Rise of the Devourer

Book 2: Chapter 64 — Evolution Pt 1

Book 2: Chapter 64 — Evolution Pt 1

The world swirled in a daze of fog. Floating around him. His memories were jumbled. Where was he? He’d been… What had he been doing?

What happened to… the words slipped from Noah’s mind, memories jumbled and tangled. A woman’s face appeared in his vision, his thoughts replaced by new ones.

Ah… that’s right. I’m dying.

“I…I’m dead aren’t I?” Noah asked weakly, a wheezy rasp to his voice as air whistled through the hole in his chest.

“Not yet. I’ve frozen your body and my magic keeps your soul from departing. But I cannot hold it for long,” the angel replied, a sorrowful sound in her voice.

Even though he knew what was happening, hearing it still made his throat clam. “Is everyone else alive?” Noah asked, finding more strength in his to speak.

“Many are injured, but all are alive,” the angel replied.

“I see,” Noah murmured, feeling the strength in his body starting to fade again.

“I do not know the reason for your actions, Noah. I had not expected a human of all things to decide to help me on a task like this. But know, that if it wasn’t for you, then this world would’ve been lost to the Void. You have saved countless lives today. The world may not remember you. But I will. I will not forget your sacrifice,” she whispered in his ears.

The words did not console Noah. But as death slowly eased into his body, it was the only comfort he had.

“I’ve opened a portal to the inter dimensional rifts. It will dissipate your body, returning it to nothingness alongside the seal,” the angel said, letting go of his hand.

“One… last thing,” Noah mumbled, his eyelids starting to turn heavy. “I never got your name.”

The angel paused at his words. Looking down at Noah, she replied. “Raelinah. My name is Raelinah. A Valkyrie of the Dawn.”

Slowly, Noah closed his eyes.

[Devourer (Basic → Intermediate)]

The Shard of [???] has been integrated.


Noah opened his eyes to a familiar arcade in his sight. It took him a few moments to adjust, the memories of his death messing with his mind.

Sounds of clapping came from the chamber, footsteps echoing as they made their way towards him. “Congratulations, Noah. I truly did not expect you to survive this long. You’re almost like a pesky cockroach, and I mean that as a compliment,” Dylan said.

“And you’re like the… uhh,” Noah trailed off, failing to come up with a scathing enough comeback.

Fuck, I’m gonna find something in the shower a few days later and totally regret it not finding it now, won’t I?

“Whatever. Can you just like, leave me alone,” Noah said, shooing Dylan away.

“I’m afraid I can’t, since, technically this place and by extension you, are sort of my job. As much as I hate it,” Dylan said.

“I really hadn’t missed seeing you,” Noah replied.

“Likewise,” Dylan said.

Noah ignored Dylan, looking around the Astral Space instead. He could feel the connection he had to this location a lot more deeply now, as compared to before. Not to mention… some things felt a little different.

The arcade machines were still the same, but a lot of them had… references. Noah spotted a claw machine, with little plushies of Bun Bun and Tony within them, alongside a small life-wyrm. Another fighting game had a character awfully similar to Aurelia present within it, fire and ash swirling around her in a cool animation.

Noah walked around the area, taking in everything for a few moments, before something caught his eyes. An arcade machine, marked with a blood symbol. Walking closer, Noah pressed the power button on the device, as it activated with a creepy jingle.

Starting evolution for [Exsanguinator].

Collecting unlock requirements.

Compiling results… complete.

Welcome to The Game of Blood.

A myriad of options exploded in front of Noah, lining his vision. The machine shone with a red light, like some kind of horror game, as the various path options began to present themselves on the screen.

“Wow, that’s a lot,” Noah said, scrolling through the options rapidly. He saw at least thirty options within the selection menu.

“Well, yes. Everything you do influences your Path. And for better or worse, you’ve managed to do a lot of things in a rather short amount of time,” Dylan said.

Noah scrolled through the list for a while before he realised he could adjust it based on rarity. Checking off the options, he turned off all class options below Epic rarity.

The list shrank rapidly, going from a massive amount to something much more mangeable. Noah smiled. “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.”

Noah went back to the start, looking at his first option.

[Sanguine Exalt (Epic, Rank D)]

You have traversed the path of the Exsanguinator, honing your mastery over the essence of blood. Rise now, as the Sanguine Exalt, wielding dominion over the blood and life force of your adversaries. This path marks you as a master in both sapping the vitality of your foes and fortifying your own, specializing in the potent art of blood and life force manipulation. With the prowess to inflict severe bleed status effects, you turn the very lifeblood of your enemies into a weapon, achieving a harmonious balance of offensive might and defensive resilience.

