Rise of Humanity

Chapter 23 Unconditional Trust

Chapter 23 Unconditional Trust

“A few of the Xin Huo inheritors that I once taught were beaten to death by the female gods. If I managed to learn this method, then I would not need to worry about my next inheritors for being beaten to death while making love.” shouted the excited Xin Huo.

Hooking up with girls? Judging at Xin Huo’s words, could it actually be that Senior Martial Sister Tao and Senior Martial Sister Yu are here for me?

Zhong Yue was stunned and he walked towards the two pretty young girls.

The two girls were a little bit nervous when they saw him walking towards them. Tao Daier quickly blustered, “Zhong Shan Clan member, we did not come here specifically to look for you and definitely not to sing for you. This is not your property, anyone could come here freely! We were here first so it was you who in fact came looking for us first!”

Zhong Yue laughed and replied, “Yes, it was me who came looking for you. Please feel free to do what you want to do.”

Yu Feiyan could not hold back anymore and she asked, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, we came here to consult you about the training state in between life and death. Would you please teach me the method?”

“You want to train in the same way as well?”

Zhong Yue considered it and shook his head, “This training method is very dangerous even for me and it would be even more dangerous for you. If you jumped off the cliff, there will be a ninety-nine percent probability that you would lose your life, and the odds would remain the same every time you jump!”

His words were not an exaggeration at all. As one leveraged the moment of life and death to trigger this state of extremity, it would never be as simple as merely jumping off a cliff. This was because in order to enter the state of extremity, one would have to cultivate to improve their prowess. While in cultivation, one would not be able to awaken so easily and thus would not be able to be conscious of their surroundings at all!

And while falling down at high speed, if one could not wake up in time, the only result awaiting that person would only be death!

Even Zhong Yue himself could not wake up in time every time as well. His survival was completely contingent on Xin Huo waking him up every time in his psyche ocean when his soul was asleep while cultivating which therefore minimized the risk greatly!

Although there were always risks when he jumped down, he still managed to survive unharmed time after time again only because of Xin Huo.

But Yu Feiyan would never have the same luxury as there was no one like Xin Huo to help her. If she trained alone in the same manner, she would definitely die as she could not wake up in time. It would still be dangerous even if Tao Daier was floating in mid-air trying to wake her soul up in time as there would only be a small window of time from her stupor - death would therefore be the only outcome if she failed to wake Yu Feiyan up in time.

It would be a difficult task to wake someone’s soul up that was still cultivating within the psyche ocean, the only feasible method was to wake the person up using the caller’s soul. If Tao Daier made a mistake in the process, Yu Feiyan would definitely die!

“If you let Junior Martial Sister Tao help, you could actually reduce the risk by a certain percentage but the risk is still very high. Senior Martial Sister Yu, I can teach you the method but it is ultimately up to you if you want to train with this method.”

Zhong Yue then told her the ways of training while treading between the boundary of life and death and how to suppress her fear. He then said, “Senior martial sisters, I need to train now, pardon me.”

He then carried the rock and then jumped off the cliff.

Tao Daier hesitated and asked, “Senior Martial Sister, are you really going to go through with it?”

Yu Feiyan was also very hesitant, although Zhong Yue told her the method and the ways, he also pointed out the risks, therefore, she also understood the immense danger inherent in this training method!

Even with the help of Tao-Tao, chances are that I might still die! Besides, what if Tao-Tao made a mistake…

After a long time of hesitation, Yu Feiyan lamented, “I guess I won’t try this training method. This desperate training method is akin to gambling with your life all in order to become a Qi Practitioner. Besides, to me, becoming a Qi Practitioner is just a matter of time, why should I risk my life just to expedite it?”

Tao Daier felt relieved as well and affirmed, “Senior Martial Sister, you are right.”

Yu Feiyan then smiled confidently and said proudly, “Even after risking his life in training, Zhong Yue is still not a Qi Practitioner. Other than that, even if I took the more orthodox path to train, I am still the best in the female house.”

Zhong Yue waited at the bottom of the cliff for a moment and he did not see Yu Feiyan jumping off the cliff. He was thinking that if Yu Feiyan jumped down and failed, he could still be able to save her from getting herself killed.

After all, Yu Feiyan was not an ill-hearted girl at all, it could be seen as her trying her best to save Zhong Yue yesterday.

“Brat Yue, not everyone has the same idiotic bravery as yours and not all of them have the same luck like yours to have someone like me!”

Xin Huo said proudly, “The girl looked like she is a determined girl but she is not like you at all. Although she has a congenial relationship with the other girl, she still does not trust her enough to leave her life in her hands. If she jumped off the cliff, the anxiousness she would feel from worrying about whether the other girl would wake her up in time would pose as a fatal distraction while cultivating. This would cause her to stop halfway and save herself before the other girl could do anything time after time. Just on account of that, she would not be able to train in the same method. You, however, have absolute trust in me and are able to entrust your life to me. You could even jump off a cliff on my word and because of that, you are able to improve at such a rapid speed as you could easily focus on your cultivation.”

Zhong Yue flipped the thought around in his mind a few times and realized that what Xin Huo said was indeed true. He could jump without hesitation when Xin Huo asked him to jump without thinking of the outcome of the possibility that Xin Huo failed to wake him up in time.

This is what people called unconditional trust!

Although it had only been a month time since his first fateful meeting with Xin Huo, he already viewed Xin Huo as someone he could always entrust his life to.

Therefore, he had absolute trust towards Xin Huo and because of that, he could focus solely on his training and smoothly improve his strength!

