Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 15 — The Spear's Spirit Pt. 2

Book 3: Chapter 15 — The Spear's Spirit Pt. 2

Noah dodged the attack, as the axe tore through the ground, Crimson rot spreading from the strike. The Marauder screamed, its howl shaking the air and pushing Noah backwards as he felt his soul shiver for just a moment.

You have heard the cry of a [Crimson Marauder]

Youve partially resisted the effects.

All regeneration slowed down by 10%

Noah felt his body turn sluggish, as the Marauder's aura began to weigh down on him like a physical weight. He teleported once again, trying to move and run away with the kid in his arms. There was no way that he could beat the guy while also carrying a child with him.

Wait a second. If Im carrying a literal god child

Can you do something to protect yourself? Noah asked the kid, who had been surprisingly silent this entire time, watching on passively.

It took the child a moment, as if she was unsure that he had been talking to her. Noah stabbed another Crimson creature, dodging its attack as he waited for the kid to answer.

I can make shields, she said at last, in a quiet whisper.

Good. Great. Shield yourself, and dont move, Noah said, setting her down.

The girl looked at him for a moment in surprise, before a golden glow lit up around her body as a spherical sphere formed, protecting her.

The Marauder returned quickly after that, throwing his axe towards Noah who barely dodged the attack but staggered, before the giant man rushed in faster than he could see and slammed him in the gut with a punch, throwing Noah back, sending him tumbling across the battlefield. Coughing as blood came out of his mouth, Noah slowly pulled himself up. The Marauder rushed in closer, slamming his war axe down where Noah's head was.

Rolling to dodge the strike, Noah summoned his spear back into his hands, thrusting it at the man, stabbing his arm, before teleporting once more behind him. Two more specters appeared around Noah as the three of them called on bloodwyrms all at once, that bit into the Marauder's limbs, holding him in place for a second.

Noah rushed back, trying to use the chance to grab the kid and run away when the Marauder screamed, grabbing his bloodwyrms. The man bit into them, tearing chunks out as his ability dissipated. The specters fought, summoning Runeforged armaments as they attacked. The Marauder grabbed the specter's head, twisting it as one dissipated before slamming his axe through the body of the second one, killing it as well.

Noah moved faster now, teleporting ahead as he quickly grabbed the kid and began to run away. The Valkyries moved around him, trying to cover his tracks, but the Marauder moved with reckless abandon. Its axe tore through the earth, Crimson rot forming an edge on the blade of the weapon as each swing sent a wave that cut through enemies and allies alike.

Throwing his axe at Noah with a burst of power, the Marauder snorted, turned around, and used his spear to deflect the weapon. The strike's weight sent Noah backwards, as he barely deflected the giant axe, feeling his arm shiver from the impact of the strike.

The weapon flew around, moving in an arc, cutting through people like a scythe cutting through grass, as it flew back to the Marauder's arms. With a roar, the giant of a man charged, cutting through the wave of bodies and swinging with abandon as he headed straight towards Noah at a rapid speed.

Turning around and putting the child back down again, Noah faced the enemy. His shadow stirred, rising from the ground as it struck at the Marauder. Noah charged with void annihilation and his spear, using life siphon to soak in the massive amount of life force swirling all around him to heal his wounds while he charged abyssal Inferno, the flames licking his body as his spear vibrated with power.

As the shadow fought the Marauder, giving him a few precious seconds, Noah let his spear fly. The weapon flew with a howl, crackling with power as it struck, exploding in a flaming strike of black and red, as fire and void swirled.

Noah turned, ready to rush away with the time this strike had bought him, when something moved through the air rapidly. He swiveled, trying to dodge, but if he moved out of the path, the strike would hit the child. In a split second, he changed his actions, forming claws as he tried to deflect the attack, and the axe rushed ahead, cutting off his shoulder entirely.

Clutching his wound, Noah stumbled, almost falling over, as the Marauder rushed closer. Noah tried to call upon metamorphosis but found that Tony was not here and his ability failed. He struck with his spear, cutting through the Marauder's armor and into his chest, but the strike wasnt enough.

A powerful punch landed in Noah's gut, tearing through his body, the hand coming out from his back as the armored man roared, pulling his guts out. Noah drew upon life siphon, sucking up all the life force he could, he tried to strike with his remaining arm, but the Marauder grabbed it, twisting it in the other direction before tearing it out from the elbow.

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

A kick had Noah on his knees, as the Marauder reached out to grab his head and pull it off his body when a bright golden light flashed, slamming the giant armored man back. A shield formed all around them, shimmering with words that Noah couldn't read, as he turned to look sideways at the kid he had been protecting.

Kill me, the girl said, looking him in the eye.

What Noah mumbled, his voice hoarse, his body bleeding rapidly from his shoulder, arm, and the hole in his gut.

The girl's golden aura covered his body next as his injuries began to heal faster.

Noah drew harder on life siphon, marking any enemies near him with the Wyrm's curse before using bloodwyrms to kill them as he absorbed their life force. His limbs began to form at an incredible rate, but he didn't have time to marvel as the Marauder rushed in once more, striking at the shield with his axe, as it buckled, cracking.