Requirements: Have the [Exsanguinator] Path at level 100.

Rewards: +5 Constitution, +3 Power and +2 free attributes per level.

+50 Constitution.

Warning: Taking this path will alter some abilities.

“Holy shit, that’s a big jump. Ten attributes per level and fifty Constitution in a go? At Epic grade? Wow,” Noah said, reading through the Path descriptions. “And that’s the basic upgrade huh?”

“Your ignorance is amusing,” Dylan commented, sitting on the sofa nearby and watching Noah in silence.

Noah ignored the guy, moving onto the next option.

[Dragon's Apprentice (Epic, Rank D)]

You have learned from a true dragon, gaining a sliver of it’s wisdom. Walk the path of a Dragon's Apprentice, mastering the art of draconic energy and might. You will be the guardian of ancient secrets and a wielder of the raw, elemental forces that dragons command. With abilities to harness draconic fury and the elemental breath of these mythical beasts, you balance the ferocious strength of dragons with strategic prowess in battle.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 with a strong affinity or connection to dragons.

Rewards: +5 Mystic, and +10 free attributes per level. +25 Mystic +25 Constitution, +25 Power, +25 Agility. Enhanced affinity with elemental energies, reflecting the diverse nature of draconian powers.

Warning: Choosing this path will lead to modifications in some existing abilities, aligning them more closely with draconian essence. This path will also affect your Race.

Noah laughed as he saw the path evolution. He’d expected something like this, but seeing it in front of him still made him chuckle. The funniest thing is how I’m actually tempted. I wonder how Zax would feel about this?

He looked at the path for a few more seconds, before moving on to the next one.

[Hematic Bodycrafter (Epic, Rank D)]

You have suffered painful torture to achieve the body you have. Now become capable ot honing it to the utmost limit. Become the Hematic Bodycrafter, mastering the art of self-enhancement through blood manipulation. Harness your own life essence to fortify and adapt your physical form, achieving feats of strength, agility, and endurance beyond normal limits and become a living testament to the transformative power of blood magic.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 with a focus on self-enhancement and blood manipulation. Have willingly modified your own body. Have advanced [Pain Tolerance].

Rewards: +10 free attributes per level. +25 Constitution, +25 Power. Enhanced self-healing and adaptive bodily modifications.

Warning: This path will change your race and some abilities.

Nope. Once was enough. And this option feels a little redundant since I already have Tony. Though being able to go further than I already can might be nice. The 10 free points is also kinda nice.

Noah thought over it for a few seconds before moving on.

[Blood Beastmaster (Epic, Rank D)]

You have altered your familiar Bun Bun with blood, turning a regular rabbit into a magical beast. Now embark upon the path of the Blood Beastmaster, commanding creatures transformed by the essence of blood. Become capable of communicating with, controlling, and empowering blood-altered creatures, turning them into loyal and formidable allies. The bond you forge with these creatures goes beyond mere control; it's a kinship born of shared essence and mutual reliance.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Must have transformed and commanded blood-altered beasts.

Rewards: +5 Mystic, +3 Constitution, and +2 free attributes per level. +25 Power, +25 Mystic. Heightened ability to bond with and empower creatures altered by blood magic.

“Huh,” Noah muttered out loud. He read through the description again, before the memories of the one rabbit he’d experimented on returned to him. “Wait a second… I did that?” he trailed off, realisation slowly dawning on him.

“Ah yes, the age old enemy. Consequences of our actions,” Dylan said, chuckling. “I’d been wondering all this time when you would realise it. I must say, I’m a little disappointed by your reaction,” Dylan said.

“You knew?” Noah asked.

“Of course I did. It’s not like I have anything better to do,” Dylan replied, lounging on the couch as he began to trim his nails.

Noah shook his head, looking one more time at the path, before he closed the option. Guess I should be careful about what I feed my blood to.

Moving on, he opened the next Path.

[Affliction Warden (Epic, Rank D)]

You have been been poisoned, burnt, frozen, cursed and inflicted with all sorts of affliction, gaining resistance to most. Take up the mantle of the Affliction Warden, developing resistances to various afflictions and the ability to cleanse them from others. As an Affliction Warden, you stand as a protector, shielding yourself and your allies from the myriad corruptions that plague the world.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Must have the [General Affliction Resistance] ability.

Rewards: +5 Constitution, +3 Mystic, and +2 free attributes per level. +30 Mystic,+20 Constitution. Superior resistance to poisons, diseases, and curses, along with enhanced abilities to cleanse and heal these afflictions in others.

