
Chapter 315 I Will Always Be There For You

"How about a 50/50? I won't be stingy and we'll split the responsibilities between the two of us, we'll look for the criminals and prepare the platform to transmit everything, let's also prepare a betting system where bitcoins or any digital currency is accepted" Swaying in his seat, Christian continued "You can handle the betting since you have more experience in that, but you'll also have to take care of guarding the island and place the hidden cameras to transmit everything. I'll also leave you the job of handling the drones to send out the sponsorships."

"What will the island have?"

"I plan to leave the center with certain useful things and several more spots with hidden objects. Be it a sharpening stone, blankets, tents, ropes, among several similar things. The ideal is not to leave weapons but to leave things for them to make weapons. Although I wouldn't mind if we did events with medieval weapons either, it would be entertaining."

"Damn brat, you're diabolical" Laughing softly, Dimitri continued "I like that, I'll talk to little Natasha and send you a message when we have everything ready. Do you have any plans to bring in the public?"

"I was planning to use the page where I upload the evidence of the murders, it already has a traffic of over 200 million users per month and it just keeps going up."

"Mmmmm... Is the security of the site 100% reliable? They can't throw it away?

"Not at all, it's impossible to be tracked, let alone dumped. It also has enough power to support more than 800 million people at the same time, not to mention that we have a much more advanced translator than google or any competitor, we will have no problem in having global scale".

"Well, we will spread this to the important people, I'm sure they will be interested in this entertainment."

"You could make a private page for them, you know how pompous they are, they will feel better looking at a private page with nice elegant designs."

"That would be the best, they would let out money easier" Chuckling, Dimitri continued "We could give them an option that would make them more privileged, maybe give them better sponsorships or incite fights between the people on the island."

"Incite fights?"

"You know, to warn with loudspeaker that something good will fall in such a place, I'm sure many will be tempted and a river of blood will be made."

"Sounds interesting, you guys see those ideas, we'll just set up everything to do with the systems and with the kidnappings"

"Alright, I'll talk to you in the evening, see you later."

"Bye father, rest" Leaving the cell phone on the table, Christian yawned and looked at his gun in silence "Who would have thought that one day I would talk about kidnappings and assassinations so lightly..."

"After all I'm not much different than that Elite I despise so much" Muttering to himself, Christian quickly armed his pistol and pointed it at his head, then pulled the trigger and....


Smiling knowing he didn't get a bullet through the barrel, Christian sighed and set the pistol down on the table, then put everything back in the box and closed it.

Rising from his seat, Christian yawned and walked out of the gun shop, then walked down the halls and out of the panic room.

"Daddy!" Rising quickly from the floor, Helen stretched her arms toward Christian and exclaimed.

"..." Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Christian smiled softly and took Helen in his arms "My little girl was waiting for me all this time?"

"..." Wrapping her little arms around Christian's neck, Helen reaches over and gently kisses his cheek, then rests her head on Christian's shoulder and falls silent.

"*Sigh* How did you know I was here?" sighing with a soft smile, Christian walks into the living room and murmurs.


"..." Lowering his gaze to his little girl, Christian smiled softly and watched her tender face in silence, then closed his eyes and sighed.

Lifting Helen to the level of his face, Christian opened his eyes and smiled warmly "Sweetheart, remember the following for your whole life and at no time have the slightest doubt of this..."

"Daddy loves you with all his heart, you are the best thing that could have happened to me and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you" Gently kissing Helen's forehead, Christian continued "No matter where daddy is, let alone what has happened to him..."

Wrapping an arm around Helen's body, Christian cradled her to his chest and gently touched his little girl's chest, touching exactly over her little heart "Daddy will always be here for you. Whenever you feel lonely and sad, Daddy will be here for you. Whenever you feel like you can't take it anymore, daddy will be here for you. The point of all this, is that I want you to know that daddy will always be there for you no matter what."

"Daddy will always love you and that's something that will never change" Smiling softly, Christian lowered his head and kissed Helen's forehead gently "And if at some point daddy has to leave this world, don't think for a second that you are alone, because even in those moments daddy will make sure to take care of you no matter where he is..."

"I love you my daughter, never forget that" Joining his forehead with Helen's, Christian whispered "I will always love you."

"..." Blinking tenderly, Helen clung to Christian's arm and watched him silently.

"Hehe, now let's go play in the yard~" Regaining his usual cheerfulness, Christian kissed Helen's forehead and continued walking towards their large yard, then passing through the trees and looking all around.

