Reversing Life With Item Copy

Chapter 41: Kalish

Chapter 41: Kalish

He returned home.

Oh Ho! Is this a warp magic? Now that I see it, you definitely are a wizard.

The old man in the spear exclaimed as the scenery suddenly changed.

Do-joon scratched his face. It was a misunderstanding that had to be resolved soon anyway, so he will explain later.

Where are we?

"This is my house."

To be precise, it was a warehouse behind the store. Packed with the scent of dried herbs.

"Please go inside for a while."

Huh? What do you mean go in? Where.

The spear disappeared beyond the inventory before the old man could finish.

Come to think of it, what did the inside look like? He had to ask about it later.

Do-joon exited out the warehouse and entered the store. He could see that there were customers in full swing.

This and um . Please give me three bottles of this."

"Thank you. I'll help you with payment.

Siewellin accepted the card from the customer and calculated skillfully.

It was quite different from when praying in an antique priest's uniform was the main task.

Still, it was fortunate that her current appearance did not look as awkward.

So-eun was half hidden behind Siewellin and watched her work. Until she saw Do-joon come in.


So-eun came running. Do-joon stopped her from trying to jump into his arms with that momentum.

No, Daddy is dirty right now.


So-eun pouted her lips and acted cute.

Siewellin, who came close to completing the calculation, hugged So-eun.

The customer laughed at their appearance.

"Are you the boss here? Your daughter is so cute, haha."

"Thank you."

What parent would not be happy with the praise of their child?

Do-joon happily saw the customer off with a warm smile.

"Youre back?"

"Yeah, how many customers did you have?"

"Still, I think 5 people came today!"

It was not a large number. But she couldn't help it. She has been told that she can open and close the door at will.

For the time being, they will have to rebuild trust again with this trend.

A lot of customers just looked at my sister and said she was pretty!


"Uh! And he said he'll come again next time!"

Hmm Maybe it's because they were interested in her rather than the products?

He was a little worried, but Siewellin would be fine. There werent that many people who could overpower her.

"I'll be out for a while, so please suffer a little more. I'll take turns with you later."

"I'm fine, so take a good rest."

"Dad! Play with me!"

"Im sorry, So-eun. Daddy's not done yet."

Although he wanted to play with her, he had to check the identity of the spear first. Also, he can't let her join him in talking to an unknown spear either.

After comforting So-eun by promising that he will play with her a little later, Do-joon headed to the workshop in the basement.

And he took the spear out of the inventory.

Puha! What's that dark place?

An old man immediately became chatty as soon as he came out.

"The inventory is a warehouse-like space. Did you feel uncomfortable?"

It's not that. To have even a subspace, you must be a fairly high-level wizard.

Rather than resolving the misunderstanding, it seemed to be getting worse. Do-joon shook his head.

"I'm not a wizard."

No? Then what are those things up to now?

"I'll explain that later. First of all, the name comes first, right?

Oh, that's right, that's right. It's just been so long since I saw a person. I'm sorry.

"I'm Kim Do-joon."

My name is Kalish.



Do-joon waited for a while, but the old man did not continue to speak.

"Is that all?


"Do you have any explanation for why you're in the spear or what a sealed ego is, or anything like that?

I don't know either.


I don't remember. When I came to my senses, I realised that I was stuck between those pigs. Damn filthy bast*rds! Once they use something they have to just f*cking clean it off even if they can't take care of it!

Come to think of it, the spear was very dirty. Blood and dust were smeared on it, as if it was like an extra layer of skin

This spear . Is it like your body?

Well. More like a house than a body? Hmm, houses are huge, so let's say it's a room. I don't know how many years I've been trapped in this cramped place, but.

It was a short statement, but it wasn't without information.

Being trapped. This would mean that this old man was not a spear spirit or an ego inhabiting an old spear or anything like that.

Is this what it means by the curse written on the information window? Does it mean that it was a curse that trapped the old man in this spear?

Do-joon placed the spear onto the floor of the workshop and sprayed some cleaning chemicals on it. Then he began to wipe it with a cloth.

Ugh, thank you, kid. It was so unbearable, just absolutely smeared in blood. Oh, come to think of it, how is the outside world these days? I don't even remember, but I can't see people just hanging out with the Orcs. Looking at it, I have no sense of time.

Do-joon slightly frowned. Just how long can he talk?

After a bit of contemplation, he opened his mouth.

"This is not the world you lived in, Kalish."


Do-joon continued to speak.

He was reticent about copying skills and those core areas.

What Do-joon was talked about was the earth, and that he found and brought Kalish from the dungeon and labyrinth.

A different world? Are you telling me that you kidnapped me all the way here!?

"What do you mean by kidnapping? If others hear, they'll misunderstand."

Oh my god! How can this be? What do you mean another world? How can I find my memories!

Kalish cried loudly after hearing that he was in a different world.

"Do you want to find your memories?

Of course! That way, I will find people who I have a relationship with again, and I'll find the guy who locked me up here, who won't be cool or kind even if he changes me, and Ill take revenge!

It was a sensible thought.

Still, I thought the memories would return little by little as I looked around. There must be people who know my name. But this is another world! There is no way that my memories will come back from there!

"That . Itll probably be less likely.

Give it back to me! Bring me back to my world! I have to find the person who locked me up, get revenge, and set myself free!

Putting him back was simple. After a week, he could go into the labyrinth and leave.

"Will it be okay? There are only a bunch of orcs right now. It's a place where you can't even see traces of civilization, let alone people."

