Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Chapter 8 Mission

"Looks like my Arcane Power gained the most…probably because of the high percentage of Arcane alcohol," Liam mumbled to himself when he felt the changes occurring in his body.

Arcane alcohol was alcohol that had been infused with Arcane Power. The percentage in the Fortune's Liquor was so high that the Arcane Power in his body increased tremendously, which was why he couldn't help but look at his status screen in interest.

⌈—-◈Entity Details◈∙—-⌉

[Liam Wandel]

[Halfling] [Devil/Human]

[Rank: Circleless]

[Soultrait:『Devil's Eyes』]

[Arcanium: 43.75]


[Vitality: (G+)]

[Strength: (F-)]

[Agility: (F-)]

[Stamina: (G)]

[Arcane Power: (E)]

[Will: (G)]


"...pretty good…" Liam simply said even if his words didn't quite carry the conviction. His stats increased drastically but it was not as if they were suddenly comparable to a Mutant Elite Shedim in terms of their average stats.

But he was confident of defeating the Mutant Elite Shedim even with lower stats. His Arcane Power would be the trump to his victory, yet instead of conquering the tower which had been created by one of his siblings, Liam chose a different tactic.

He took a look at the『Mission』function of the Arcane System while trying not to get drunk because of the Fortune's Liquor. The Detoxification Bandaid was actually quite helpful and Liam felt much better than expected as he skimmed through most Missions.

If he had a shop, he would just conquer the underground tower, and sell the Lesser Demon corpses and all the goods he would haul as spoils of war for himself. However, he was too poor to do that for the time being. In fact, he was buried in debt which was also the reason why he was in dire need of a suitable mission.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted in his research for the best mission in the given situation as Liam heard noises from the first underground floor reaching the ground floor.

'I know, I know…don't rush me!' Liam cursed as he fastened two scabbards for the longswords to his belt. He also attached a sling for a battle-axe to his belt.

The holographic screen to his left was still open, showing him a bunch of missions but Liam ignored them for the time being. His focus was on leaving the underground tower, and he rushed outside without any hesitation.

The heavy downpour had decreased considerably, which was barely noted as he walked over the muddy trail of bodies, their skulls and bones crunching under his feet. When he reached the cliff, Liam took a glance around the mountain range and inside the valley.

The fissures in space had closed, indicating the end of the first wave. Earth, also called Haltan, the Interjunction of the Nine Realms, would now have to adjust to the Arcane Power that was forced upon it.

A single glance at the System log was enough for Liam to figure out a few more things that were more or less important to know.

[Permanent low-ranked Rifts have spawned all over Haltan. Monsters and other intelligent lifeforms will emerge on Haltan.]

[Strongest being to have passed through the passage of Space; 『High Elf, 2nd Circle(Advanced)』]

After the last message, one could see detailed statistics about how many beings of each realm had emerged on Haltan, including a clear distribution of their rank.

Only one out of a billion new lifeforms that had emerged on Haltan were at the 2nd Circle, and there were less than ten beings at the 2nd Circle on Haltan as of now.

That not only indicated how ten billion lifeforms had emerged on Haltan since the Arcane Apocalypse had been initiated but also that it was not easy for higher-ranked beings to follow suit. For the time being, the ten beings at the 2nd Circle would be the strongest to infiltrate the planet without many other competitors.

"System show me the customized missions!" Liam ordered loudly in response to the statistics that annoyed him a lot more than expected. He waited impatiently while his gaze turned back to the ominous gate of the underground tower.

[A perfect mission has been created for the host!]

[Mission『Protect the Natives』can now be accessed!]

[『Protect the Natives』–Customized Mission–

「Description」The Natives of Haltan are filled with desperation and the fear of death. More than 250,000,000 Intelligent Lifeforms from Haltan have been killed since the Arcane Apocalypse was initiated.

「Given task」Protect 100 Natives until the storm disperses!

The more Natives the Host protects actively, or passively, the higher the accomplishment rate of the customized mission!

「Reward」Debt Removal

「Possible additional Rewards」Small Shop Certificate(15 Days), (???) Arcanium, Vial of Boundless Vitality(SSS)

Remark: Host has to reach the Natives in the Jula Valley in the next 10 minutes, otherwise, the customized mission will disappear forever!]

"10 minutes…" Liam quietly repeated the time limit before he acted almost instantaneously as he accessed the Arcane Shop to purchase something.

He had almost 44 Arcanium left to use but only spent 0.25 Arcanium to purchase a large camping backpack that was twice as long as an ordinary one.

It had the perfect size to store a large stash of steel spears, which was exactly what he did.

The more Natives he saved the better the rewards would be. It was clearly stated that the Arcane System didn't care whether he actively or passively saved the Natives. Thus, the most efficient way to reap rewards would be to make sure that he could help the Natives to help themselves!

Liam couldn't be certain about that because his knowledge of Haltan was limited, however, the bits he knew about the planet and its inhabitants were enough to tell that not everyone in the city was in possession of a weapon.

Most intelligent lifeforms on Haltan were humans as well. That made things much easier for Liam who purchased a black Devil Mask at the Arcane Shop for 0.5 Arcanium. It was customized to fit his face perfectly, including the thorn that jutted out of his left forehead.

Others would think that the horn was a part of his mask and that he was actually human, some sort of hero who was able to adjust faster than others.

He didn't care about being a human, let alone being considered a hero by them. The only thing that mattered to him was to successfully complete the customized mission, hopefully by receiving each of the three additional rewards.

Liam had never heard about the Vial of Boundless Vitality before but it sounded like something he would need sooner or later.

Thus, the steel spears would hopefully turn into his golden goose, and Liam rushed down the slippery slope of the mountain range once he got his hand on a suitable battle-axe and every single steel spear he could find all around the corpses of the Shedim.

"A good thing that I learned the human language of Haltan and the Overworld before…"


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