Rise of Humanity

Chapter 21 The Dragon That Soars A Million Miles

Chapter 21 The Dragon That Soars A Million Miles

“Brat Yue, I will teach you how to face the vengeance of these girls.”

In his psyche ocean, Xin Huo was thrilled, he proclaimed, “All you have to do is take control and copulate with the girls, this is definitely the best and fastest solution to the problem. After that, they naturally won’t try to kill you anymore - instead, they will be soft and gentle, tender to all your wiles.”

“Xin Huo…”


“Is this what all the Xin Huo inheritors do to solve problems like these? I would be more than happy to know how they all died…”

Zhong Yue ignored the little flame’s idiotic idea, he faked a cough and said to the two ladies, “Senior Martial Sister Yu, Senior Martial Sister Tao, about that day, it’s really a misunderstanding, I hereby apologize to the two of you…”

“Junior Martial Brother Zhong need not apologize to us.”

Yu Feiyan who wore clothes of all black said calmly, she shook her head, “During that night I couldn’t hold you back, it could be taken that the matter of you sneaking into the female house was resolved. But you cowardly took cover in the dark of night and fled. Between you and me, there must be a victor, this is why I am here today. Junior Martial Brother Zhong, please!”

Zhong Yue shook his head, “There is no enmity or hatred between us, why should we fight? Senior martial sister, please forgive me, I still need to continue my training, I can’t accompany the two of you any longer.”

He stood up, consumed six Yuling Pellets and was prepared to continue his training.

A big fish shuttled Yu Feiyan beneath her feet over the surface of the lake, swirling up waves of currents behind her, the fish’s head was as big as a ship with the slight contour of a dragon, it was a fish-dragon!

The Twin Flying Fish-Goose technique she practiced, the ‘Fish’ was a fish-dragon, the king of the waters!

During that night, it was dark and shadowy, Zhong Yue only had a simple glimpse at the big fish, he had no idea what it exactly looked like. But now he knew … the fish-dragon appeared right before his eyes and under the bright daylight, it was indeed ferocious!

Yu Feiyan had clearly grasped the true quintessence of the fish-dragon totem patterns, in addition to her strong psyche, the fish-dragon she actualized was lifelike and authentic. The fish-dragon was 70 feet long, replete with blood, flesh, and bones, the draconic mouth was ferocious and it swam about in the water swiftly!

It was far superior and more profound than the Jiao Dragon Zhong Yue actualized - his dragon only had the skin without the flesh, blood nor any bones!

She must have seen a real fish-dragon before her eyes, that’s why she was able to cultivate the fish-dragon totem to this stage! Zhong Yue ruminated to himself.

What he didn’t know was that Yu Feiyan could have only cultivated the fish-dragon totem to this stage because of the totem bestowed to her by the You Yu Clan. The clan was known as You Yu because Yu is pronounced the same way as fish(Yú), the totem left behind by the clan ancestors was the fish-dragon totem.

The You Yu Clan cemented its place long ago in the history of humanity. Tens of thousands of years ago, there were Qi Practitioners among their ancestors. They had passed down the fish-dragon totem and thereafter, the clan was known as the You Yu Clan. After all these years the clan members continued to worship the fish-dragon - the fish-dragon totem spirit has been materialized into a nearly bona fide fish-dragon with great abilities, guarding the You Yu Clan!

Yu Feiyan was the granddaughter of the You Yu Clan’s clan leader, it surely would not be difficult for her to successfully cultivate the fish-dragon totem.

She is definitely worthy of the name as the superior martial sister of the female house, she hadn’t unleashed her true prowess during the clash that night. Seems like she didn’t really want to kill me but rather only wanted to break one of my 'legs' …

Zhong Yue felt a surge of strong killing intent gushing towards his face. A stream of thoughts flashed across his mind: That night she saw my prowess, therefore, she now intends to fully employ the true essence of the fish-dragon totem, not worrying whether or not I’m able to defend against it! But she only cast the fish-dragon totem while the Twin Flying Fish-Goose is the combination of two totems … This is still not her true power!

