
Chapter 312 Delu

"Are you sure?" cupping my cheeks with her hands, Elisa pressed her forehead to mine and murmured "You don't seem to have a fever...we should call a doctor."

"I'll call him" Quickly grabbing her cell phone, Sarah nodded.

"No, it's okay" Smiling reassuringly, I reopen my eyes and sigh "It was just a bad dream, everything's fine".

"Fuck! it's fine!? you looked like you were dying a while ago!" Picking up the cell phone with fury on her face, Sarah continued "Don't make us worry and go to the damn doctor, who knows what might be happening to you!"

"Sarah, I really am fine, it was just a fucking nightmare" Closing my eyes as I take a deep breath, I rub my head and turn my gaze to the bed mattress, noticing that it is completely soaked with my silhouette marked on it 'Shit, that must be liters of sweat.'

"Honey... You're really okay?" Crouching down in front of me, Elisa took my hands and looked at me with concern in her reddened eyes "I've never seen you like this before... I'm worried about you".

Smiling softly, I raise my hand and gently caress Elisa's cheek, then hug her and pull her to me as I murmur "It's ok honey... I just had a bad dream."

[End of POV]


Sipping tea while watching the fish swim in his pond, Christian looked up and sighed.

"That's your fifth sigh in less than 15 minutes, did something happen?" standing behind Christian, Leslie frowned slightly and asked.

"It's just that I realized how small we really are..." Smiling bitterly, Christian continued, "Stopping meteors? Being able to control everything so we can live peacefully? Bullshit... in front of those beings we are flies."

"What beings?"

"*Sigh* Even I don't know..." Shaking his head, Christian sighed "Existence is incredibly coarse and I who have seen situations beyond my comprehension... I feel incredibly small."

"Master-" Cutting off his words, Leslie frowns slightly and brings her hand to the microphone in her ear, then turns to Christian and speaks "There comes that woman."

"Let her in" Taking another sip of tea, Christian smiled slightly and replied.

"Bring her in, but only she can come in" Nodding, Leslie put her hand to her ear and spoke.

Inhaling deeply the scent of the trees around him, Christian closed his eyes and calmed his mind, something that actually became hard work after experiencing what happened the night before.

After a few minutes of waiting, Christian finally saw his 'guest' arrive, causing him to smile slightly as he took another sip of tea.

Delu is a rather tall woman, measuring around 1.87 meters. Her skin is dark, brown hair and dark brown eyes, while her body is slim and quite athletic with marked musculature in her arms.

"Miss Delu, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"Humble?" Raising her eyebrows, Delu looked around calmly, not caring that she was being escorted by 5 women armed to the teeth "This is anything but humble."

"Having a good house doesn't take away your humility, please don't think being humble means being poor."

Chuckling lightly, Delu took the seat across from Christian and sat down, then crossed her legs and looked at the pot of tea on the table "I didn't know you had such hobbies"

"Sounds like you know a lot about me."

"I doubt anyone could claim to know much about 'Lucifer'."

"At least not someone from this world" Smiling, Christian sets his teacup on the table and rests his fist on his chin "Now please be direct, what brings you to my home?"

"Don't you know? You seemed to be expecting me, you even knew my name."

"Who wouldn't know the great hunter Delu? Only an ignoramus wouldn't know your story" Smiling nonchalantly, Christian continued "But now please be direct, as you know, time is money, and based on my earnings, one hour of my time is the equivalent of 19 million dollars."

Raising her eyebrows, Delu narrowed her eyes at Christian and was silent for a few seconds, then turned her gaze to the trees and asked "Have you heard about the murders that have been happening all over the country? The victim count is already over a hundred."

"Oh, you're talking about those dead criminals?" With understanding on his face, Christian continued, "Who wouldn't know? Everyone talks about it, but what does that have to do with me?"

"You wouldn't happen to know who's leading them?" looking sideways at Christian, Delu asked.

"Why would I know? I'm just an ordinary citizen and a faithful defender of the law, I would never surround myself with people as dangerous as that so-called satanic cult."

"That's strange to hear that coming from the great Lucifer."

"Does being Lucifer automatically lump me in with satanic cults or evil cults? As far as I know, there are many religions that claim to serve the goddess and have committed great massacres all over the world, the Catholic church as an example. I doubt that the all benevolent goddess supports them."

"So you are telling me that you know nothing about this group?"

"Nothing at all."

"Even if I take this out?" Pulling out a plaque among his clothes, Delu laid it on the table and asked.

Looking at the badge with disinterest, Christian nodded "It doesn't matter if you're serving national security, I can't talk to you about something I don't know, leave that to the fools."

"..." Turning her gaze to Christian, Delu stares into his eyes for a few seconds, then smiles and picks up his badge again "That'll be all for now, see you in the future."