Neat path. Probably great for a doctor, but unfortunately not what I’m looking for. Noah moved on to the next one.

[Scarlet Renegade (Legendary, Rank D)]

Your path is tied to the old goddess of war. Now embark upon it as the Scarlet Renegade, forged in the ancient traditions of the Scarlet Valkyries and blessed by the war goddess Raelinah. Wield the sacred and potent magics of war and purification, mastering abilities that cleanse corruption and smite foes with righteous fervor. This path empowers you to resist and repel the Rot, turning its corrupting influence into a source of strength and defiance.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Must have [Crimson Rot Resistance] at Intermediate rank or higher. Must have [Weapon Master] at intermediate. Must have ties to the Scarlet Valkyries.

Rewards: +5 Constitution, +4 Power, +3 Mystic and +3 free attributes per level. +50 Constitution, +50 Mystic, +25 Power, +25 Agility. Enhanced resistance to corruption and disease, particularly against the effects of the Crimson Rot.

Warning: Adopting this path will result in modifications to some existing abilities.

Noah’s eyes widened as he read through the option. “One fifty attributes in a go and fifteen per level huh? That’s… pretty nuts,” he said, going through the path description.

He read through the options, thinking over them carefully. Did he want to go firmly into the anti-crimson route? The feeling he got from the path was not bad, and it could potentially lead him to finding Raelinah as well. But… was that really his path? Or was he simply being influenced once again by things outside his control?

Doesn’t matter. Whatever gives me more strength will serve my purpose.

He moved on to the next option.

[Crimson Knight (Legendary, Rank D)]

Embrace the path of the Crimson Knight, wield the Crimson Rot as a weapon. Step into a realm where corruption becomes a source of strength, turning the battlefield to your advantage, spreading its influence strategically to weaken foes while remaining impervious to its harmful effects. Dominate through a blend of resilience, mystical prowess, and tactical agility, turning a feared affliction into an ally in combat.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 and demonstrated an affinity for controlling and utilizing the Crimson Rot.

Rewards: +5 Mystic, +4 Power, +3 Constitution and +3 free attributes per level. +25 Constitution, +25 Power, +50 Agility, +50 Mystic. Become immune to the Crimson Rot, relishing in it’s embrace.

Warning: Adopting this path will result in alignment with the Crimson Rot.

Pass. I’ve got enough Primordial Gods on my back already. Noah moved on to the next option.

[Wyrmblood Guardian (Legendary, Rank D)]

You have survived an encounter with a Life wyrm, and have obtained the Lifeblood ability. Now become the Wyrmblood Guardian, embracing the ancient and venerable essence of dragonkind. Your blood will be potent, turning into an elixir of life with formidable regenerative powers unparalleled by any other. Gain formidable strength and resilience, wielding the life-affirming energies of a Wyrm to protect and empower both yourself and those around you.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Must have all three types of general resistances or greater. Must have encountered and survived a meeting with a Life wyrm. Possession of the [Lifeblood] ability. Must have saved someone's life using your own blood.

Rewards: +8 Constitution, +4 Power, and +3 free attributes per level. +75 Constitution, +25 Power, +25 Agility, +25 Mystic. Mixes the essence of life-wyrms in your blood.

Warning: Adopting this path will result in modifications to some existing abilities, aligning them with the blood of wyrms.

Noah paused, as he looked through the option. This one felt… powerful. He could sense the potency of the life-force within the path, and how it would change his Lifeblood. Would be nice to be able to have more health.

After looking at the path option for some time, Noah moved on to the last available path.

[Blood Reaper (Unique, Rank D)]

You reap the blood of your enemies, embodying the essence of affliction and retribution. With the unique ability Blood Debt as your cornerstone, master the art of inflicting and reaping afflictions. You wield the power to turn the pain and suffering of your enemies into a source of strength, manipulating their afflictions to your advantage and using their own weaknesses against them.

Requirements: Have reached level 100. Have the unique ability [Blood Debt]. Have two or more affliction inflicting abilities.

Rewards: +5 Power, +5 Constitution, and +5 free attributes per level. +50 Power, +50 Constitution, +25 Agility, +25 Mystic. Enhances all Affliction abilities.

Warning: Adopting this path will result in modifications to some existing abilities.

Noah read through the description, before closing the menu. A lot of things went through his mind, as he tried to think on what direction he’d like to take from here on.

Frowning, he stepped away from the arcade machine for the moment.

I can decide later, let’s see what the other Paths have to offer first.


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