Yu Feiyan channeled her killing intent, the fish-dragon pushed the lake surface up to a tide of ten feet high, violently crashing into Zhong Yue beside the cliff, she declared, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, I am not here to listen to your opinion, I am here looking for a fight, whether you like it or not!”

The young lady was fierce and decisive, dominant and violent, she didn’t leave him with a second alternative!

Senior Martial Sister Yu must have combined the two offensive skills from the two different totem patterns into one, grasping the true quiddity of the totems, she is indeed worthy of her title as the superior martial sister!

Zhong Yue showed a face with a slight smile, carrying the heavy rock on his back and jumping down from the cliff, he thought in his heart: The cultivation techniques she practiced are stronger and more in varieties, but her psyche and soul aren’t as good as mine. If we fight, the winner is still yet to be decided. Although I am not afraid of her, there really isn’t a need to compete.

Tao Daier screamed in horror, she hopped up from the ground and stomped her feet, “Senior martial sister, you forced him to death!”

Yu Feiyan too was shocked, as her face changed drastically, the fish-dragon beneath her feet leaped out of the lake down to the cliff bottom, chasing after Zhong Yue!

Tao Daier stomped her feet and she also jumped down. She rebuked, “Why did you follow him? If the two of you died together under the cliff, people would say that the two of you little lovers died for love … Oh no, why did I follow together too? Then this story will turn into one of a man with two ladies, how would the world remember us … senior martial sister save me!”

The three of them plummeted down the cliff, but Zhong Yue was carrying a rock and so he was plummeting down faster than the ladies. Yu Feiyan followed behind him and was getting closer while Tao Daier was flailing her limbs as if she were swimming in mid-air, trying to swim her way back to the top but to no avail, ultimately falling down like the other two.

The moment he jumped down the cliff, he raised his eye and looked up, he saw the two young ladies followed his back and was puzzled: Senior Martial Sister Yu followed me down to save me or to kill me? If she is here to kill me, then wouldn’t it be the best if she just let me fall to my death, why is she following behind? This girl’s heart is not too bad after all; despite being the granddaughter of the second-ranked You Yu Clan, she did not fold her hands and watch me fall to death.

And also Senior Martial Sister Tao Daier, even she followed along too, it seems like they have their own ways to save themselves from falling to death, Hmm … they have probably learned some arts that could allow them to fly. But I’m not here to commit suicide, I’m just trying to train…

He immediately continued his visualization, again he entered the state of extremity between life and death, stretching his thoughts and reactions to the limit, visualizing the Sui Sovereign.

This time, he carried a heavy rock on his back, the slightest mistake and he could end his own life. There wasn’t any room for careless errors, even with Yu Feiyan and Tao Daier following his back, he could not allow for any distractions to his concentration.

The Sui Sovereign he visualized was more intricate than ever, the dragon scales, the whiskers and its ferocious air, every small and little minutia was getting clearer and more genuine!

With the increase in minutiae details, his psyche depleted proportionally; he was, after all, bearing the weight of a one thousand kilogram heavy rock, plummeting down faster than before and along with it, the risk of death he faced with was also greatly magnified, the sense of urgency was thus stronger!

The human instinct for survival was stimulated and it aroused the potential within him, forcing his body, psyche and soul to control and galvanize all his strength to improve himself!

Walking the tightrope between life and death would invariably be concomitant with a compelling sense of fear and terror- the inner evil within one would burgeon, feeding on the terror and fear of its host. But just when the Sui Sovereign was visualized, his presence instantly smote the inner evil within Zhong Yue, making his psyche stronger, tougher and more malleable.

While above him, Tao Daier was still helplessly flailing her limbs as if she was performing some form of native dance in the air, shouting for help. But Yu Feiyan ignored her cries. A sudden surge of psyche gushed out between her eyebrows while she visualized a big bird, the psyche below her arms started to coalesce into a pair of 16-17 feet long wings!


As she furiously beat her wings, her speed greatly increased and quickly, she flew nearer to Zhong Yue!

The young fellow and the young maiden both descended down the cliff like meteors, Yu Feiyan was getting nearer and nearer to Zhong Yue when all of a sudden she noticed the earth filling her vision, the trees and rocks were getting bigger and clearer - her heart thumped in terror!

