Rise of the Devourer

Chapter 14: Trouble in the mines

Chapter 14: Trouble in the mines

The morning suns peeked through the windows, their light reflecting off of the sweat coming from Noah’s body. Three hundred twenty seven… three hundred twenty eight… three hundred twenty nine… Noah’s arms wobbled, as he did three hundred and thirty three push-ups before his body finally gave in. That was almost five times over what he had been capable of doing before.

Breathing lightly, as he felt his body recovering almost near instantly after the exertion, Noah pulled out a towel and began to wipe himself off. Despite his best efforts to rest, he’d only needed around six hours to sleep to feel completely refreshed.

It had been no more than a day since he’d awakened, but already the changes were starting to feel massive, and if Aurelia’s words were anything to go by, even if he didn’t level up anymore, he’d continue to see these changes occur as his body adapted to his newly increased attributes over time.

“Best feeling ever,” Noah said, as he looked out the window. Aurelia had gone out for some work slightly before he’d woken up, leaving a note for him before she did. Noah had decided to spend the time experimenting with his newly gained abilities.

An array of colors swirled around his hand, [Obliterate] and [Bleed] mixing together in red and black wisps that gave an almost eerie look. Like Death and Blood, intimately intertwined in a cold and cruel dance. The sight made a pleased smiled come up Noah’s lips. He had magic now. Real magic. There was very few things that could make him feel bad now.

Changing into more appropriate clothes after he’d wiped his sweat off properly, Noah headed down, finding Lorian manning the counter.

“How’d you sleep, boy? If at all,” the innkeeper asked with a snicker.

“It’s not like that,” Noah replied with a wave. “Yet,” he added with a grin.

“I see how it is. Gotta keep at it to get the prize, eh?” Lorian said.

“What do you have for breakfast here?” Noah asked, changing the topic.

“Most of everything that’s not super fancy. What’d you like? Your lady friend came in to cook for herself, so she’s left you some food as well if you want that,” Lorian said.

“Aurelia cooks?” Noah asked, surprised.

“She cooks damn well,” Lorian replied. “Almost as good as me, and I’ve been at it for over a decade.”

“I’m surprised. What did she make?”

“Bacon, eggs and mashed potatoes,” Lorian replied.

“Sounds good to me!”

Lorian called for the younger teen that worked in the inn, and soon Noah had his breakfast in front of him. Despite Lorian’s word, the deliciousness of the breakfast still took him by surprised, and he practically snorted the food down.

“Also, I heard that you guys are heading to the mines today, is that right?” Lorian asked, as he came and picked up the empty dishes from Noah’s table.

“We are, yeah. Will be going to solve the mine issue once and for all,” Noah replied, picking pieces from the gaps in his teeth as he did.

“You should be careful in there. There’s something sinister lurking around, and it’d be a shame if something were to happen,” Lorian said.

“Thanks for the warning,” Noah replied, and Lorian nodded, walking away.

After feeling satisfied with his meal, Noah stood up from the table, and walked outside. All Aurelia’s note had mentioned was to be at the Mayor’s place in an hour or so. Strolling through the village, and taking a look around the streets, Noah made his way over to the Mayor’s place, before walking inside.

“Ah, there you are,” said the bald miner, Gerome, turning towards Noah. The miner had a pickaxe on his back this time, and looked to be in work clothes. Aurelia stood nearby as well, with new leather armor on that he hadn’t seen on her before. Noticing his gaze, Aurelia reached into her storage bracelet, before taking out another piece of leather armor.

“This one is for you,” she said, handing the item over. Noah inspected it.

Leather Armor (Common)

A simple armor made of leather.

Noah shrugged, before putting it on top of his clothes. With his inventory being the way it was, he didn’t really need any belts or such either, and for the most part was as well equipped as he could be.

“If the two of you are ready, then we should start moving. It’s a short distance away.”

Noah nodded, glancing at Aurelia once. Following Gerome’s lead, the two of them headed out from the Mayor’s place and towards the mines. A little quest marker showed the location in his map, though he couldn’t see the path yet since he hadn’t been to the place.

The walk took roughly thirty minutes, before they reached the mine’s entrance. And Gerome informed them of the history of the mines as they did.

