Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 95: Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 95: Ancient Battlefield

Kai was sitting at the balcony, opened his eyes and stopped his cultivation and stood up to look around and found Alina already dressed up in her formal teachers uniform. It was a one piece dress blue dress with a crescent moon design and a black leather belt around her waist with a black robe covering her body with a silver badge on her right chest.

While Alice came out of her changing room wearing her dress as he looked at the wall clock which was showing the time 9:30am and quickly entered his changing room to change his clothes and come out and sit together on the bench and eat breakfast.

Ten minutes later all of them arrived before the teleporter as Alina entered first and left for the inner court magic user academy from there she had to use more teleporters to reach her basic courses academy building.

While Alice entered the teleporter after her which connected to the inner court magic user academy while Kai had to wait a little for Miss Delfonia to connect the teleporter with the battle mage academy and entered the teleporter after some time.

[Battle Mage Academy]

On the other side of the teleporter Kai saw many students coming in and going out of several hundred teleporters aside from the teleporter he came out from.

It was a big magnificent hall with white marble floors with various paintings on the walls depicting landscape, lifestyle, war and many others.

"Please move aside, teleporter will reset now"came a voice out of the teleporter Kai moved aside and the teleporter automatically changed its coordination and other students came out from it. Some have two stars on their shoulders representing that they are students of second year while some have three stars.

All were walking out of the hall going towards their respective classes in a hurry. Kai also came out of the hall and asked some students where the class for the final year students are held and reached his destination and opened the door of the class and saw Lizel, Chris and all others are also here.

Classroom was mostly empty with most of the sits empty

They wave hands towards him telling him to come inside and take a seat.

"It seems like these guys are not angry about what happened in the morning,"thought Kai as he moved and sat in the front row with others as they waited for the instructor.

"So which class is currently?"asked Kai to Chris who was sitting beside.

Chris shaked his head"We final year students of Battle Mage branch don't have regular class. If it was a regular class. We all would not have come together, most likely it's a mission"

"A mission?"

"Yes, have you not heard about the contribution points. We can earn them through these missions and tasks. While tasks are optional means students can decide to do it or not, while missions are compulsory. Compared to tasks. Mission take long time and difficult to do and have risk of death but also results in greater benefit.Most likely I think it's going to about suppressing the attack of magic beast which is occurring in eastern boundary of Romand Kingdom''

Nodded Kai with a complicated expression"Do I have to suppress the beast tide which I started myself"

"I don't think so"came a voice from beside Chris. It was Lizel who said that on hearing the conversation of Kai and Chris.

Chris look at Lizel and asked"do you have any information on that mission will be about"

Kai and other also looked at her while Lizel shaked her denied it and said with worry"Romand Kingdom has Chaos empire to support it and the casualties are still not so serious to ask for supporting from Academy nor will Romand Kingdom ask for help without discussing about it with Chaos empire"

"Then what can it be?"asked Tylon with a curious look.

"Until now, the missions issued by the academy are mostly about three cases.

Hundred years beasts Tide. Current tide is not so serious. So it cannot be.

Second is Winter Song lake which gives birth to mysterious lake monsters from time to time.

Third is related with ancient battlefield"

While every one way talking about the mission

Finally at 10:10am the instructor appeared and everyone stopped talking and looked at the man.

He was a man with long uncombed hair with an untrimmed beard with dull eyes and odor of Alcohol coming from his clothes and he started Yawning before the students.

If Kai didn't sense that the guy is at peak of the Magic Knight stage. He would have thought a drunk had entered the class by mistake.

"Good morning students' 'said the instructor as he looked at the students while rubbing his eyes.

While Kai's eyes twitched.

"Don't mind it Kai not every instructor is like him. There must be a reason behind it. Among the instructor of Inner court, he deal with all mission and task related things and always busy. So most of the time we see him like this. You still get used to it"whispered Chris while Kai whispered back to him"that doesn't explain the smell of alcohol coming from his body"

While Chris smiled bitterly"That is one of Instructor Kade bad habits. He really is a heavy drinker"

Kai nodded and looked back at Instructor Kade.

"Sorry, about that I have to appear before you guys in such a manner. Last night we got urgent request from Chaos empire and Oman Empire. The requested is send by Vorn Dukedom and Raleigh Dukedom. Mostly likely the message would have reached both imperial palace by now"

Hearing the request came from Vorn Dukedom and Raleigh Dukedom. Lizel already has the idea that the mission is related to the ancient battlefield.

While Kade continued"This time mission is related to the ancient battlefield or many of you may know it by the name of paradise of death. For those who don't know let me give you a brief summary which lead to creation of ancient battlefield"

Kai and others listened to Instructor words carefully while Lizel was also interested about the history behind the ancient battlefield. She have heard about that ominous place from her father but not the history which lead to it creation.

"Ancient battlefields are one of the three most forbidden areas in the continent. The circumstances which lead to its creation is a great war which occurred one hundred fifty thousand years ago. When the three empires didn't exist and the continent was ruled by seventeen small kingdoms and the great Sahara Empire.The power of the Sahara Empire was even greater than the unified power of three empires and three kingdoms and declared continent Unification war.

Forming the alliance of the seventh kingdom which opposed the empire. The war continued for three years and the current ancient battlefield was the main battlefield. Hundreds of millions of people died during the war and finally the Sahara Empire was defeated. War didn't ended.

After the Sahara Empire was defeated. Another war occurred between the seventeen kingdoms and three kingdoms survived. Which you guys call, Oman, chaos and Radiant. 

Unfortunately the battlefield turned into a barren land filled with corpses of death soldiers and people. When the three empires tried to clean the corpse. Undead started to appear from the ground underneath them killing every living thing within the radius of 10kilometes. 

Ten years later it became a paradise of death, every night the number of Undead walking around the land increased and no living can be found. One hundred years later the land turned grey and people around the radius of twenty five kilometers started dying without any cause or disease while sleeping.

Thousand years later the first undead calamity occurred which was suppressed by the three empires. Ten thousand years later, the ancient battlefield got covered with dark clouds which never disappeared. Now undead started to come out of the ground even during the day.

Twenty thousand years later the first blood rain occurred spreading disease with no cure throughout the radius of hundreds kilometres radius. Thirty thousand years later the dark clouds expanded to a radius of hundred kilometres.

Forty thousand years later trees made up of bones started to appear creating illusions within the region"

Hearing the story of the ancient battlefield, everyone was horrified. Mysterious death? Blood rain? Disease with no cure? Bone trees and ghosts. Everyone body was trembling in horror

"We are going to such a place for this mission"thought everyone as they looked at one another.

All were worried aside from Kai who was thinking"It is just some undead. Did I not just defeat Yakto recently who can himself Emperor of undead. How dangerous can that place be"and look at Kade.

"Recent changes in the ancient battlefield are the sightings of a group of undead reported to be the peak of the Magic Warrior stage found at the outer radius of the ancient battlefield. A group of soldiers encounter them during scouting.

Duke Vorn and Duke Raleigh have asked for the assistance from Chronos Magic academy as well as the imperial academy of two empires,"said Kade with a serious expression.

"Academy have decided to send students of third year and fourth year from both battle mage branch and magic user branch. Further details you will get on reaching Raleigh Dukedom.Academy is giving you two days of time to prepare for your journey. We will meet at the outer teleporter hall sharp 7:00am on 5th July to leave for our journey. That's all I have to say, class dismissed".


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