Reversing Life With Item Copy

Chapter 48: Why Did You Avoid

Chapter 48: Why Did You Avoid

I'll go out and help, too!

Dont say anything! You're still a student!'

But I've been trained for times like this!

<Inside The Shelter>

Kwon Soo-young, who was comforting the children, suddenly raised her head and looked towards where there was a lot of commotion.

There, a student in a uniform and a high school teacher were arguing.

That kid.

Although he was a high school student, she knew his face. He was a little famous in the academy, saying that he had never missed the top position since entering the school.

No way! What are you going to do without being an official hunter? Sit quietly!

The student was angry at the teacher's remarks but he then sat down.

His teacher was right. What can he do, who is still a student?

However, watching the scene, Kwon Soo-young also became a little shaken.

"Director, would it be better for me to go out and help out?"

"Teacher Kwon?"

Still, I used to be a D-class .

Wouldn't this emergency require at least a little more manpower?

It's been a long time since she retired, but she'll be able to kill weak beasts.

Her eyes shook. The director, who stared into those eyes quietly, before slowly shaking his head.

"Miss Kwon, each person has their ownduty to complete. There must be something that a teacher needs to do first, right?

The director glanced towards the children as he spoke.

"Ah .

Kwon Soo-young's trembling eyes subsided. The director was correct, by a hundred times.

Yes. Now I'm the teacher of these children.

Kwon Soo-young, who strengthened her heart and looked at her students..

Then her eyes moved to So-eun, who was deeply hugging Siewellin.

She couldn't see her expression. But she could tell without looking that she was very worried about her dad.

"Will So-eun's father be okay? I heard hes E-class. .

"Hmm Team leader Park Sang-tae is outside. He's a B-class hunter with experience, so he should be fine.

"I see."

Realizing that there was a B-class, she felt slightly more relieved. Becoming a B-class was by being a veteran with a lot of experience slaughtering monsters.

Anyway, theyre going to have an E-class do small things or cover them .'

If that was the case, there should be no risk. Kwon Soo-young once again saw So-eun.

She didnt want to see that good child crying again.



Do-joon took a few steps back while blocking the attack of that guy. Even then, the shock didn't go away and his hands trembled.

"Suddenly, you became weak. Is something wrong?


He had to answer in moderation to the person who asked with a tilt. However, cold sweat was already running down his back.

How would he say it? That he was doping with buff skills, but the duration has ended.

Did it have a duration?

Isn't it obvious? If its unlimited, its not a buff, its a human body modification.

Darn it!

Kalish spits it out roughly.

Since he left Siewellin, quite a lot of time has passed while killing monsters. The duration is so long that it wouldn't be strange even if it ended sooner.

So far, the strength and speed between the two have been quite even. Although he was somewhat lacking in terms of skills, he was fighting by covering it with the thorns of the Shear Shader.

However, as the blessing ended, his strength and speed became remarkably insufficient.

Sweat flowed down the forehead and around the eyes. It was really dangerous this time. He had experienced numerous crises, but he never thought of it as dangerous as it is now.

He slowly approached Do-joon. Even he was not careless anymore. He was approaching with extreme vigilance as to whether Do-joon was trying to perform any tricks.

Its a trick.

Do-joon opened the inventory and pulled out a spear. Not Kalish, but the thunderbolt wrapped in blue lightning.

And he threw it at him.


A rare weapon that has never disappointed his expectations until now.


He didn't even avoid it. Just kicked his tongue once.


Soon after, lightning struck and covered that guys body. Thanks to the rain falling, the power was even stronger.

What a useless thing to do.

While being struck by lightning, he, Eldora, thought.

[T/N: the meaning of the name Eldora is: Gift of the sun. A name given to many saints. Maybe its just a reference or maybe it's his real name, we will get to know it soon.]

He can't even break through his defense like this. The power that was bestowed upon him was the power that reached the highest level among his kind.

The world has brightened up. The light of lightning seemed to cover the whole world.

A very brief moment, after that momentary light had passed.

Eldora could see Do-joon wielding a spear in front of his.

What !

Did he approach him in such a short time without any signs? Is it something he didn't feel?

The thunderbolt did no damage to him. However, the high-voltage power succeeded in paralysing his eyes and ears for a moment.

In the meantime, Do-joon dug into it.

Do-joon lowered his body to the fullest and swung the spear. A spear that strikes while drawing a diagonal line from the bottom to the top.

Eldora moved to respond immediately.

To block the spear?

No. Even if his attack is right, it's useless anyway. Eldoras movement was for a counterattack.

But suddenly, black thorns are stuck in his limbs.

Eldora grinded his teeth.

This is annoying .


A blow that was raised after blocking the eyes and ears and sealing the movement.

Eldora's body rose high for a moment. However, it did not seem to have been damaged either.

In mid-air, Eldora swung his sword, freed from the shackles of black thorns.

Do-joon also threw out the spear. Once again, the two's blows crossed.


Do-joon was unharmed. The Adamantine Form was one of the best abilities he has ever gained.

Eldora was fine too. Do-joon didnt know how he did it, but Eldora moved his body in the air to avoid the spear. Did he twist his body around with the wind?

Do-joon's eyes sank deeply.

