Rise of the Devourer

Book 2: Chapter 59 — A New Path

Book 2: Chapter 59 — A New Path

Snow watched Noah and the rest vanish, before her eyes turned towards the Dragon standing next to her. She still wasn’t sure what to make of him, she’d certainly heard of dragons before, but none quite like this. She had pictured them being… a lot more fearsome and terrifying.

Zax turned to look at her, with a gaze she couldn’t really read. “Do you feel uncertain about your choice now?”

Snow shook her head. “No, I want to help. I-I want to be free. And, I feel like, as long as I remain weak. I can never truly be free.”

“There is some truth to that,” Zax said. “At the very least, power does help. Though it is not everything,” the dragon said, lifting his own shackles to display them. Snow still found that hard to believe. Who could chain a dragon?

She knew Vix was power, and that she likely had support from Lord Krios… but. Even for him, she just found the prospect hard to picture.

“We can see the questions lingering in your eyes. But it is only ever a reminder to be vigilant. All that said… that man. Whoever he was, was not ordinary. It is a difficult enough to chain us in the first place, but then to create chains we cannot break? We can count the people who can make such things in the single digits,” Zax said.

“Then… how?” Snow asked.

“Who knows,” Zax replied. “It is a mystery. But we hope to find out. When we capture this woman who had enslaved you. And the lord of this city you speak of.”

Snow nodded in reply.

“But first, we must begin with you, shouldn’t we? Do you understand how a Path works? Or how most people awaken one?” Zax asked.

Snow was about to nod her head, but she paused. Did she actually? No one had ever quite told her how things worked, had they? She’d never been expected to have any other path than the one which had been forced upon her. She had never expected to have any other Path.

Silently, she shook her head.

“We had expected as much. The biggest cruelty done to a Slave, is how even upon gaining freedom, all that awaits it is a cold, unfamiliar world, that cares not for their well being. The chains extend beyond the physical ones, and knowledge, or the lack of it, can be one of them,” Zax said.

Snow’s expression turned serious, the realisation settling upon her. “Please teach me.”

Zax nodded, smiling. “A Path, is a representation of how you choose to grow the essence of your soul. For many, it is simply something they obtain, when they have found a way in life, and their souls have matured enough to become capable of accessing the Astral script. Although, a ritual is required nonetheless for initiation,” Zax said, before turning towards her.

“Your soul was forced to grow before its time. But as a consequence, it is more robust now, and will grow faster, and more easily. It is no consolation for the cruelty of the chains, but still, it is a strength you alone possess. All we need to do now, is to re-awaken that soul, and give it access to the Astral Script, and the rest will happen automatically,” Zax said.

Snow nodded, carefully noting every word, before she frowned in thought. “You had said I could… awaken a special Path… is there something I am supposed to do with that?”

“There are Paths that are hidden, and Paths that have been lost. Divine Paths are the domain of gods, and cannot be offered by anyone but them. As such, not everyone obtains equal access to the Astral Script. But. Having lived for as long as we have, we have learned some things. All you need to do, is to accept your soul, and embrace it,” Zax said.

Snow looked at the dragon, before giving a hesitant nod. “I’ll do my best.”

The dragon stepped around her, multiple hands forming out of thin air with mana, drawing glowing lines upon the floor as runes began to float through the air. “It has been some time since we have done this ritual, but the workings should remain the same. When you feel a nudge brush itself against your very being, accept it as a part of you.”

Snow nodded, focusing on the magic flowing around her. One by one, she felt the runes swirling around in circles, encapsulating her body in mana. As the spell grew, she started to feel a pressure begin to rise from within her, like a warmth, about to flood her body, and flow into her limbs. Snow almost burst into tears at the sensation, like she’d just reclaimed yet another part of her being that had been separated from her, but she kept her emotions in check, letting the warmth fill her entire being, as words appeared in front of her.

A Shadow can exist, only in light.

Your Astral Script has been generated.

With a burst of magic, Snow felt the world shift around. And she found herself standing in a dark endless expanse, with a single bright source of light coming from ahead. Like a star, glowing brightly in the void.

Yet, somehow, the place was extremely familiar to her as well. As if she’d spent many days in this place. Something dark shifted amidst the void, a figure slowly moving closer. Snow watched the darkness move, shifting around, and a moment later, a bright smile swept up her face.

Shadow walked closer, his body now much larger as the wolf rubbed itself against Snow, as she took him in a hug.

“Shadow! Is it really you?” Snow asked, looking into the giant void wolf’s eyes. A rumbling sound came from Shadow, as his thoughts were conveyed to her.

“I’ve missed being able to pet you,” Snow said, leaning against the wolf, as she gently brushed his smooth fur. After taking her time to cuddle against the big wolf, she looked at him once again, this time in confusion. “But why are you here? I thought this was going to be my Astral plane or something. I see nothing else here.”