Sometimes, not only would one person face difficult challenges at the moment of life and death, the ostensible trust between people would also be tested in such situations.

The trust between Senior Martial Sister Yu and Senior Martial Sister Tao is not on the same level as mine and Xin Huo’s. It would be normal for her to give up and besides, if she could really trust Senior Martial Sister Tao like how I trust Xin Huo, the chances of her dying are still very high. After all, Senior Martial Sister Tao is not as experienced as Xin Huo.

When Zhong Yue climbed up the cliff again, Yu Feiyan was still standing at the side of the cliff. Her black clothes fluttered as the wind blew, striking a very attractive figure. She suddenly said, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, you are trying so hard when you are training and because of this, I really want to compete with you. Let us see which is better, your foolhardy training method or my steady training! There are still two more months until the Lawless Battles held at the end of every year. This battle will determine who will be able to enter the Ethereal Palace! I hope I will see you there!”

“A battle at the end of the year? Ethereal Palace?” asked the clueless Zhong Yue.

“You knew nothing about Ethereal Palace?”

Tao Daier was surprised and she replied, “That’s right, you had only entered the upper house for about a month, it is natural that wouldn’t know of the Ethereal Palace. It is a place where one could sense the spirits in the earth, an ideal place to cultivate your spirit. Let’s say that you want to perceive the spirit of the sun, your soul will have to fly near the sun in order to beckon towards the spirit of the sun, but can your soul fly near the sun? If you were in the Ethereal Palace, you would be able to sense the spirits in the sun. The Ethereal Palace is the sacred place of the Swords Gate, only by being able to cultivate there, will you be acknowledged by the Swords Gate and be able to advance into Qi Practitioner.”

“Junior Martial Brother Zhong, the chance to become a Qi Practitioner comes only once a year. Your qualification to enter the Ethereal Palace depends on your performance at the year end battle.”

Yu Feiyan started walking away and said, “However, you only practiced the 【Spring Thunder Swords Skill】. With just that, you will not be able to achieve much in the battle, not to mention the top ten. Besides, you will need a good soul weapon and a good totem pillar as this is a lawless Battles! Tao-tao, let’s go.”

As the two girls left, Zhong Yue confusingly asked, “Xin Huo, is manifesting a spirit that hard?”

“It is indeed very troublesome. However, I kind of feel like manifesting spirit in the Ethereal Palace is a little bit too unreliable.”

Xin Huo then said, “During the era of the Sui Sovereign, the descendants of the Sui Sovereign were all of the Yanzi race. I remember when they wanted to sense the spirits, they would just board a dragon-airship and fly straight to the sun. In order to obtain the highest class spirit of the sun - the spirit of the Sun’s Golden Crow, one would have to sense the spirits right beside of the sun. If you were sensing the spirits in this so-called Ethereal Palace, I guess you could only obtain a normal spirit of fire. Besides, the other celestial races’ descendants will also head straight towards the origin of all spirits and sense them there.”

Upon hearing his words, Zhong Yue felt like he could see a huge dragon airship flying in the galaxy heading towards the sun. He could not help but imagine the awe-inspiring scene in his mind.

“Who could even reach the side of the sun to sense the spirits now?” said Zhong Yue.

“Of course it would be me!”

The complacent Xin Huo laughed and said, “It doesn’t matter if you want to manifest the spirit of the sun or the spirit of the moon, I could easily help you to achieve either way. However, what the little girl said just now was very true. You are still far from reaching that level. It’s not that you had little techniques but your foundation is not solid enough. If your achievements can impress me, I will send you to the side of the sun or the moon for you to cultivate your spirit!”

Zhong Yue’s heart thumped faster as he heard what Xin Huo said and he asked, “How are you going to send me there?”

“When I traveled to this place with the previous Xin Huo inheritor, that old brat was already too old for anything. I then asked him to leave some arrangements for the next Xin Huo inheritor; hence, we left two portals that could directly reach the side of the sun and moon.”

Xin Huo laughed and said again, “If you could reach a certain level that impresses me, I wouldn’t mind letting you enjoy some special treatment typically afforded only to pure-blood Xin Huo inheritors. The only caveat is that I have no idea whether or not the portal is still in usable condition … Come, let us continue with your training!”

After over ten days, as Zhong Yue continued his cultivation regardless of the hindrance imposed by the weather and environment. The Yuling Pellets had also come to near the point of depletion, leaving only around three hundred of them remaining.

As a result of the strenuous training, Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean had expanded into the size of three thousand mus, just like a huge lake. As he started unleashing the power in his psyche ocean, his psyche erupted fiercely and he emitted a strong aura.

Other than that, the repeated scaling up and jumping off of the cliff helped him exercise his control the lightning Jiao Dragon, enabling him to control it like an extension of his own body. The fusion of the 【Spring Thunder Swords Skill】 and the 【Jiao Dragon Winding Body Totem Art】 had also become even more seamless and exquisite. He could also control the lightning and fly for miles at high speed. However, it would take a toll on his psyche as it carried a huge psyche consumption, unlike the other techniques meant for flight.

After achieving his current level, he could feel that his progress was beginning to stagnate.

This training method could no longer bring him much risk anymore, thereby decreasing the rate at which he succeeded in entering the state of extremity.

Tomorrow is another knowledge impartment day where the Qi Practitioners will have a talk in the upper house to educate the upper house disciples. Elder Pu has promised to fabricate me two good soul weapons and he should be done making them by now. I wonder what kind of soul weapons he made.

Inevitably, Zhong Yue felt excited as this would be his first time getting in touch with such high-classed valuable items like soul weapons.


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