He failed. He was going to distract his posture and watch the timing, but he was able to move freely in the air.

He landed on the ground and immediately rushed in. Now that Do-joon has used the hidden thunderbolt, he wouldnt have a chance to use it anymore.

"Just die."


His attacks covered the air.

Do-joon accepts all of them. Although he didn't get cuts, not all shocks were offset.

Do-joon, who was gradually being pushed back. Then.


Something got caught in his back-step foot. It was a flower bed.

He immediately corrected his posture, but Eldora couldn't miss that brief moment.

"You're not the only one who has a secret skill."

He touched Do-joon's chest with his left hand without holding his short sword.

At that moment, goosebumps erupted from the unknown anxiety. The moment Do-joon was about to trigger a thorn.


A wind rose from his hands.


His eyes flashed. For a moment, the distant optic nerve was stained with blood.

The wind raging through the air and leaping over skin and muscles raged madly inside him. A ferocious wind that could be called a gust of wind shook Do-joon's body.

"Uh, ugh!"

Do-joon vomited blood with an unbearable feeling in his chest. Blood vomited from his mouth was mixed in a puddle, creating a strange colour.


Do-joon lost his strength and collapsed. In the blurred view, something like a piece of meat was seen. Did he vomit a piece of internal organs? .

"Wow, you're giving me a hard time."

He muttered. The sound seemed distant now. Even though it's the sound right above him.

Hey! Master! Get a hold of yourself!

Like that, Do-joon lost his mind.

[The effect of Resurrection (Upper) is applied.]

Park Tae-sang couldn't come to his senses.

In his view, Do-joon was at least an A-class. Just by looking at the fight, he was much stronger than him, who is a B-class. Still, it wouldn't be an S-class, so he thought it was an A-class.

It was okay until the middle. Because it looked like they were fighting with an evenness.

But at some point, the balance was broken. After that, hes been pushed all the time.

Even in the midst of that, it was surprising that he made a perfect gap and hit it, but the flow did not change.

And Do-joon collapsed in an instant.

The next target was him.

"Argh, ah ah ah ah ah! Run away! Run away, everyone!"

Park Tae-sang yelled into his walkie-talkie and ran away. Do-joon had fallen in front of him and was stepped on, but he closed his eyes and ran away.

He was sorry for him, but he wanted to live. Where in the world was a person who wanted to die?

He is a B-class hunter. His footwork is not even comparable to that of ordinary people. Still, he couldn't be reassured.

So how can he be reassured?

Run away to a safe place. If it's the safest place around here .

Park Taesang came up with a place.

While running away frantically, he looked back once. It was his least conscience.

The one standing there to see if he has any intention of chasing him.

Park Tae-sang's feet became faster.

Seeing that, Eldora slowly began to move.

Wake up, you punk! You're not going to die here, are you? There are so many things to do!


How many spear techniques you will learn from now on, but you're spreading it out here! Didn't you promise to retrieve my memories too!


You must not die! You can't die! What about So-eun? You have to go protect your daughter!


Do-joon's finger, which had fallen into the pool of blood, wriggled.

"So. Eun.

Do-joon mumbles with unfocused eyes. Seeing that, Kalish screamed urgently.

Oh yes, you punk! You said you are going to be a father, not a hero, right? How can a man who can't protect his daughter be called a father!

His vision, which was like a hazy mist, began to slowly return.

Do-joon murmured, grasping the mind that became clearer little by little.


[Skill: Resurrection (Upper) is used.]

Regenerable options have been applied to other equipment as well. He used the skill that he had embedded in himself.

The body that recovers little by little. With his still trembling hands, he took out a potion and drank it.

1 bottle, 2 bottles, 3 bottles.

He kept drinking without stopping. Drinking this much does not overlap the effects. As a potion producer and hunter, he knew that better than anyone else.

But he still drank it. With an anxious heart that he wishes he could recover even a little bit faster, even a minute or a second faster.

How long has it been? Now he has recovered to the point where he can somewhat move.

"Where did he go?"

I don't know either. First of all, go to the shelter quickly! Maybe he went there!

At Khalish's words, Do-joon opened his eyes wide.

He smashed the ground at once. His vision quickly drifted backwards. However.


Don't overdo it, you bast*rd!

Is it because of the recoil that hasn't healed yet? A handful of blood flowed out of his mouth and wet the road.

Do-joon's eyes subsided further.

But, he did not slow down.

But, is there any chance of winning?


First of all, there is Siewellin. Now he can get all his injuries healed and receive her blessings again.

But even if he does that, he would just go back to square one.


"There was one strange thing."

Strange thing?

Do-joon replayed the battle against him in his mind.

The battle with that person that had been done dozens of times, the exploration to find weaknesses, and even his skills that unfolded at the end.

Among them, there was a scene that felt incompatible.

"When I attacked that person in the air earlier, he made a gust of wind and avoided my attack."

That's right. Usually, when he tends to become defenseless, he floats.

Kalish kicks his tongue out saying he has all sorts of talents.

But what?

Do-joon spoke to him.

"Why did he avoid it?"

Huh? What do you mean why? Of course when an attack comes Ah.

Khalish soon began to think quietly.


Do-joon kicked the ground once again.


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