
Chapter 310 Lucid Dream?

"Well... I've been doing some research and the situation is quite serious."

"I hear you."

"Apparently it's not just verbal insults. There are many cases of brutal beatings where they leave students half dead, there are even many cases of ****... we also have a lot of cases where bullies who assaulted parents of the other students and killed some"

"And what do the authorities do? What about the school principals?"

"They don't mess with them" Shrugging her shoulders, Emily continued "And even if they go to trial, Korean law dictates that a minor will not get serious punishments. Even if he kills a person, the average punishment is around a year in the correctional facility, but they'll most likely let him go after a few months."

"Only a few months for murder? What are those old fossils thinking?"

"But that's not the worst of it, I found something quite interesting" Turning the screen to Christian, Emily smiled and commented "They have a Korea-wide organization of bullies. They divide up territories and protect each other, they have quite a few ties to the police and government, nothing much different than a big mafia."

"How do they finance that?"

"They steal money from the students... they generate quite a few million dollars because of that."

"Fuck..." Cursing with surprise, Christian chuckled with amusement and continued "So being a bully makes more money than working honestly, I'm not surprised they take that route."


"But it's strange... if they grow that much, it's inevitable to bring the government's gaze, I doubt they would allow them to grow that much as it would be a danger to them... do they have backing?"

"Yes, apparently the creators of the group are the young ladies of several powerful conglomerates in Korea, there's even the heiress of Samsung in the highest circle."

"That got interesting" Raising his eyebrows while his eyes become serious, Christian continued "Those girls created a criminal group where they are dedicated to beat young people and take their money..."

"It's pretty dark all... according to the information we have, they have already caused more than 800 deaths in the whole country so far this year."

"More than 800 deaths? That's a lot for mere students..."

"I'm not talking about them killing that many, I'm talking about the suicide rate amplifying a lot since this group was created."

"Suicide..." Lowering his gaze, Christian muttered, "What a nasty word."

"You know the funny thing?" knowing full well what memories Christian must have with the word 'suicide', Emily quickly changed the subject "These people don't use guns, instead they fight with fists or with bladed weapons like bats or irons"

"Hoh, that sounds entertaining" Gaining a twinkle in his eye, Christian muttered "In the middle east and Africa I only fought with guns and knives, it's extremely stressful to always have to be on the lookout for a bullet to blow your brains out... it would certainly be relaxing to be able to settle everything with your fists"

"Mn" Typing on her computer, Emily continued "Gun laws in these eastern countries are quite strict about firearms. While getting a gun in Korea isn't as difficult as trying to get one in China, it's certainly not something the average person can have"

"Hmmm... then sending our people with guns would make us completely in control in the attacks" Rubbing his chin, Christian continued "But we would also have to be twice as prepared, we couldn't justify soldiers as private security, since even they shouldn't be able to use guns in Korea... I guess if we choose Korea, Envy will have twice as much work to do to avoid getting caught."

"Envy... you trust her enough" Looking at Christian out of the corner of her eye, Emily commented.

"If not her my army wouldn't have held on so easily" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "She's a smart woman with character. She took it upon herself to create different hidden military bases within this country and I wouldn't be surprised if she is already preparing others in many more countries. She knows how to lead, she knows how to keep the military in line and she is reliable... it wouldn't be too much to say that she is a very important person for all of this."

"But at the same time dangerous."

"Dangerous... yes, she always was" Laughing softly, Christian continued "That's why I like her and why we became close. I know her ambition, she was always destined for greatness and no one can deny it."

"Aren't you afraid she'll bite you in the ass?"

"Afraid... not at all" Smiling towards Emily, Christian murmured "Today I trust her blindly.... when I'm with the people I cherish, I forget every scheme and every worry, I wouldn't want to change that... I'd end up losing myself and I could never be me... I could never have peace."

"..." Watching Christian in silence for a few seconds, Emily finally sighed and replied "I hope you don't regret it someday."

"I think so too..." Murmuring softly, Christian continued "Are you ready for us to go to Ireland yet?"

Gaining a new twinkle in her eye, Emily nodded quickly "All set!"

Chuckling softly, Christian commented "I plan to take Natasha, the slave I told you about."

"W-why would you take her?" looking at Christian with disappointment, Emily stammered.

Reaching out his hand, Christian gently stroked Emily's hair and replied "Don't worry, she'll just be a servant and a manager, I'd hate to have to talk so much and have to worry about every single thing we need on the way."

"Oh, good" Regaining her smile, Emily continued "Do you already know where we'll be staying?"

"At a nearby hotel near the shooting location."

"It must be entertaining to wear those Viking clothes, but are you sure I can go?"

"Okay, I talked to the manager and she gave me the green light, but you have to sign a confidentiality agreement, you can't talk publicly about what you see."

"I have no problem" Smiling brightly, Emily tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and nodded.

