that the god vishvakarma had imparted to him as a reward for staying in the cave of penance for a complete total of 2 years.

It was a forbidden move used by the god of thunder ‘Indra’ himself , when the god was still a mortal and used to roam the fields of Everlon.

The complexity of the move was extremely high , and Ronan had not fully mastered it yet , despite practicing it day and night.

He had however mastered a small portion of the move and the unstable attack that he had learnt was undoubtedly much stronger than the flaming lightning wheel.

The drawback of using that move was that he did not have the precise control over thunder to avoid not getting hit by it himself , as the golden thunder that he used to practice the move with started to decay his own flesh and bones before he could even launch the attack properly.

It was because of this reason that Ronan’s progress in learning the move was slow too , as he could never muster it for more than twice a week.

The name of the move was ‘ Vinash ‘ ( Utter annihilation ) , and it was one of the staple moves of the thunder god that he used to destroy entire villages with.

The technique concentrated and compressed thunder inside one’s mana circuit before rapidly releasing it towards an opponent..

Although the basic theory of the move was simple , it was extremely difficult to execute. The move needed one’s mana circuit to be extremely elastic and capable of storing more elemental affinity than it was made for without bursting , while applying enough pressure to compress it too.

It was extremely difficult to do so without causing damage to the mana circuit , as often mana would leak from being under too much pressure and permeate the muscles and skin nearby.

For Rudra using the move with golden thunder meant subjecting himself to excruciating pain and suffering , as when golden thunder seeped into his muscles , although they were more resistant to its corrosion than a non golden thunder user , the destructive nature of the element still caused damage to his cells and hence caused immense pain to Ronan .

Had he still been a golden thunder used Ronan would not have chosen to try this move against shakuni , as without precise control he would bring more harm to himself than to shakuni in attempting it.

However with his elemental affinity suppressed to a normal Thunder user , Ronan wondered if he could push past the pain barrier and try to execute the move even if it was not perfect and some of the thunder energy that he meant to compress leaked and damages his body.

Ronan started to seriously pump out his elemental affinity in his mana circuit as he put his dantian into overload.

Had he have perfected the move , he would have only tried to compress the mana in his right arm , but Ronan had not yet learnt how to suppress mana in individual channels of his mana circuit as he could only suppress it as a whole at the moment.

Ronan put his entire mana circuit in overload as he did not circulate the elemental affinity at all but let it build throughout his mana circuit , putting pressure on his circuit walls demanding circulation.

After a while , the thunder slowly started to leak from his mana circuit to his skin as every strand of hair on Ronan’s body stood up straight as if he was having goosebumps.

Shakuni was not an amateur , he could clearly see the buildup of thunder within Ronan’s body , but he did nothing as he smiled and let the kid give it his best shot.

Although he did not think Ronan could make him mobilize more than one finger for defense , his heart ached for his mind to be proven wrong as he watched the kid with anticipation.

Uptil this moment , his evaluation of Ronan was extremely high , as the way he bounced back after suffering a crippling morale defeat of seeing his best move sliced in half was admirable.

Although he was shocked for a second , he quickly shifted to trying something new without getting hung up on the fact that he had failed.

This was a Elite mentality observed in only a select few , as it was rare to see individuals who knew that they were not going to succeed , but still did not chose to admit defeat until the very end.

Percy was one such person who could not recover from the shock of seeing Ronan’s best move beaten so easily , as he was still gaping at shakuni with his mouth wide open , and so was Augustus.

However Alexander and Ronan were different , they had the Sigma mentality as the two of them shook off this off-set in just one moment and focused on what to do next.

Although percy was also an extremely capable warrior , this was where he differed from Ronan , having survived in the wild and on his own for such a long time , Ronan understood the law of the jungle which was survival of the fittest , and the need to adapt fast or perish.

This was an experience that Alexander could not provide to Percy as no matter how he trained him , having the safety to fail and try again never gave Percy the edge that Ronan developed with his life being on the line every other day.

Having spent months deprived of basic senses , Ronan had honed his mind to a high degree , and he essentially had ice flowing in his veins as he was very quick to recover from any situation.

When Ronan reached the threshold where he could no longer actively compress the lightning anymore , he felt the lightning seep into his body at a faster rate as now it started to sting his skin which turned red as a result.

Technically he could unleash a weak version of the attack he wished to use at this moment but Ronan did not want to risk using a weak version . Looking into the eyes of the world order official he remembered the humiliation suffered by Karna sensei before his death and decided that the lightning build up in his body was simply not enough.

” Aghhhhhhh “. letting out a war-cry , Ronan pumped even more lightning into his mana circuit as he put it into critical overload , as he lost a lot of lighting affinity but gained even more.

Ronan’s entire body started to be covered in thunder , as it rippled out of every pore on him , destroying the floor beneath , as Ronan became completely covered in thunder sparks from top to bottom.

Alexander quickly stepped back and signalled Percy to do the same as he watched his youngest son in anticipation , the amount of elemental affinity he was building up in his body was terrific , it even tingled his skin eventhough he was standing 10 feet away.

Shakuni stroked his beard as he looked at Ronan and said ” Interesting …. bring it “. As he himself mentally prepared to meet the move Ronan was about to throw at him.

Ronan could start to feel the soreness in his muscles and could feel that putting any more pressure on his mana circuit would mean that he would damage it , even so he pushed past the physical pain barrier and removed all restrictions on his dantian pumping elemental affinity.

The ring on his right thumb finger started to shine brightly , as it too had to work overtime in converting the excess destructive energy in Ronan’s mana circuit that contained traces of golden thunder . But while Ronan did not realise it , it also helped in easing the load on his mana circuit as Ronan would have long busted without it .

The Draco family did not realise it being inside a room , but Ronan’s electricity build up had caused the entire climate to change as dark black clouds now circled the Avalonian palace as thunder sparkled in the sky.

Looking at shakuni with plain white eyes devoid of any pupil present , Ronan pointed towards him with a trembling arm and said ” Vinaash!”.


A thunderbolt that was large enough to be called a thunder beam was discharged by Ronan towards shakuni , as while 40% of the attacks power was directed towards him , 60% went haywire and sped towards random directions in the room.

Unlike the last time , shakuni could not flick the attack off this time as he was forced to block it with one finger .

His eyes widened in shock when he had to put real strength into both his legs to avoid being pushed back , as the tiles underneath his feet cracked with pressure.

The lightning was so bright that it created a flash blinding anyone who looked at it with naked eyes and absolutely ionised the entire air in the room as the smell of ozone was strong.

Ronan watched with bated breaths as he saw Shakuni stop his attack with a single finger , and it seemed like he would ultimately be successful in stopping the attack.

Shakuni was impressed by the power a level 101 kid could produce , however it was still not enough as he felt a slight pain in his heart by thinking that his standards were simply too high .

Shakuni knew in his heart that the kid had not mastered the move and maybe if he did he could have forced him to use one hands strength , but he was not at that level yet.

However this was the moment where Ronan stunned him completely … the initial dispersed lightning that seemed to go haywire was manipulated by Ronan at this instant , as it took a sharp turn and attacked shakuni from three sides.

Shakuni never saw this attack coming and was completely caught off-guard. He had not expected the kid to have learnt the extremely complicated art of nature’s manipulation and was forced to use both his hands to block the attack.

While shakuni was utterly shocked at the moment , a sound of laughter entered his ears as Ronan said .

” Hahahaha … Ronan Draco , respect the name you world order ba…. ” as he fainted .

//// bonus chapter for the support ya’all show … enjoy 🙃 ///


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