Their speed was too great and the ground was rapidly closing in, if they fell at this rate, even with the true essence of the Twin Flying Fish-Goose that could form a pair of wings for her to soar in the skies, her current falling speed would surely lead to her inevitable death!

Her anxiety caused her forehead to become clammy with cold sweat, her thoughts were in chaos, I am too fast, my speed is too great, it’s too late now…


In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, Xin Huo released a stern and booming shout, awakening Zhong Yue who was deeply immersed in his visualization.

Zhong Yue opened his eyes widely, his incredible and resilient psyche erupted, his soul manipulated the psyche and formed a Jiao Dragon winding around his body, thundering claps rumbled in his ears, flashes of dazzling thunderbolts enveloped him - it was like a golden dragon making its grand appearance!

Crack crack crack… When a flash of thunder from the Jiao Dragon swept through the heavy rock he carried on his back, it gave off dissonant mourns as a cracking sound propagated through its body, ultimately being crushed to smithereens!

Pak pak! Just when Zhong Yue was about to steer his thunder and leave to safety, he suddenly saw Yu Feiyan fully spreading out her wings out but only to end up snapping her wings against the turbulent winds!

Terror and fear filled in her jet-black eyes, with her body posture upended, her head pointed below and legs directed above, she plummeted right down towards the woods. She would have been pulverized by the impact of her fall into a clump of minced meat in the next moment!

Honestly speaking, the time was more than enough for her to form another pair of wings with her psyche after the first pair was torn into pieces by the strong winds. She could have continued on slowing down her rate of descent, but Yu Feiyan was petrified with fear, she was not moving at all.

Her psyche ocean is completely overwhelmed by terror and fear, the inner evil within her is flourishing, causing her to mind to be lost to the immense terror!

Zhong Yue himself had once gone through what she was experiencing now, the great terror and fear when staring death in his cold eyes. He instantly knew what was going with the young lady, her psyche ocean was inundated with her inner evil, rendering her incapable of reacting to anything.

Zhong Yue let out a thunderous roar, the Jiao Dragon unwound from his body, -- Hu— It flew over to Yu Feiyan, his decision shocked Xin Huo and he couldn’t help but shout out, “Are you mad? This is suicidal!”


Thunderous lightning once again appeared wrapped around Zhong Yue, within the rumbling thunders, was birthed another Jiao Dragon!

His focus was partitioned into three, simultaneously visualizing the Sui Sovereign and actualizing two Jiao Dragons, one to save Yu Feiyan, another to save himself!

This was the first time he ever attempted something like this, it was not taught by Xin Huo, but rather it was a measure spurred by his own natural instincts, whether it was saving the young lady or saving himself, everything was done in a smooth and natural manner!

Zhong Yue maneuvered the thunderous Jiao Dragon as he plummeted down the cliff; after all, the Jiao Dragon was newly formed - there was a half second delay and thus, he was already crashing into the woods and soon thereafter, the stone-soil ground.

With his current rate of descent, even if he unleashes his full power, his death was imminent!

“Million Miles The Dragon Soars!”

Zhong Yue was never this calm before, he steered the thunderous Jiao Dragon at an oblique angle, crashing through tree after tree, off-loading his kinetic energy to cushion the descending impact force!

Krong krong krong—— One after another, the towering trees were instantly crushed to pieces of broken wood as if they were paper. The scene was terrifying and finally, Zhong Yue and the lightning Jiao Dragon landed on the ground, sliding tens of feet away before coming to a stop.

Zhong Yue shuddered as he helped himself up from the ground, he could feel the vacuum of strength in his body. Quickly, he took out six Yuling Pellets and consumed them all in one go. He turned his head only to see a tract of deep scars left behind by his ridiculous yet impressive landing, it was not a straight and narrow line, but rather, crooked and zigzagging just like the evanescent lightning trails left behind by the Jiao Dragon soaring in the sky.

These traces left behind were the aftermath of the debut of Zhong Yue’s newly invented movement skill - the ‘Million Miles The Dragon Soars’.

This brat, he did it…

Xin Huo was still trembling in shock, he heaved a breath of relief and pondered to himself, This brat might just be comparable to a Xin Huo inheritor after all…


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