Reversing Life With Item Copy

Chapter 53: Nothing Bad

Chapter 53: Nothing Bad

It was a sword with a fairly short blade. Maybe that's why it was pretty light.


He tried swinging it for no reason. Compared to Kalish's spear, it weighed practically a third.

It didn't feel heavy, but it was quite threatening since the blade was forged quite nicely.

You can't be .

Kalish said as Do-joon swung around the short sword.

You're not going to change your main weapon to a short sword, are you?


Do-joon asked back at an unexpected point.

Do you think you look cooler, or have a romance with the sword or something like that?

"That's not true.

Well, it looks cool, but it wasnt particularly a dream.

Such a shallow weapon is a weapon used only by a delicate person like that idiot. A man must take a heavy spear!

"Isn't that prejudice?

It's not prejudice, it's the truth!

It seemed as if something from Kalishs past life came to his mind. Boasting a large body with plump muscles .

Hmmm .'

Do-joon shook his head to get rid of such thoughts.

I have no intention of going around and wielding a sword, so please be reassured.

That's a relief.

In the first place, this short sword was taken out for copying. He just looked at it because it was fascinating.

Since it's a sword used by elves, he thought it might be something different from human ones.

Its not like its a particularly strange shape or anything.

The appearance itself was just an ordinary sword.

However, the important thing is the options. Do-joon checked the information window of the short sword.

Brutish Sword






Spirit Lake. Sword made by melting the iron sand collected from its bottom. Due to the material, the strength is not high, but instead it is a weapon that is fairly familiar to spirits. It has a fairly high level of perfection.

Additional attack power 41~43

Spirit Affinity +2Lv

Spirit Affinity?

When he saw the option on the sword, Do-joon's eyes opened wide.

Spirit-affinity was a kind of option that he had seen for the first time in his life.

I know what the option is.

He could predict what ability it had from its name. But, has there been any equipment with this option until now?

Just in case, Do-joon did a search on his cell phone. He tried googling and searched for options on the market app. But

<Search result : 0>

Unsurprisingly, the result was 0. At least, none of the items that have been released so far had this option.


If there was an option like this, hunters with spirit skills would have gone mad.

After summoning Siewellin, he once looked at it with interest, but it is said that summoning hunters always had a lot of trouble because of their affinity with their summoned beasts.

Some love summoners, while others often ignore them.

In the latter case, if it is severe, it is impossible to work as a hunter. There is no need to explain how dangerous a summoned beast that did not listen to its master in an emergency would be.

If this option was made public .'

Hunters with low natural affinity, especially those with spirit skills, will be in a frenzy. Wouldn't anyone come to buy it with a thousand gold?

Such a valuable option.

And, Do-joon had that precious option.

[Successfully copied.]

[The material Brutish Sword has been destroyed.]

[Copied skills are adjusted according to the items classification.]

He copied it to himself without hesitation.

After all, if he goes up to A-class and runs around the dungeons, money will pour in either way.

On the other hand, each of these rare options is a valuable resource. Isn't it a waste to sell it only for money?


[Additional option]

Spirit Affinity Lv2

It is divided into levels, not upper, middle, lower.

Its encouraging that there is a level attached next to it.

If this option is divided into upper, middle, and lower like options such as Regeneration (Upper), it means that it is a non-overlapping option.

It means that even if you copy ten or twenty advanced potions, the options do not change in level.

On the contrary, the fact that it is divided by level meant that the duplicated skills would overlap.

Is this option attached to all elves equipment?

From what he heard from Sohn Chang-il, president of the Association, it is not only in Korea that elves appeared.

Black pillars rose all over the world, and elves appeared at the same time.

He heard that some of them suffered great damage, and some were exterminated without much damage.

And among them, there was no information about where the elf's equipment was obtained.

Theyre probably hiding it.

However, he didn't think he would be the only one who got such an item. The guild that succeeded in eradicating it or the association over there must be keeping it in secret.

