Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 624 Arthur's Pain

Chapter 624 Arthur's Pain

The Gale Emperor's eyes widened upon hearing that it was from the 'old' world. He knew how precious even a single rock from the 'old' world was.

And just now, he saw a tiny weapon that looked harmless but deadly enough to even blind and disorient him for a few seconds.

If he didn't have backup, he could have ended up in a pitiful state had those three taken advantage of his disoriented state in that situation. Just the thought of it made him feel the chills.

"But how did they get it?" The Gale Emperor asked his face green with jealousy and greed, wondering what other old-world treasures the Forsaken might be hiding.

Ruthren scoffed as he said, "What they just used was probably the last of it. Otherwise, they could have used it against me before instead of waiting till the last moment. They could only use that to escape and couldn't afford to use it before. So even if they somehow got their hands on an old-world treasure, it must be some scraps left by their ancestors."

The Gale Emperor narrowed his eyes since he knew that the Forsaken actually had a grand history in the long past when they were known as the Zirian Empire before even the Xetonians came along.

He knew some of the truth because of the records left by his predecessors, but still, he didn't have the entire picture.

However, after seeing what happened, he only got even more excited to open the gates to the old world and finally find things that could help him jump to the next level. At that point, Damien wouldn't even be his concern.

But now, he was frustrated not only because Damien escaped but also because he took Yuria along with him. Thinking about it, he was already feeling suspicious about them, especially when thinking about how King Krisen seemed a bit passive for someone who considered their daughter to be more important than his life.

Would a father like that simply stay behind to protect the people while his daughter was taken hostage by the most wanted criminal? Only a fool would be gullible enough to believe that, but then again, there was no solid proof.

However, this was enough to put some pressure on King Krisen to stop him from getting any ideas about going against him.

Ruthren felt very uneasy knowing that Damien escaped along with Lily, who was vital to his agenda. He knew Lily was someone unique and special, and finding someone else like her was even harder than finding a white grain of sand in a world of sand.

The time to open the gates to the old world was also arriving soon, and nothing had ever been more important in his life.

He still didn't give up and ordered his generals and commanders to scour every inch of every piece of land on the continent, no matter which corner, in search of any Forsaken members or Damien.

Even though he knew the Forsaken had already abandoned their old safe locations because of Yohr, Ruthren just couldn't simply sit still. He even increased the bounty on Damien's head and also for any member of the Forsaken. For more chapters, please visit So none of them can show their face outside without getting caught since those who were seen helping them by even giving a glass of water would be punished severely.

Meanwhile, back in the Great Hall, King Krisen was feeling extremely anxious, but once he received news from one of his men about what happened, he was finally about to let out a huge sigh of relief inwardly.

He was astonished to hear what happened, especially with the arrival of the second strongest expert on the continent, who happened to be a member of the Forsaken. But what was even more surprising was that they had their hands on an old-world treasure.

Even he felt the chills thinking about how powerful such a small item was. It could truly change the tide when used at the right time.

However, right now, he had to act broody and angry since, in the eyes of the world, his daughter was taken away by a criminal, and who knows what that criminal would do to his innocent, pure daughter. Even others sympathized with him, feeling bad for him while the youngsters gritted their teeth and prayed to the gods to let lightning strike down Damien so that he won't lay a single finger on their goddess.

As for Arthur, he wasn't in the mood to think about Forsaken or Damien, but about Soran, who was supposedly his elder brother but died the same day, he came to know about his existence.

It just seemed too shocking and sudden, he was unable to make sense of what was going on. If Soran was that powerful, then why did his father make him the crown prince? Was it to mock him? But what did he want from him? Why was he making his life miserable?

"Arthur…here you are. I was looking for you all around," An aged voice came from behind as Arthur turned around, his eyes lighting up a bit upon seeing a familiar friendly face who was also family to him, "Uncle Sven…I am sorry, I just…"

Sven placed his hand around Arthur as he subtly led him towards a quiet corner, "Arthur, I know what you are going through because I am feeling the same thing as you are. You lost your mother while I lost my little sister, whom I took care of like a daughter since the moment she was born."

Arthur's lips quivered as he became emotional upon thinking about his mother again, whom he thought would stay with him for a long time after getting healed. But who would have thought that she would…

Sven let out a low sigh as he said in a somber tone, "Arthur, we both know on the inside that Damien didn't kill your mother. In fact, he saved her."

Arthur clenched his fists as he slowly turned his head towards Sven, "You don't think he—"

"Yes…your father, the emperor, murdered your mother," Sven said with a dark light in his eyes.


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