Kill me. I know that this is a memory. Which means I most likely already died. You dont need to do all this to save me, the girl said.

Noah frowned at her words.

Im a God. A nascent one, but Im still immortal. I have already died before. I cannot truly die. All that'll happen is that I will forget all my memories and be reborn again. You can't kill me forever. And they dont want to. They want me captured alive. You dont have to suffer for my sake when you dont even know who I am. Kill me, and you will have completed your task.

Another strike from the marauders hit the shield, the cracks now covering all parts. Noah felt his abilities reform the last of his injuries, as both his arms reappeared. But he didnt pick up his weapon; instead, he simply looked at the girl and asked her a question. Whats your name?

The girl looked at him in confusion, but after a moment of hesitation, she replied, Septah.

My name is Noah. And since we know each other now, I cannot just leave you out here to die, can I? Noah said, smiling as he grabbed the weapon. Noah turned around, as the marauders struck one last time, shattering the shield. Noah let abyssal Inferno loose, rushing in closer as claws formed around his hands. He called upon his training with Kaelan, keeping his mind focused, honing his instincts instead of giving in to them.

He stabbed at the marauder's chest, aiming for the gap in his armor. The giant man swung his ax down and Noah teleported aside. Bloodwyrms rose from the ground, grabbing at the marauder's legs, as the axe swung around in a curve, almost cutting off his arms again.

A golden shield manifested around Noah, shattering from the impact of the war axe, but with enough strength for him to dodge the attack. He thrust his spear, ducking under the strike of the marauder, as the armored Crimson man swung his axe downwards in a powerful strike. Noah used his claws, striking back as he deflected the attack before using the exact moment to thrust his spear.

Golden light burst around him, strengthening him in that moment as it covered his spear, lighting it up. With a thrust, Noah pierced the marauder's felt, but he knew that would not be enough. Kicking at the giant man, he grabbed at the horns jutting from his head, pulling them down as he put his fingers on the marauder's face. The marauder screamed, trying to bite at Noah, but not before Noah unleashed abyssal Inferno from his fingers, burning the creatures face. Pulling his spear back out from his throat, Noah swung it into its heart, piercing the armor with void annihilation crackling around his weapon. Golden light lit up once again, as Noah cut through the armored mans body, before dragging his spear up to slice him in two parts.

Youve killed [Crimson Marauder - lvl 427].

Noah looked back to see the girl panting, Golden light shining among her hands as her power flowed through his body.

Thanks for the help. I probably would have died without it, Noah said, gently picking her up. The girl gave him a nod, sweat covering her face as she closed her eyes to rest for a moment. Noah began to run, using his teleports to start making his way out of the battlefield. The world blurred around him as he moved at rapid speeds, but the battlefield stretched on endlessly in all directions. The world was drenched in blood, war covering every inch of it.

But eventually, after fighting his way through the hordes of enemies, and with the childs help, after what felt like an infinite number of hours, Noah finally saw the end of the battlefield. Panting, he stepped away, finding a broken house where he stepped inside and put the child down, before taking a seat himself.

As Noah caught his breath, he looked sideways to inspect the child and found her silently observing him. Whats wrong? Noah asked.

This. This was not supposed to happen. I shouldve died in that battle, Septah said.

And you didnt. I dont see the problem, Noah said.

Fate should not change this easily. Even in a memory. The purpose of these is to inherit, not to alter, Septah replied.

Fate this and that. What does it matter? Spending all your time just worrying about what should have happened or what should happen, is no way to live, Noah replied.

I suppose youre right. I will remember this, Noah. Thank you for saving my life, Septah said.

A golden light flashed from her hands as Noah saw words appear in front of his eyes.

Quest completed!

Hidden objective: Save Septah completed!

[Blessing of Septah] obtained.

Youve inherited the memory of a great battle.

[Spear of Crimson End] has reached Rank D.

[Spear of Crimson End] has unlocked [Valkyries Call] weapon skill.

Weapon Mastery level 12 13.

As the world faded away, Noah could see the girl smiling.


Noah opened his eyes, finding himself back in the training hall, seated with his legs crossed and the spear sitting in his lap. He looked down at the weapon, finding golden engravings marked upon its body now, as the weapon had simply shifted in its form.

"How was it? Zax asked.

Good. Relatively speaking anyways, Noah said, standing up.

So, did you get something good? Kaelan asked.

Lets see, Noah said, using Identify on the spear.

[Spear of Crimson End (Growth, Rank D)]

[Progress to next rank: 0.4%]

[Weapon Skill: Valkyrie's Call]

A spear infused with holding the spirit of a Scarlet Valkyrie and the memory of the great war against the Crimson Heart, inflicting crimson rot on its enemies and wielder alike. A hunger has awakened in the weapon, morphed by [Devourer], the weapon drinks in the lifeblood of its enemies.

He could feel the weapon skill lingering at the edge of his awareness, waiting to be used. Noah smiled. Yup. But theres only one way to really find out, he said, raising his weapon.

Kaelan grinned in response, as the two headed out to spar.


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