What if all of them have Spirit Affinity?

If he can get that, wouldn't his affinity be greatly increased?

Besides, if the elves attack again, he could take all their equipment and make it his own.

Perhaps, his affinity could be much higher than that of some spirit lords.


Do-joon's chest jumped loudly once. It seems that a new direction has appeared in which he can become stronger than he is now.

The trembling soon calmed down. Come to think of it, there was something he overlooked.

Hold on.

What will change as affinity increases?

He knew that a summoned spirit would listen well. But he forgot that he didnt have the important skill of summoning spirits.

In the end, isn't affinity alone an option thats missing a screw?

Do-joon has lost his appetite.

But still. There's nothing bad about it.

He has no regrets about copying Spirit Affinity with high additional attack power.

But he felt a little disappointed. He doesn't think there's going to be any big change.

Well, if you're done resting, let's start over.


Just in time, the break time is over.

Do-joon grabbed the spear and stood up from his seat.


The next day.

Do-joon, who was just about to wash up and climb the mountain again, received a call.

"Are you a real estate agent?"

Do-joon was looking for a place to live since he thought he should find a house now that Siewellin was there and So-eun came back.

Just in time, he got a call saying that a sale that met his conditions was available.

Do-joon left the store with both Siwellin and So-eun to see the house.

Welcome, sir. It's this side.

Following the guidance of a broker he met soon, the house he went to was a single-family detached house a little far from the downtown area.

It wasn't that far away, though. This was enough to bear.

"Hey~ It's rare to find such a nice house. In fact, the kid previously living here is said to be a pretty popular hunter. He was living with his parents, but he said he had just bought a new house in the downtown area. That's why its getting put out here."

"Is that so?"

True to the brokers word, it wasn't really that bad. The interior did not particularly stand out and the number of rooms was reasonable.

It was spacious enough for three people to live in, and it seemed like it would be enough for a family of 4 or 5 to live.


Above all, So-eun liked it.

Living in a hospital room only, but living in a small room attached to a store after discharge. Then, when she saw a house in good shape like this, she couldn't get a hold of herself and was jumping around.

I should have moved sooner.

There were problems with the store, and many things happened, so he couldn't pay much attention to it.

Siewellin was also surprised to see a decent, spotless house for the first time. Especially when she saw that one wall in the living room was made of glass, she couldn't take her eyes off of it.

While the two children were looking around with an excited look on their faces, Do-joon inspected the house in further detail.

"It's not that far from your workplace either. And you said that your daughter goes to kindergarten on the academy side, right?


"The bus stops a block from here. It'll be very convenient for you to send her to kindergarten."

One block away.

That's closer than when she was at the store. From the store she needed to go to a nearby apartment complex.

There's a little distance, but there's a convenience store and traffic doesn't look bad. The external conditions are fine.

So now he has to think about the inside of the house.

What about the direction of the window, is there good sunlight, and is there no leakage?

Including such matters, the structure of the house and toilets were also thoroughly inspected. Not all of them were satisfactory, but most of them were fine.

Shall we move here?

So far, all have passed. Still, Do-jun was worried about where he might have missed something.

"Dad! There are stairs here!"

At that time, So-eun ran and pulled Do-joon's hand.

Following the child, there was really a staircase. Just what he didn't think of.

Is there even a basement?

The fact that there are stairs that go down.

"Oh, yes. He said this is a space that the kid personally used.

When he went down, there was a wider space than he expected.

A space like a workroom with a slightly damp smell.

He said that the kid of this house was a Hunter, and there were places where he hung weapons on the wall.

It was smaller than the store's basement, but it was still quite good. It feels like a secret base, right?

I like it.

And that's what Do-joon liked about it.

Perhaps because of this basement, the price was a little more expensive than ordinary houses, but that much could be sufficiently covered by Do-joon's income now.

Living room on the first floor again. Do-joon asked while standing in front of the glass with a view of the garden.

"How's this place?"

"I like it!"

