Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 125: Undead Slaughter

Chapter 125: Undead Slaughter

[Front Gates of Ebonwick Fortress]

Sounds of heavy breaths of the soldiers can be heard,as they stand on top of the walls of the fortress. Trying to hold on to their shields and thrust their spear forward to keep the undead from climbing up the wall, with their shaking body with the sounds of arrows perishing the wind tearing apart the skulls of undead and roaring of cannons with the smell of blackpower in the air.

A group of hundred men were standing in the main gate of the fortress roaring with their lungs out as they faced the never-ending tide of Undead before them.

"Hold your position, we cannot allow a single one of these monster, cross this main gate or entire fortress will turn into ruins, do you hear me men's"shouted a man wearing a heavy armour with a longsword in his numb hand as he moves his sword and cut the undead into half, just in front of him and take a pause and looked at his fellow soldiers who are mentally and physically exhausted. But still moving their tired body and cutting the undead skeleton before him with the little strength they have left in their body.

"Front unit move back and take some rest, second unit come forward"

Hearing that quickly the hundreds men's move backwards letting the person behind them come forward without a delay.

A movement and coordination was flawless without any delay and wasteful movement.

As the new row of soldiers continued their fight and the first unit withdrew with their tired body and trembling legs.

The commander also gave his position to his second in command officer as he dragged his tired body and collapsed inside the gates. Falling down on his knees as the man runs up to him and offers him some water and wipe the sweat on his head.

As the man took a long breath and looked at the young man before him"Rick, what is the condition of storage and war resources"asked the man as he regulated his breath.

Young man named Rick shook his head with a gloomy look in his face"We only have a thousand arrows left as for the cannon balls and gun power. They are already out of stock"

Hearing that commander Darwin turned grim and despair covered his eyes, he looked at the endless sea of undead skeletons clashing towards the main gate with only a hundred men guarding the door.

As he remembered what had happened this morning.

Being a commander of heavy armoured division and person in-charge of Ebonwick Fortress city for more than ten years. He had been through many near death struggles; while patrolling around the boundary of inner regions of ancient battlefields and also had fought,and crushed many groups of undead as well as seen many weird and hideous creatures.

Just looking at them, one will get goosebumps and make one run for their lives.

In front of all those undead creatures these undead skeletons are nothing.

With his soldiers there have been many times that he had just crushed a group of a hundred skeletons just by himself.

They are slow with dull movement with no destruction power, and ability to harm a peak rank three fighter like him.

Among all the undead, they are the most common can once and stronger version of them are skeleton soldiers with crappy broken armour and dull swords.

Both are rank 2 and rank 3 undead respectively.

Until this morning, being a soldier responsible for guarding the fortress and constantly patrolling the outer region of the ancient battlefield.

The day and night does not make much of a difference. Just during the day , the skies do not look gloomy and make them feel more comfortable but not this morning.

With the draw of the day, the night petrol group returned and reported about the abnormal increase of undead inside the outer region of the ancient battlefield.

Thirty minutes later, archers in towers observed the first scattered group of undead skeletons outside the outer perimeter of the ancient battlefield and that was the sign of the beginning of our nightmare.

Being here for ten years, I have been observing undeads for a long time and have noticed, whatever may be the cause, they never left the ancient battlefield and remembered the legendary undead calamity which occurred more than hundred thousand years ago and ordered all soldiers to get ready.

Specifically ordering the light armour division to charge and destroy the group of Undead skeletons.

Thinking about that Darwin took a deep breath and looked towards the sky.

"The greatest mistake and wrong decision, I have ever made in my life"

After the first group of Undead skeletons were destroyed more and more skeletons started to gather towards the fortress.

For the first one hour, they have fully crushed waves of undead skeletons but as the time dragged on more and more soldiers started to get tired and defending the fortress started to become more and more difficult.

Two hours later, they finally started to feel the power of the undead skeleton as they kept on coming, forming an endless sea of skeletons.

Once weak and the topic of laughter becomes their nightmare.

Soldiers were fighting without eating or drinking for three hours without taking any rest and were mental and physically endurance was already at their limit but still they didn't stop and kept changing places with their fellow soldiers. One takes some rest while others fight and somehow have fought till now with an unyielding spirit.