That, that .

At Do-joon's words, calmly patting his pulse, Kalish kept his mouth shut.

He was sure he knew something about it. He must have spent countless days being passed from hand to hand by Orcs.

What the hell . What the hell happened to my world? Where have all the other people gone and why is it just full of orcs?

Kalish spoke gloomily.

But Do-joon couldn't even comfort him. It was the same since Do-joon also knew nothing.

"For now, go around with me. I'm the only one who can enter your world here on Earth. Probably."

He didn't mean to force him to do anything. He just told him the truth.

Even the old man could see that it wasn't a lie by Do-joon's blunt tone.

Okay . That's the only way . Anyway, I can't do anything on my own.

Unlike his first impression, he looked quite depressed. The story so far seemed to have been quite devastating.

Certainly, he would have been bewildered if he had been in Kalish's shoes. He couldn't remember anything but his name, and if he were to be told that earth was crawling with nothing but monsters

Please take good care of me, master.

Kalish called Do-joon by a strange name.

What's up with master?

I would like to thank you too, Kalish.

Whatever the case, it was Do-joon who started the bizarre relationship with the spear.

For now, the conversation had been postponed since there was something more important that Do-joon first paid attention to.

It is what an "item" is.

And how an item becomes the target of Do-joon's ability.

Hymn of Ushas, Cursed Demon Spear






Legend has it that at the time of its birth, it pierced the continent, separating the land from the water. It is only a simple legend, but for the Ushas Empire, its symbolism was great. However, with the fall of the empire, it was cursed and fell into obscurity.


Sealed ego

He once again checked Kalish's information window.

There were two options. Indestructible and sealed ego.

The second option most probably related to the sealed Kalish.

I'm curious what will happen if I move this.

If he moved it to another piece of equipment, would it get stuck in that equipment? Then, what if he transferred it to an animal or a human? Would it be used like a ghost? Or can it be possessed?

He was curious. However, the situation was not very favourable in many ways for experimentation.

Not knowing what the outcome would be, it wouldn't work for Kalish, nor for anyone else who would be subjected to the experiment.

He could experiment with his own body, but it didn't seem like it would be very pleasant to let the grandfathers ghost use his body.

And one more thing.

The indestructible option was so coveted.

Honestly, if I have to choose between the two, of course it definitely would be indestructible.

But it bothered him. If he copied that option, then the item would break.

Then, what happens to Kalish's ego?

If he was lucky, the curse that trapped him would disappear and he could be freed. Well, if it was a fairytale, it would be that sort of ending.

But what if it was not?

There was also a possibility that it would disappear.

I can close my eyes and do it, but .'

Looking back, it looks like you have quite a bit of stamina, but wield a spear so clumsily. It's not enough to be my master! I will thoroughly instil the true power of the spear into you, my master, heh heh.

Kalish chattering in a cheerful voice as if the grass had died. Do-joon smiled.

"You said you don't remember but you seem to remember things like that?

The only memory that disappeared is my personal memory. I don't know where and from whom I learned about the spear, but the spear itself holds knowledge.

His voice was a voice that planned and looked forward to the future. It was not about the despair of the past.

I still think that annihilation is a bit

He was reluctant to kill such a person, let alone an innocent.

Of course, there was also the fact that I was concerned about the spear technique he was going to teach me.

What should he do?

Do-joon was lost in thought.

If it doesn't break even if I copy it. Coin?

One of the solutions was the coin, but can this item be preserved with one coin? It was the only unique grade that he had ever seen in his lifetime, right?

I just need a hundred of those each, and that's not how it works?

[You can copy one of the options from Hymn of Ushas, Cursed Demon Spear to Kim Do-joon.]

[Copyable option]

  1. Indestructible
  2. Sealed ego

[The rating of this item is "Normal".]

[Do you want to use a coin?]


What does this mean? What does it mean, normal?

Obviously, it was marked as unique in the information window. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, but the only grade did not change.

However, the copy skill marked it as normal.

This .'

He didnt know why, but there was only one thing that passed through his mind.

The Yggdrasil system said it's unique, but the copy skill said it's normal.

Does this mean that the Yggdrasil system and the copy skill exist in a completely different system?


Do-joon took out the knife that he always carries in his inventory.



[Copied Successfully.]

[Consuming coins to preserve the Hymn of Ushas, Cursed Demon Spear that become material.]

[The copied abilities are adjusted according to the items classification.]

The indestructibility of the spear was embedded into the knife.

Hymn of Ushas, Cursed Demon Spear


Sealed ego


[Additional option]


After that, when he checked the information window on both sides, the indestructible was copied properly.

Great. For once, only the indestructible was taken out.

If this was the case, even if the experiment goes wrong, the demon spear would be smashed and Kalish would not disappear.

If the copy skill is within the Yggdrasil system.

Copying this knife to himself won't destroy it. Because indestructible meant that equipment would not break under any circumstances.

Do-joon swallowed his saliva. Then he grabbed the knife and used the copy.

The result was.

[Copied Successfully.]

[The knife that became the ingredient has been destroyed.]

The knife became powder and disappeared as usual.

This meant that the Yggdrasil system and the copy skill existed in completely different ways, and of the two, the copy skill had the upper hand.

Do-joon opened his mouth slightly.

The copy skill that he used for so long, and he could still not guess its identity. The fragment that seemed to have been reflected for a moment.

[The copied abilities are adjusted according to the items classification.]

In addition, copying the indestructible was also a success.

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