"I like it!"

The two answered in unison. 

Anyway, once they agreed. Do-joon nodded and went to the broker.

"I'll sign a contract here."

"Oh, well, thats a good idea. I've been looking at houses for years, but there's no other place as spotless as this one~"

It was just a formal remark, but now he feels good about it. Thanks for liking the house itself.

"Dad! I love this room here! I want to share this room with my sister!

"With your sister? Why don't you use it alone when you have more rooms here?"

I hate being alone. My sister said its fine too.

When he saw Siewellin, she was smiling brightly. If the two decided so, there was no reason for Do-joon to meddle any more.

When he told them to do so, the two began to talk about this and that while looking around the room. They seemed to be talking about how to decorate the room in general, or something like that.

Im going to have to schedule the move.

Seeing the two of them looking excited, Do-joon also became excited. He has to admit that he felt proud of being the head of this household.

After letting the kids move more freely, Do-joon continued speaking with the broker about the contract.

Hey, you're moving?

"Yes. There are three of us, we can't eat and sleep at the store forever."

A few days later.

Do-joon was back in the Orc Labyrinth, once all cooldowns ended.

A horde of vicious orcs enthusiastically welcomed Do-joon.



Do-joon carried a spear and wandered back and forth between them.

No thunderbolts or thorns are used. It was just his body and spear in hand.

Nevertheless, orcs were cut down by Do-joon alone. A wolf jumping into the flock. It was quite exactly like that.


In the first place, their attacks could not penetrate Do-joon's body, so there was nothing they could do about it.

That's good. If you have more family members, you must also grow your house. Do the kids like it?

"These days, theyre only talking about the house all day. I'm not in the mood for nagging about how many nights I have to spend without sleeping for this move."

Kek-huh. Even if it's chaotic, you look happy too, don't you?

Urm what, yeah .

Do-joon smiled softly. He couldn't help but be happy.

With that expression.


He swung his spear and pierced an orc's neck.

Kuruk .

The orc with a large hole in its neck fell down, spewing blood.


Do-joon shook the spear. Fresh blood and dirt splattered away. The corpses of dozens of orcs were scattered at his feet.

Now these guys dont seem to be very trained.

It's because you've become too strong. Above all else, the thing that Adamantine Form does, isn't that a scam?

"I'm not invincible, huh"

Hey~ say that in front of other hunters. They're going to spit right away, asking who are you making fun of?


Do-joon laughed.

Not long ago, he had to run away desperately and throw the thunderbolt to kill a group.

But now, it is possible to beat up all of them with a single spear. Its also without much effort.

Adamantine Form and Kalishs spear.

Lately, the two factors that have grown Do-joon exponentially.

But if you look at it, isn't the Adamantine Form also from Kalish after all? Because it's a copy of the spears indestructible option.

On top of that, he was also Do-joon's only companion in this labyrinth.

"Thank you, Kalish."

Huh? What?

Its just this and that.

When he smiled and talked, Kalish replied in a sour tone. He seemed to think he was a cool guy.

Two days later.

Do-joon, who had been wandering around focusing on exploration rather than hunting, climbed a high hill. And looked down from the summit.


A large village appeared. It was a fairly large village closely surrounded by a wooden fence.

It was quite different from other Orcs where they just wandered around in groups and were homeless.

Perhaps you found it?

It seems so.

A place where the boss is likely to be.

Do-jon went down the hill at once. He moves so fast that anyone would see the afterimage at first glance.

It took less than 10 minutes for his divine form to arrive in front of the wooden fence.

In front of him who arrived breathlessly.


There was an orc that looked like a gatekeeper guarding the gate.

Orc Warrior Urt

He was an orc warrior who had one wrist cut off.


When he saw Do-joon, he rushed in with rage.

Does he remember his face? Or does he remember the spear hes holding?

Im sorry I ran away at that time. I have a little work to do."

Well, it didn't matter either way.

Do-joon greeted such Urt with a grin.

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