Rise Of The Demon God

Chapter 1546 1546: Return

Chapter 1546 Chapter 1546: Return

The Dragon King came to attack the weak Snake Monarch. That's why he didn't attack with all his strength. However, before his attack could land, Long Chen interfered and sent him flying

Being disrespected like that, the Dragon King was really furious. Just because he didn't take them seriously, these people thought that they could mock him?

He came back with full strength... At least as much as he could possess in his human form. And his attack wasn't weak either. Just one attack was able to leave a crack on the Demon Emperor's blood.

The Demon Emperor gazed back at the Dragon King and the crack on his barrier. "Not bad... Though not good enough. Don't worry, I'll return to you, but first, I need to do something else."

He placed his hand on the Snake Monarch, still being focused on him.

"The Bloodline Awakening will be really painful. That's why I'll be putting you to sleep until the process lasts. That's why sleep well, little Snake."

The Demon Emperor placed the Snake Monarch to sleep. The Snake Monarch's body slowly floated down, landing on the ground as his eyes closed. The Snake Monarch's body started shining slowly.

The Demon Emperor cast another barrier around the Snake Monarch, reinforcing it even more to keep him safe from all the other attacks.

It was only then that he stretched his arms, turning around. "Alright. I did my work. Now it's your turn to show me what you're capable of. I'll cast my Domain to boost your strength and speed even more."

" I'll also protect you from skills that Target your mind, like what you were worried about. But other than that, the battle is all yours... At least until you ask me for help or get defeated.."

The Demon Emperor spread his arms wide while the Dragon Emperor hit the barrier again, making the crack even bigger.

The crack spread out as the barrier weakened even more. It was like it was just going to take one more attack to break the barrier.

The Phoenix Queen wanted to join as well, but she was told to stay back. The Rainbow Phoenix didn't allow her to get close as she first wanted to see just what it was about Long Chen.

Just what was he capable of? She knew he had many secrets at this point, and it was better to have the strongest God Beast here fight him to test his capabilities.

The Dragon Emperor clenched his fist as he attacked again. His fist once again hit the barrier, finally destroying the barrier.

The Dragon King didn't stop and continued his attack on the Demon Emperor. However, at the same time, an energy wave came from the Demon Emperor, who cast his powerful Domain.

The Dragon King was the closest to the wave, which was why he also received most of the impact. His body was sent flying once again as if rubbing salt on his wounds.

The Domain spread far and wide, covering a huge area, turning it blood red. Even the sky inside the domain was dark red.

"Alright, that finishes my job. Now your turn. Show me what you're capable of." The Demon Emperor returned the control to Long Chen, curious as to what Long Chen was going to show him in terms of fighting skills.

Long Chen was given the control when he was surrounded by all the God Kings. Fortunately, all the God Kings weren't attacking him at the same time. Let alone attacking, they were just standing back and watching the Dragon King attack him as if they didn't even need to attack.

The Dragon King balanced himself, roaring in anger. It was the second time when he was pushed back. He couldn't control his rage anymore as his aura intensified. His skin started turning blue as cracks developed in the ground around him. His hands also turned into claws as his body started becoming bigger.

He has had enough of going easy on Long Chen. He wanted to eat Long Chen alive now.

His body started transforming into his real form of a Dragon, getting bigger and bigger.

Long Chen watched the Dragon King transform before glancing at the Rainbow Phoenix.

"You will haven't changed, have you?" he asked the Rainbow Phoenix. "Always using others like a pawn to test me. First, it was the little girl in the temple, and now this..."

"Not yours," the Rainbow Phoenix responded. "You aren't worth my attention. I want to see the person who is hiding inside you. I've already seen what you're capable of, which isn't much. Now I want to see what he's capable of... The Demon hiding inside you.'

"Don't worry, little girl. I'm sure you'll have your chance to face me," the Demon Emperor spoke. "I hope your challenge invitation still stands at that time."

"No, she won't have a chance to face you," Long Chen chimed in. It was slightly odd to see different sentences coming from the same person as if he had a split personality.

"I'll be taking her down first. I already owe him a favor from last time. It's time I return the favor," he continued before joining his hands as well.

"Let me show you my domain." He also cast a domain of his own which he had learned when he was in the Heavenly Prison. He merged that with the Domain he had thanks to his darkness and merged the two together when he was training in the Heavenly Prison to create an even stronger Domain.

Another domain appeared, surrounding everyone. This Domain wasn't as explosive as before, but it was slightly more unique in what it did.

Long Chen also called out his Ancient Sword of Time.

Previously when he fought the White Tiger King, he didn't have the same cultivation, but now he had no excuse. Now he had a cultivation that was almost equal to all the God Beast Kings. If he lost even after all this, he knew it was going to be embarrassing. That's why he didn't even think of this possibility.

This time, he wanted to handle things himself!


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