Shadow nudged his face into Snow’s, brushing her as his body vibrated.

United. Together. We pick.

Snow heard the wolf’s words, echo through her, as she brushed his fur once more. “Yeah, you’re right. Any Path I pick, it has to be with you.”

Shadow let out a low growl, denoting his satisfaction with her words. Snow smiled, turning towards the light glowing in the distance. As she watched it, she saw more figures now appear through the darkness.

Curious, Snow walked closer, before her eyes widened in surprise. She saw herself, standing there. She wore a hunter’s clothes, with dark tattoos covering her body. A necklace made of fangs hung from her neck, the horns on her head longer, and curved, with sharper fangs peeking from her mouth.

As she saw the figure, words appeared in front of her eyes.

Path of the Void Hunter - Epic

A path of the hunter, for one subsumed with a predator and the being of the void. Together with your wolf, hunt those that lurk in the dark.

Snow watched the figure standing in front of her, a path she could embark upon, should she wish to. She looked at it for a moment, before stepping back. She wanted to see more.

Another figure rose from the shadow, this one hand blades in her hand, and a meaner look in her eyes. A wolf’s fur was wrapped around her waist, with the spectre of a shadow lurking behind her. Her horns were smaller now, little stubs, but her claws ran longer, sharper.

Path of the Abyss Slayer - Epic

Many have wronged you in your life, forced suffering upon you. But now, you walk the path of vengeance, of power, and death. Mercy is not your task. After all, you never got any.

Snow stepped back from the Path, feeling the intense aura rising from the woman. That was… a Path she could see herself walking. Had she not met Noah. Not met Zax. Not been given the hope to be able to dream again. But vengence… it was not the Path she wanted to dedicate herself too.

The figure dissolved back into the void, as she stepped further ahead. Many paths appeared in front of her, of magic, of combat, of learning. Each with their own unique features, and their own special characteristics.

Yet, it was one in particular that caught her eyes.

Snow watched a woman, standing with grace, as dark tattoos were marked upon her, with the markings of a wolf, but not just that, there were others too. Creatures that did not yet have a shape or form, a if undecided of their existence. Yet they existed, there within reach.

The older version of her looked down, a smile upon her face, as one of her tattoos shifted, flowing outwards like ink, as she saw another Shadow form in front of her. With a sleeker form, and more grace, he stood with his own tattoos, glowing like the starry night, with a promise of power.

Snow stared, captivated, looking into the woman’s eyes, as the words of the Path appeared in front of her.

Path of the Rune-Ink Tamer - Epic

Your life was changed upon meeting a creature of the void, and now, you have embarked upon a Path to try and meet many others. Mastering the art of the Inks, you carve upon you the spirits you harbor.

Snow looked at the Path, glancing around her. There were many options, many directions her Path could take. But… if there was one wish, more so than anything that she had…

She touched her chest, feeling the Path convey the emotions to a part deep within her. Slowly, Snow reached out one hand. The woman looked down at her, tattoos glowing with powerful magic, as she reached back out, and grasped Snow’s hand.

A moment later, the woman’s figure dissolved into darkness flowing into Snow’s body, as words flashed in front of her.

You’ve awakened Path of the Rune-Ink Tamer!

You’ve learned the ability [Inscribe (Epic)]!

As the power settled into her soul, Snow felt something fit in place. No matter what, from now on, she would never truly be alone.


Noah slashed through the pile of voidlings, finding the last of them crumple under his spear. He watched the monsters whittle down to nothing, his spectre greedily devouring them as the remnants of mana flowed back into him.

Noah glanced around, finding Aurelia and Erwest nearby, similarly done with any combat as well. Opening his Astral script, he took a moment to look upon it.

Astral Script:

Name: Noah Brown

Race: Astral Humanoid (Symbiont)

Rank: E


Exsanguinator - level 97

Astralwalker - level 95

Void Hunter - level 96


Power: 412

Agility: 432

Constitution: 442

Mystic: 530

Attribute points: 0

Skill points: 1

Noah let out a dissappointed sigh, closing his window. He’d really been hoping to get to level 100 before going into the next fight, but the combat here had barely been enough to give him a single level.

“We should be done here,” Aurelia said, walking up to him.

“Yeah, unfortunately,” Noah replied.

“Disappointed?” Aurelia asked.

“A little bit. Was hoping to get to level 100 and rank up before the fight,” Noah replied.

“Well, at if what Zax said is correct, you know you’ll rank up after the fight for sure. So, that’s something to look forward to,” Aurelia replied.

“Yeah,” Noah nodded, before giving her a smile. “Guess you’re right. Time to kick this monster’s ass and get to rank D. And finally get out of this place.”

“That’s the spirit,” Aurelia said, smiling as well.

“If we’re done here, then let us return,” Erwest said.

A moment later, a magic circle appeared beneath them, as they were teleported back.


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