“This used to be a dungeon. A young one anyway. Started to dig, form areas, before something or the other killed the core, leaving this husk. But as a result, the place is chock full of mana stones to mine. Even some D-grade ones. Wouldn’t have the village here if this mine didn’t exist.”

“Wait, dungeons can die?”

“Sure can. Kill the core, and it will. Although it’s extremely stupid to do so. A tamed dungeon is one of the most precious resources someone can have. Many kingdoms have been founded on the basis of their hold over some dungeon or the other,” Gerome replied.

“Maybe it was an undead dungeon? Those are a nation level threat, and basically every guild ever would mobilise to kill it before it could spread.”

“Nah, this one was a typical earth type dungeon. As common as they come. Anyway, we should move in,” Gerome said, as the three of them walked up to the entrance. Noah saw the pile of rocks that looked like they had been collapsed in. Before he could move closer to try and see if he could cut his way in using Obliterate, Gerome went closer, taking up his pickaxe. Lifting the tool up, he struck a few times in different locations, and Noah watched in fascination as the whole pile of rocks collapsed, allowing them entry inside.

“Was that an ability?” Noah asked, surprised.

“A decade’s worth of experience, and some ability,” Gerome said, making his way in.

Noah followed, stepping into the cavernous entrance. Carts full of glowing stones greeted Noah near the entrance, other equipment and pickaxes lying around. The walls themselves glittered as if they had been sprayed with shining dust.

“What’s all the light?” Noah asked, watching the cavern as the light from the entrance began to fade.

“Mana stones. All embedded in there. Normally the entrance is almost entirely barren, but it’s been a while since there’s been any mining here, so it’s started to regenerate rapidly,” Gerome replied.

“You should keep your focus up Noah. There could be monsters lurking. Especially in a former dungeon.”

Noah nodded, before pulling out the daggers from his inventory. Keeping them clutched in his hands, he continued to walk around, feeling glad he’d gotten [Void Hunter’s eyes]. The amount of darkness in the cavern would’ve been near impossible to see through without them.

Little guiding lamps were present along their path, but none that seemed to be working.

“Is it supposed to be this barren and quiet in here?” Noah asked, feeling an odd creeping sensation starting to descend on him.

“Normally there would be critters and what not moving around. But it’s been like this since the noises started coming,” Gerome said. Turning a curve through the tunnels, they found themselves in front of a door, locked by a large wooden handle.

“The main section of the mines is here,” Gerome told them, before pulling the handle as he unlocked the door.

The narrow path led to a much more open section, and Noah saw carved chunks of rock, and minerals present all over inside in a much bigger open space, filled with glowing stones that shone like stars. But his eyes were looking at something else entirely.

Blood covered the floor, limbs, bones and rotting flesh from the corpses of miners filling the mines.

Noah stared, feeling the stench and sight churn his gut. Silently, they walked in further, making their way through the path as they cut through the corpses. A moment later, a piercing cry cut through the voices, a distinct shriek as if someone was screaming.

“S..top!” the shriek came again, this time clearer.

Noah turned towards Aurelia, before all three of them began to rush in the direction of the voice. Moving through the mines, they reached another gate, and Noah used Blink to teleport to the other side.

In the distance, he saw a miner lying on the floor, bleeding, and clutching his gut. Rushing closer, Noah crouched, trying to check his pulse. “It’s fine. We’re here now. What did this to you?” he asked, trying to help the man.

“No… You need to…” the man looked up at him, and Noah froze.

Half his face was replaced by dark oozing flesh that swirled and squirmed with hundreds of tiny suckers, and teeth lined on the inside.

“Run,” the man gasped, as he fell down, and Noah stumbled back. He watched in horror, as the man’s body continued to mutate, bloating more and more with suckers and tendrils that overtook him. An inhuman shriek tore itself from the man’s mouth now, his face almost completely distorted.

Noah used identify on the creature.

[Void-grafted Human - lvl ?]

“Get away from him, Noah!” Aurelia shouted, rushing closer. The system chimed in Noah's head as he teleported away.

Quest: Trouble in the mines completed!

Reward: Experience points obtained.

Quest: Viktral Nayfar’s legacy.

You’ve found the sinister remnants of Viktral Nayfar’s research. Destroy it, and end the victim’s suffering.

Difficulty: Hard

Reward: An Epic grade summoning tome.


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