Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 10: Unleashed monster [1]

Chapter 10: Unleashed monster [1]

Status update I became young pretty shocking am I right I never realized it. The height of my adult self never grew up as I got older. I got stuck at 6,2 and that's when I started high school examining my young body and some muscles that we're building in some areas. I'm guessing im 18 or 19 apart from that, my hair changed from black to white. I'm not sure if this is the effect of my transmigration or something else but why do I look like a fucking edge lord?

"Hey, did something happen you're pretty quiet once you've come back," Esther taps his shoulder to get his attention without hurting him in any way possible

"Oh, it's nothing I'm just lost in my thoughts," He brushed off his thoughts and remained silent for the rest of their journey


30 minutes later

'I'm screwed. Where the hell, am I gonna get a job? After that incident, the Guild must have made their move. I can't register in the Starter Cities Guildhall. Even if I don't join any Guild and remain a mercenary that's unaffiliated they'll have to check my stats. They'll see two of my peculiar stats or should I say my skills Mystic slash and the freaking Mana breathing,'

"Hey, do you have any food in your bag im getting hungry," Esther slightly pinched him for the least of his worries it wasn't as powerful as her previous attempts

"Ow! I do, can't you stop doing that even pinching me? It hurts like hell. You need some control over your strength–" He paused after he saw her showing a broken shackle-like bracelet

"What am I looking at exactly...? Huh well, I'll be damned. It's an artifact is this the thing that's keeping your strength at bay?" She nodded at his accurate guess Morris grabbed the item in hopes of learning more about its effects

[System: Error! The rarity is too high! You can't appraise it by means of the system's complimentary appraisal]

'Its rarity is high? How the hell does a soon-to-be-killed character have this? I never wrote much in her story sheet since she's been canceled,'

"It's because this thing got broken. I don't know its origins but it was given to me by my late parents. Even my late brother doesn't know anything about it," She retrieved the artifact into her hands, after learning its purpose in regulating her power

'I have no clue whatsoever. Im still adapting to my environment here, I never gave any pictures of what the materials may look like in my book. But im very descriptive when im writing them down. Yet this one is pretty strange never have I seen this, it must be a magical artifact for sure. I don't have any knowledge that can help her, my book only has my Mc's viewpoint,'

'Aside from that everything is a mystery itself even to me the freaking author but it does kinda makes sense. Not every item is in my story and not every place in the world has been explored so I can't complain. But applying mana in this artifact made me realize one thing. It has a mana stone attached to it, I need to find someone knowledgeable about these kinds of stuff and I already know someone,'

"I've grasped some kind of familiar feeling from this artifact. Im not gonna ask about your stats I heard that's too personal to be shared with anyone. But I think I know someone who can help,"

"Really?" Esther's eyes sparkled in delight but she was then quickly taken aback by the sudden change in his tone

"But first, let's get something to eat im starving... the starter city is just around the corner. We can get something after we come to the city's gates," He pointed to his right from afar she was able to get a good glimpse of the city

"Oh, man! But in hungry right now–"

"Eat this!" He forcefully shoved a bread in her wide gaping mouth and began taking the lead in their voyage

Sooner or later they came to be standing on the city's gates filled with a lot of different races imaginable. He was about to take it slowly that was the plan but all went downhill when he heard a worrisome message. The worst thing was that came from his lunatic of a Deity requesting the young player with another mission

[System: The Forgotten Sage is asking if you want another mission]

'So soon? It didn't even last a day when I finished the other two. Isn't he asking a little too much? I've been busting my ass for three whole fucking days what the fuck does he want all of a sudden? I need a break as well im gonna file a complaint against you if I can you stupid god,'

[System: The Forgotten Sage is using its authority to communicate with the player through his mind]

'It's a no why are you going crazy and giving me another mission I barely survived the last two missions you gave me. I need some relaxation while im at it might as well make some memories that I'll cherish. Also, do you know how fucking horrific that experience was? Your avatar might need to seek a therapist do you know how mentally damaged I was? I thought I was gonna get eaten or worse goblin raped!'

[Settle down Morris a friend of mine had foretold a disaster near your location. Do you know that one deity I asked for materials on your mask? I can't say no you have to do this I already have a mountain of favors yet to be paid off]

'Huh, why bring me into this? It's your goddamn fault for leaving a ton of debt. I never signed anything in the contract saying I need to clean your mess?'

