Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 5: Lost in wild

Chapter 5: Lost in wild

In a silent and calm part of the forbidden forest, suddenly a crack in the fabric of space appeared a meter above the ground and the figure of a young boy fell with his butt on the ground.

"Ah!" A voice came from his mouth as he felt the pain in his butt and stood up. 

He was Kai, who was just thrown out of a space crack. His mind was a mess and his heart still hadn't recovered from the sudden tragic truth. Now, he was suddenly thrown into an unknown place, his mind just couldn't adapt to such quick change, but his thoughts were suddenly stopped by a sudden roar.

As Kai looked around, he could only see trees and found a fallen tree 10 meters away from him with a hollow trunk. Then, he ran towards it and entered the trunk. From a hole, he could see a 5 meter tall beast with brown fur, a tail covered in scales, the head of a lion with two long fangs and big claws which could easily tear apart any flesh from his body. Its body was covered in blood, showing it had gone through a battle recently. 

When it looked around, it didn't discover Kai's presence and went into the forest. Kai waited for an hour without leaving the trunk to make sure the beast didn't return and ran in the opposite direction from where the best went, however, Kai knew that beast wasn't the only one in the forest.

As Kai moved slowly, he saw a beast that looked like a wolf in his way, but it was dead.

"Looking at it, it must have died no more than 3 hours ago since the blood is still fresh. There are marks left on its body from sharp claws and a deep mark which seems to have been from large teeth." He remembered the beast from two hours ago.

After some time, he found that the body had many uses for survival but he didn't have any means to remove the fur, so he found a broken fang to make a sharp weapon and left.

After half an hour of walking, he found a waterfall and on his way to find a way to cross it, he spotted a path that seemed to go behind the waterfall.

As he moved through the path, he found a cave that was illuminated by crystals and had no beast living in it. Then, he went out again and kept marking the trees to find his way back.

All these were things he had learned from his father, who was a hunter.

While he was walking, he found wild fruits and some unknown berries, but from their smell and that he saw some magic beast eating it while hidden, he concluded that they weren't poisonous. Then, while returning to the cave, he collected some tree branches to make a fire with them.

At night, after returning, he used the techniques taught by his father, placing some dry leaves and taking two stones with his hands, hitting them to create sparks. After half an hour of effort, he was finally able to make a fire. "If I was at home, mom would definitely not allow me to go near any fire." He said as he sat near the fire and remembered his home. His stomach then started growling from hunger.

"I have not eaten anything after breakfast back at home and it's already evening. It was a busy day for a 6-year-old like me. I will definitely survive and return home to mom and dad. This forest is filled with beasts, but I am the son of a hunter. Now, let's eat"He said as he looked at the food he had collected and started eating. After that, he went to sleep on a bed made of leaves near the fire. 


KA KA KA KA... The sound of bones breaking could be heard as Kai's whole body was covered in blood and he was completely naked.

It started two hours after Kai ate and went to sleep when he started feeling pain throughout his body, blood came out from his nose, ears and all the pores in his body and a strong headache as if his head was his with a 100 kg hammer over and over.

All of this was because of the food he ate. Though they looked like normal wild fruits found outside the forbidden forest, they grew under a strong concentration caused by the ether veins under the forbidden forest. The tree roots grew underneath until they reached the veins and through which it flowed up to the fruits. Because of that, it was very good for the magic beasts and magic Masters who could use it to create various pills or directly absorb the magic power in it, but for Kai who didn't have magic channels, couldn't do that so the magic started flowing through his body without stopping.

As the magic flowed through his body, it started concentrating in his mage root and the magic powers smashed his magic gate with full pressure, causing it to open from the inside out, unlike how the other magic users opened from the outside.

As it opened, all the magic power left his body starting from the magic gate while Kai fell into a coma, but the process didn't stop there. With the magic gate now open and no one to control it, the magic power automatically started flowing back into Kai's body, slowly transforming as the vortex of magic power took form and pounded the magic power into his body.

At this moment, all beasts of the forest were still awake and started feeling a sudden change in magic flow but couldn't find its source.

In the northern part of the forest, a giant snake emerged from a cave.

In the southern part, a giant eagle could be seen from the sky stopping and landing on the ground.

In the western part, a giant bee moving at very fast speeds throughout the forest stopped in her track.In the eastern part, a giant rock suddenly started shaking and a head came out from its rock shell.

In the ocean near the eastern coast of the forbidden forest, a giant head suddenly came out of the water and looked at the forest.

In the central region, the silence was broken as a roar could be heard while a sleeping dragon awoke from his slumber.

All of them wanted to know who was the monster who could cause such a phenomenon to occur.

[Next Morning]

Kai opened his eyes and checked his surroundings with expressionless face and checked out his tiny body which had gone through a change under the excess magic power and lost the ability to sense magic.

But he didn't cared and walked outside to look at the marvelous beauty of nature and a wicked smiled on his childish face and started laughing like a mad man.


'I am free. Free from the seal made by Elemental Supreme Sunaya after billions of years Who would have thought that my body is connected with a another body through soul and this body through is small and the soul is pure and in deep slumber making it a perfect vessel but still I can only use limited divine power of mine.'thought the foreign entity who is controlling Kai body.

'Its need some modifications.'

Suddenly black mist started to rise from his body as his pale brown skin turn black with his black eyes and hairs turning blood red with a bloody red aura around his body.

The atmosphere around him started to change under the influence of black mist with plants going through mutation and the bright day sky turned dark as a fearful aura covered entire core region of forbidden forest.

Magic beasts tremble in fear thoughtout the forest.

Suddenly a loud evil voice ring out into the ears of every magic beasts.

"Listen up, mindless beasts. I am Chaos Champion. God of absolute evil and from these day. We are going to play a game so make sure to entertain me. The game of hunter and pery I think you guys are familiar with it. He hahahahaha."

In the days to come, the magic Beasts are going to suffer in the hands of the greatest evil who made the entire magic world temble during the dark ages.

During the time somewhere in one of the fortress city, Filon.

A young man with long hair and necklace in his neck with his naked upper body and lower body covered by a white warped clothes around his abdomen arrived before the city lord mansion and walked towards the guard.

"Go,tell your city lord. I can safe the life of his child."said the man with a bright smile.

Guard looked at the man of unknown origin, upside down with doubtful looks but still when inside to inform city lord after all it's s known fact that city lord is looking for a solution to save his child.

As the guard go away. A young man looked towards the eastern sky with grave and helpless expression as he can see what is going on inside the forbidden forest while standing hundreds of kilometres away and clenched his fists.

When the guard rushed to him with heavy breath.

"Sir, City lord has invited to inside."

Young man nodded and follow inside with grim expression.

'First, I need to save my disciple life. Sorry Kai and magic Beasts of forbidden forest. I will came as soon as my soul stability increase.' 


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