On the other hand undead don't have any limitations on their endurance and their numbers overwhelm them.

"If this continues on, we won't be able to hold on for more than half and hour"

Just when Darwin had given up all hopes a soldier from the southern gate came running with a wide smile on his face as he tried to catch his breath.

"Sir...., We.. have just received a good news"

Seeing the wide smiling face of the soldier, Darwin asked"Why are you so happy, Donald?"

"Sir, reinforcements have arrived and you know what they are: the punishers and the vanquishers. The strongest and mighty force of the two empire"

Hearing that Darwin was shocked as his gloomy eyes filled with despair started to shine as he looked at the soldier.

"Are you really telling the truth? The two empires have sent their strongest force"asked Darwin with disbelief.

In response soldier shaked his head violently

"They will be here within fifteen minutes"

while they were getting excited, Kai and Jai were looking at the white sea of undead skeletons and skeletons soldiers.

"Some low class undead, undead created by Yakto were stronger than these moving piles of bones"said Jai with disappointment.

Hearing that Kai smiled looked at the fortress from the sky.

"Jai did you notice that all the undeads are  gathering towards the walls and front gate of the fortress, but not attacking or trying to climb the wall from any other side.They have no order and just attacking everything on their path"

Jai nodded, he also found it very peculiar.

During the time when he fought and captured the minions of the undead emperor.

The undead under him never moved like these undead, instead they attacked in an orderly manner with a strategic plan.

"It's because they are just following their instinct of a undead, without any command from high level undead with ability to think"as he looked at the skeleton sea

"They are unstoppable force, which will crush everything in their path and are extremely sensitive to life force of a living beings"

"They think of every living thing as their enemy. Making them naturally gather towards the place where living beings are present"said Kai as he looked at Jai.

"Jai, how about we have a competition?"

"A competition?"asked Jai with an interested expression.

Kai smiled"Yes, a competition on who can destroy more undead per square metre,before Joseph and Louie arrived with his forces"

Hearing that Jai laughed"a competition, I liked that idea. Last time we had a competition was about running from western end of forbidden forest to eastern end of the forest"

"It was I who won that time,"said Kai proudly.

"That's because you cheated and twisted the rules. How do you expect me to running throughout the middle of the trees with my beast form body"

"This time, I will win"said Jai confidently.

"Then head towards the land and we will drop in the middle of the skeleton sea. Let's see who destroys more undead in the end"

"Hehehehehehehe, I am on for the challenge"said Jai as both of them head towards the centre of the skeleton sea and Just hundred metres away from the land.

Kai let go of Jai and made a thin smile on his face as he drew out his sword and clashed into the sea of undead skeletons.

As twisted winds rise from the place where Kai falls down as he swings his sword.

A force generated from Kai sword swings were so powerful that all the skeletons within three meter of radius were fully teared apart, leaving nothing intact.

While on Jai end, he was just purely using simple punches as they generate force enough to twist and bend the space itself generating space quacks which are destroying everything within ten meters of its radius into nothingness as the earth tremble beneath him.

Seeing this Kai did not stay still"If you possess strength beyond the limits of the laws of this world and I also possess magic power beyond the limits of universe. These undeads are just of mortal level. I don't even have to use my sword aura to deal with them. Let me show you Jai,my new move"

As Kai put his sword back into the  scabbard beside his waist and started to release large amounts of magic power into the atmosphere as he bent down a little strength into his lower body.

Jai who was crushing undead one after another with an insane rate also noticed the overflow of magic power from Kai's body.

Suddenly Kai draws his sword flowing a beautiful circular curve as a large amount of pure magic power is released from his sword. Forming a wave of magic power crushing everything in its path within the radius of ten minutes,next second the magic power starts to twist forming a vortex of magic power as the wind rises and generates a twister. Sucking everything within its radius and grinding it into dust keeps getting stronger and stronger, as more and more skeletons get sucked into the twister of magic power.

While Kai stands still inside the eye of the twister with an arrogant smile on his face.

"Looks like this time, I am going to win again Jai"


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