"Be sure to bring a warrant for the next one, I don't intend to waste my time again" Smiling politely, Christian took his cup of tea and waved his free hand disinterestedly "Please escort the esteemed lady out."

Rising from her seat, Delu straightened her suit and smiled at Christian "See you soon".

"Have a safe trip" Looking with a small smile at the woman, Christian waited for her to walk a bit and raised his voice "Miss Delu, don't forget that in California you need the permission of those involved to record a conversation, please be so kind as to give your tape recorder to my people before you leave".

Pausing her pace, Delu turned her gaze to Christian and narrowed her eyes at him, then nodded silently and continued walking.

"I act confident enough, I don't like her" With Delu having already disappeared from view, Leslie frowned deeply and spoke.

"She's a woman who doesn't know the larger threads that control her, obviously she wouldn't have the slightest caution or respect with me" Smiling nonchalantly, Christian stretched his arms and yawned "Give Envy the heads up, I want her kept under surveillance at all times, no need to send personnel, just use the tech"

"Understood master."

"Good... I'll go check on my girl" Getting up, Christian yawned again and walked, fully determined to spend every spare moment with his family in the face of the impending workload coming his way.


"The invistigation has already begun... managed to gather quite a few interesting scientists" Pursing his lips as he read the reports on his computer, Christian muttered "How much did that bunker cost Envy? It looks pretty complete..."

"I think she got it on sale thanks to a favor she did" Lying lazily on the couch, Emily yawned and replied.

"A favor?"

"She kidnapped the daughter of a Japanese billionaire company. When the rich woman was desperate, she offered to help. Upon delivering the daughter, the woman was very grateful to Envy and wanted to pay him back somehow, that bunker was her emergency bunker in case of an apocalypse and she never used it, so she didn't think twice about giving a big price break."

"What a cheeky bitch" Chuckling, Christian continued "You have everything ready to travel? We leave in 3 days, we travel around 10 pm, the trip to Ireland takes 12 to 13 hours and the time difference is 8 hours, so we'll be arriving in the afternoon."

"I have everything ready, not that I need so much stuff either. Just clothes and my laptops" Shrugging, Emily smiled brightly and continued "And you? Do you have everything ready?"

"Almost everything, I already got the order I ordered from Russia and I just have to get everything ready to carry it."

"What did you order?"

"A general antidote for poisons and some specialized ones to prevent aphrodisiacs and other dangerous poisons. I also asked for a portable mask but it protects against toxic gases and powdered poisons. But the hardest thing to get was a sheath for my sword, they had to use a titanium alignment metal and even then I'm afraid it will break if I move it too much."

"That sword is crazy, I still can't figure out where the church got it from."

"I'm sure there must be some clue in the books we stole... the problem is that most of those books are in dead languages and I would have to try to find records among those thousands of books where they teach how to read them. It would take me years to finish reading everything, even if I have a photographic memory and my comprehension ability is insane."

"Honey~" Arriving with a little bounce, Elisa sat down next to Christian and clung to him with a big smile "My little girl gave me a little kiss before she went to sleep~"

Laughing softly, Christian put his computer aside and wrapped his arm around his beloved's soft waist "Look at that beautiful smile of yours, all happy because the little girl gave you a kiss~"

"Hehe~" Leaning back on Christian's chest, Elisa closed her eyes and smiled sweetly "It's the first time she did it without you asking her to, I'm so happy~"

Looking at the small scene in front of her, Emily rolled her eyes and went about her business, already ignoring the seeds of jealousy quite easily, all thanks to long experience.

Taking Elisa's face in his hands, Christian pressed their noses together and rubbed gently, causing Elisa to giggle softly as she closed her eyes tenderly.

Gently kissing Elisa's forehead, Christian picked up his computer again and asked "Where's mom?"

"She went out to buy more meat with Leslie and Sarah."

"And my siblings?"

"Hailie took the time to transmit and Alan was sunbathing on the beach" Looking curiously at the computer screen, Elisa asked "What's that?"

Looking at the map, Christian focused on a large store and smiled "It's a Disney beverage store."

"Why do you see it?"

"Someone owes me a favor and told me to ask for whatever I want, I'll tell him to buy this store and build me a nightclub."

"A nightclub?" Raising her eyebrows with interest, Elisa looked up at Christian and asked "Why do you want a nightclub?"

"I always thought they were cool, it's nothing more than an interest" Chuckling, Christian opened the blueprint program and went on to create one in particular "My nightclub will be called 'Lux', it will have 5 floors and the top floor will be my private floor. I want it to be the most exclusive nightclub in America."

"Lux... what does it mean?"


"Oh... but isn't it a waste to spend that favor on just one building? You could ask for a giant ship, like a cruise ship."

"I won't ask for just a building" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "For starters the area is in a very important part of Los Angeles, they don't usually agree to have something like a nightclub there, not to mention that outside the building there are several of those trophy Hollywood stars."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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