Hearing the voice he was looking for, Christian quietly walks through the grass and hides behind a tree, then peeks his head out slightly and listens to his beloved Elisa.

Crossing her arms as she sits on the grass, Elisa looks at the numerous squirrels in front of her and points her finger at one in particular with reproach on her face "Little Timmy, I told you you had to leave food for your sister, you need to learn to share."

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckles softly and whispers towards Helen "Your mother always talks to her little animals, did you know that of her 37 squirrels, they all have names? I fail to understand how she remembers all the names and identifies who is who, if it wasn't for my perfect memory, even I would have trouble"


Quickly turning her head, Elisa smiles brightly and exclaims "Desperto mi niña!"

Laughing, Christian lowers his little girl to the ground and lets her run free, something the little girl didn't miss and quickly made her way to the squirrels, then crouched down beside Elisa and watched them silently.

Hugging Helen, Elisa gently kissed her head and pointed towards the same squirrel that scolded "That mean squirrel left her brother without food, mom was scolding her for not sharing."

"Squirrels..." Bringing her small hand to her mouth, Helen looked up at Elisa and muttered "Squirrel.... beast."

"It's a little animal, not a beast" Shaking her head, Elisa continued "A beast is an animal used for cargo or mount, but it can also be said to fantastic or frightening monsters, and certainly this cute little squirrel is not a beast."

"..." Blinking slowly, Helen tilted her head slightly and muttered "Animal..."

Sitting down on the grass, Christian leaned his back against a tree and folded his arms, observing the beautiful scene with a small loving smile on his face, while the sound of the sea and the smell of nature relaxed his mind to the maximum point.

"I wish this peace would last forever..." Lifting his gaze to the blue sky, Christian murmured.

[A/N: We'll have these last chapters as Slice of Life to develop the characters a bit more, after this we'll get back into the plot fully, enjoy!]


"Sarah..." Leaning back on his bed, Christian looked at the woman with the laptop on the side and muttered.

"..." Looking sideways at Christian for a moment, Sarah ignored him and continued typing on her computer.



"Sarah..." Creeping slowly toward Sarah with a pout on his face, Christian continued, "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah-"

"What do you want!?" Turning her gaze sharply toward Christian, Sarah exclaimed in annoyance.

"Did you know that when a woman reaches orgasm, all her orifices contract and let out a large amount of fluid? At the same time they have between 1 to 12 contractions of pleasure with a duration of one second each" Speaking with a serious face, Christian continued "Also, your brain stops working and your sense of rationality is only maintained with one thought, which is to have more pleasure. It also releases a lot of oxytocin which is the love hormone, causing the likelihood of you falling in love with a man who makes you reach orgasm to increase considerably."

"That means that you are very likely to love me in an almost psychopathic way, since I make you orgasm every day and therefore your body must be extremely receptive to my touch" Reaching in front of Sarah, Christian smiled playfully and brought his face close to hers "So... do you love me?"

"..." Blinking silently as she watched Christian's face with boredom, Sarah replied "What the fuck are you talking about right now?"

"Do I have to repeat myself?" smiling, Christian brought his face close to Sarah's and whispered softly "Do you love me?"

"..." Staring into Christian's beautiful eyes for a few seconds, Sarah quickly averted her gaze and snorted "Who would love you? You are extremely annoying and I can't stand your presence, in fact, it would be better if you stopped bothering me at least for one day."

Feeling the nausea in his stomach, Christian smiled brightly knowing that this woman is lying "My goodness, my dear Sarah is so dishonest~"

Rolling her eyes, Sarah reached out her hand and pulled Christian's face away "Now leave me alone."

"Heh" Quickly taking the computer from Sarah, Christian set it down and grabbed her waist, then pulled her to him and clung to her like a koala bear "You've been kidnapped, I demand at least 5 kisses and an 'I love you' to be free~"

"*Sigh*" Without even trying to break free, Sarah closed her eyes and remained silent.

What was the point of complaining or trying to get out of his embrace?

They've been together for over a year now and she's known him since he was a child.

Sarah knows perfectly well that when this man is bored, she is his first victim.

This 'kidnapping' is one of his usual games. The first 5 times she tried to fight back, but after failing miserably and having to see Christian's mocking face, Sarah chose to simply take a nap right now.

Sure, she might as well give him 5 kisses and say 'I love you', but Sarah wouldn't be Sarah if she did that.

And even if she really wanted to, she could never thanks to her own way of being, always pushing everyone away because of her own fears, something that was deeply ingrained thanks to her hard life in the orphanage.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


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