[You don't have to do me like that. Just this once I'll make sure to give you a fitting reward. I can't imagine how much she'll keep nagging me to do this request of her. Also, isn't this what you call a win-win situation? Not only will you get my reward if you accept she'll give you one of her skills]

'A skill you say? What is the mission I can't let my guard down around a ton of people I can get caught if the Guild found out about this incident. I don't wanna end up being hunted down until my very last breath I don't like disadvantages. Are you sure that this friend of yours would be responsible for anything that will occur?'

[No need to be pressured. This time my friend will be the one asking the GMs for the request. You only need to go to the location where the mission will start and a distorted space will be created. Not only will it keep you from being caught it also means that you can't escape without finishing the mission]

[The Forgotten System: Accept the Deity's request to aid his friend's problem that was said to foretell a catastrophe. That would appear within the starter city killing thousands of lives in the aftermath

Reward: Elixir x3

Duration: 1 day


The one who sees catastrophe is requesting for the forgotten sage's avatar to deal with the foreseeable future catastrophe

Reward: One of the skills of the requesting Deity

Duration: 1 day]

'It's a pity that I can't even have a minute of relaxation. How do you want me to exterminate this catastrophe your friend has spoken of? I can't just simply barge in that place and shoot that "catastrophe" until it dies I might be held responsible after I did my job,'

[Anything is allowed as long as you minimize the damage you can do anything. If something were to occur we might be subjected to change the rules and allow you to use all sorts of items. Then again that would only happen if you were one unfortunate player]

[System: The mental connection has been severed, you can no longer hear the voice of your Deity within your mind]

"Hey Esther, I need to go to the bathroom order me some food before I get back," Morris handed 30 tokens to her and left without a second to waste

His next destination leads him to an alleyway he stops in his tracks before his system is updated. The mission granted him a limited ability where a map of the city in his front appeared. The center is where he lies and a red arrow points to the west and then he dashes throughout the city

[System: You've accepted the mission you're now given a temporary minimap that will show your location and the catastrophe]

'I see it, a red dot just appeared. Wait a minute this kinda feels oh so familiar all of a sudden. It's heading to the monster Colosseum I've written this thing before. This is the reason why the starter city was vulnerable when my Mc entered this place. I need to get rid of that thing it's not going to affect the story only the structures of the city this outbreak will only be a pain,'

He rushed into the Colosseum as fast as he could using any means to do so using shortcuts jumping from the rooftop and even the alleyway. While using haste to flexibly move from any narrow corners reaching the colossal building he activated Earth array. When he sees that no one's inside the vicinity he closes every path that can be an entrance or an exit to the Colosseum. Once that's finished he makes his way to the room where they kept the monsters shut

[System: The player Christopher Morris has activated the skill Magic orb, multiple orbs have been materialized

Status: Without the command of the caster the spell remains on standby

Outcome: Due to your handling it remains to disappear and feeds off on a chunk of your mana]

"Amplify!" The orbs' light then disappeared whilst his mana kept on surging through his palms and then onto the orbs

He noticed a mysterious hooded person opening the monster's cage and releasing a mysterious gas. The monsters became agitated and their behavior began to grow excessively violent. Before he could see Morris at the entrance the robed person was shot down with a volley of Magic orb

Normally it would've been slow but lowering its size to that of a bullet increased its bypassed its regular speed. The volley never once pierced a vital part of its body. Realizing this the robed person reveals his knife and decides to drive it through his neck but an extra orb of Morris offsets the thrust


As the robed struggled to die his actions were interrupted by a sudden light that came from Christoper's palm. Because the cut wasn't too deep to kill it in one slice he was healed by Morris revealing the effect of his spell.

He hits the robed person's neck knocking it unconscious after it's failed suicide and he walks to the scene of the crime

[System: The player Christoper Morris has activated the skill, Heal; creating a light that whatever it touches fixes the body and recovers a certain amount of hp]

'It's a good thing I practiced and learned heal when I was fighting those Goblins with Esther. I thought that I only needed to do my part in my book guess not, an unspoken story is starting to appear that even I don't know of. Is this an effect of that message I've got before or was this story here and I only told the Mc's story?'

"Graaah" The monsters growled as the gas took its full effect enraging them and increasing their powers as they got closer to Morris they got repelled by Ignite running away from the monsters while carrying the unconscious person

'I need to get this person into a safe place before I fight those monsters, for now, I can't do anything. Fighting them in a closed area will be chaotic considering most of my Spells are powerful. Unleashing them in a closed area will lead me to get caught with my attack,'


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