Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 69: Chaotic Buraford Kingdom

Chapter 69: Chaotic Buraford Kingdom

[Western Region, Duke castle]

Dark clouds can be seen in the sky, not allowing a single ray of light to penetrate it, making the entire scenario gloomy and dull.

As for Duke castle. It has gone through complete transformation. No guard or living beings can be seen inside the castle instead there are moving skeletons and lifeless zombie are moving around the castle making weird sounds

ARRR....AR..AR...ARR... as black colour blood drops from their mouth and black fog rise from their body.

Castle walls are no longer covered in painting and design instead is covered in red veins and red blood which are pulsing from time to making it look creepy and scary as if entire castle is a alive. Atmosphere around the castle is full of dark and gloomy and from time to time the sound of screaming can be heard throughout the castle 


but nobody is there to respond to it.

In the main hall of Duke castle, Yakto is sitting on his throne made up of bones as skeletons and zombies are crawling around the floor in weird manners and an intense smell of blood is present in the air as he looks at the two figures kneeling on the ground is covered in blood before him.

"How are you guys feeling Prince Markus and Prince Maximus HAHAHA".

Sound of chains rings as Maximum raises his blood covered face and looks at Yakto.



"Looks like you don't even know about the deeds done by you ancestor"

"Deeds done by my ancestors?"mutters Maximus.

"Yes, your ancestors have committed the evil deed of not accepting my offer and decided to keep me sealed away but still here i am before you"


"Don't you have anything to say prince Markus?"asks Yakto with a creepy smile as he looks at the dust covered face wearing rag clothes making him look like a beggar, no aura of royalty is present around him. Only fear can be seen in his eyes as his body.

"Truly disappointing. I was expecting some resistance so that I could have some more fun crushing the descendants of the person who offended me. Well nothing can be done about that"as he waves his hand and an Undead skeleton comes holding a black portion bottle in his hand and turns around and looks at Markus and Maximus.

"Well living you guys are disappointing but don't worry after you guys die you guys will become commander in my Undead army"says as he looks at them.

"Come here open their mouth and have them drink this potion through their mouth" hearing Yakto command two Undead skeleton as they walk together Markus and Maximus

Seeing this both Markus and Maximus struggle to stand up but nothing works as two skeletons hold their neck with one hand while the other hand holds the potion bottle.

As Maximus and Markus try to free themselves from skeletons' hands while keeping their mouths tightly closed.

Seeing this Yakto look at them with dismay"such a futile resistance just accepted your faith and become part of my Undead army"as he single two more Undead skeleton"break their jaws"

Listening to Yakto command two skeleton moves and with a strong punch break their jaws.

"AHHHHHH"Pitiful screams come out their mouth with broken teeths.

As skeletons begin pounding Black potion into their mouth until nothing remains.

Seeing this Yakto is delighted and he calls back his skeletons.

"COUGH, COUGH"loud sounds of coughing started to come out of Markus and Maximus.

as they look at Yakto with eyes full of helplessness and despair.

"I like the expression you guys are making,"says Yakto as he walks towards them and stands 1meter away from them.

"What.... have... you.. given... us ...to .. drink? cough cough"

ask Maximus as he looks at Yakto.

hearing that Yakto bends his bow and looks straight into Maximus eyes and touches his face "Nothing much just liquid dark essence extract, to make you guys more powerful after you guys are dead. After all I cannot waste two initial magic warrior realm magic users in my current army"says Yakto with a bright smile but to Maximus this smile is like a smile of a devil who cannot wait to play with his new toy.

"You....you... monster..cough cough"

"Oh! you don't have to tell me that i already know that. well time to say goodbye to your old self and embrace your new self"saying that Yakto stood up with craziness in his eyes as he looked at Markus and Maximus and raised his hand and started chanting spells as dark fog rose from Markus and Maximus' body.

"NO NO NO I DON'T WANT TO DIE SOMEBODY SAVE ME SOMEBODY"screams Markus as he feels his life force getting devoured while Maximus had a lifeless expression on his face at this point he already has lost all his hope of getting saved.

All of this nightmare being three day from today when suddenly three men holding bone staff appear in Duke castle through the teleporter and after half a day entire Duke castle and Frost city was captured within 6hours while they convert citizens into Undead using various forbidden dark magic as it's spread their forces also increased with it. Even his grandfather Duke Edward with his entire family turned into zombies and skeleton knights.

When all of these events were happening he was fighting with invaders of northern tribes and on returning everything was gone but he didn't lose hope and fought against the undead army but before army of Undead who don't feel any pain or fear of death their army was not able to win and one after Maximus force got defeated and within a day entire northern region army was defeated while he was taken prisoner and taken to Duke William castle where he found out about Simon and willian dead from Yakto.

But he was not alone who got defeated Markus was also defeated in the same manner more and less.

In these three days his life had turned from a blessing into a curse.

As he looks at Yakto who is chanting spells with madness in his eyes.


These were the last two words which Maximus heard before he entered eternal slumber.



As the dead body of Markus and Maximus rise as dark fog starts, black armour around their body and their skin colour becomes white with blood red eyes as they stand up.

"YOUR HIGHNESS, WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE"as Undead commander Markus and Maximus kneel down before Yakto.

"Good good from this day you guys are my commander don't disappoint me"as he place his hand on their shoulder

"Yes your highness"

Hearing that Yakto nod with satisfaction.

"Arba stop hiding and come out. Say there is still a teleporter connection with the capital city and Almon city is not working ''ask Yakto.

"Yes, my lord, it's still the same"as the figure of Arba comes out from behind the throne and kneels down before Yakto.

Listening to Arba. Yakto nodded and looked at his two new commanders.

"Go prepare the army. i personally will go to capital city"

"Yes my lord"saying that Markus and Maximus took their leave.

"Arba goes and contacts sin archbishops and tells them to head towards the capital with their Undead army"looking at Abra.

"Yes my lord. But what should we do about the eastern region"ask Arba.

Hearing Arba. Yakto smile.

"After we take command of the capital city. Eastern region is as good as ours. After all

without any army or powerful magic user what can they probably hope to do"says Yakto

"So don't worry about useless things and follow my command"says Yakto with a heavy tone and serious expression on his face.

Seeing this Abra start to tremble"Yes.. yes my lord as you say. This servant will follow"saying that Abra leaves and Yakto returns back to his throne and sits on it.


Just as he says that the throne rises as four long legs appear from beneath the throne and leave the hall as the Undead follow behind him.


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