Glancing at the beautiful young woman beside him, Christian chuckled softly and lifted his gaze to the bar in the distance "Want to get a drink?"

"More? We had enough on the beach."

"Couldn't do with another drink, I'm feeling lively" Chuckling, Christian stood up and walked over to the bar, then began pouring two glasses of whiskey on the rocks.

Returning to the couch, Christian handed one to Emily and they continued working with laughter, until Emily frowned slightly and began typing rapidly.

After a few minutes, Emily turned to Christian and commented, "I sent you a file, read it."

Nodding curiously, Christian put the file down and began to read it silently, but the more he read the more mocking his smile became.

"Delu Achebe, you certainly have great accomplishments. She even caught that old lady Bin Laden."

"Doesn't that worry you? She's a Rothschild dog" Frowning slightly, Emily asked.

"Not at all, you said it yourself, she's just a dog" Waving his hand lazily, Christian continued "The only reason why she's alive after catching so many important people, is because the Rothschilds give her protection in the shadows, but it's not like I'm afraid of them"


"Not to mention that she really has nothing to look for, and on the slightest chance she manages to find something to hold on to, I will personally make sure she ends up in a ditch."

"She's coming tomorrow, what will you do?"

"I'll greet her with a cup of tea."


Sipping his glass of whiskey, Christian smiled nonchalantly and downed it all in one gulp, then continued working without a hitch.

The hours passed and the drunkenness grew stronger and stronger in both of them, glass after glass, alcohol after alcohol, until it got to the point where Emily fell completely asleep and fell asleep on the couch, while Christian with a flushed face and cloudy eyes, turned off the computers and covered Emily with a blanket.

Walking with some difficulty to his room, Christian closed the door and awkwardly removed his clothes, while everything seemed to spin around him.

Lying down next to the sleeping Elisa, Christian scratched his cheek and looked up at the ceiling, feeling incredibly calm in the face of so much silence.


Minutes passed and Christian's eyelids grew heavier and heavier.

The effect of the alcohol and the tiredness acted without any problem and slowly led him to fall asleep, but when his consciousness was fading and his eyes were about to close, Christian saw something that puzzled him.

'A clock?' Making a great effort to open his eyes, Christian narrowed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling doubtfully, managing to see a strange clock above him spinning rapidly without any sense.

"Because there's a clock here..." Muttering haltingly, Christian reached out his hand and tried to grab it, but when he expected to touch something, suddenly his whole surroundings changed.

"What the fuck!?" Magically awakening from all stupor or exhaustion, Christian looked around and exclaimed.

Christian saw himself in a place where he shouldn't be. He was no longer lying in his bed, but was standing in what seemed to be nothingness itself and everything around him was shrouded in darkness, to the point where he couldn't even see his own hands.

"A lucid dream?" Frowning deeply in sleep, Christian began to pace around him, while a thousand thoughts assailed his mind "Did I drink too much?"

But although Christian never stopped walking around the area for an indefinite amount of time, he could find nothing but darkness. A darkness so suffocating and overbearing, that it seemed to solidify around him, causing Christian to start losing more and more of his composure.

"WHO THE FUCK BROUGHT ME HERE!!!?" No longer able to stand the mental pressure, Christian looked around and screamed in fury, while his breathing became increasingly agitated.


Biting his lips at the lack of an answer, Christian rolled his eyes erratically and ran aimlessly.

For a long time, Christian ran and ran, while every second that passed inside this place, his mind became more and more unstable.

How to avoid it?

Suddenly he appeared in a creepy place, the silence is overwhelming and if he is lucky to see himself, anyone would lose his mind in this hell.



Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

Breathing heavily, I gritted my teeth and cursed inside my mind.

Even though I had gone through mental training in the war and had been trained by my father, nothing prepared me for this kind of situation where all common sense goes to shit.

It's all so damn overwhelming!

The silence that I loved so much, became so fucking overwhelming from one moment to the next, to the point where I could hear my heart beating and I could hear my blood flowing, something I haven't experienced since I was a kid.

Something I never learned to master.

"That's it..."

I see something!

Although the distance is hard to estimate and the darkness is still just as solid, I certainly see something in the distance as if it were a sun inside this hell.

Running even faster as hope shines within me, I smile with desperation and increase my speed even more.

Sweat was running down my face and I could feel my heart beating violently, but in the hope of getting out of this hellish place, nothing mattered.

The minutes passed and little by little I was getting closer to my destination, until I reached the point where I managed to glimpse what I saw, something that surprised me a lot.

In front of me was the silhouette of a little boy, I could not see his face because his back was turned, but he had something that enchanted me for a moment.

Wearing what appeared to be a white dress, the boy was hugging his legs while a beautiful bright crimson hair fluttered mysteriously.

Something quite rare if you take into account that in this place you can't even feel the air.

With a bit of caution and with a sudden fear growing inside me, I frown deeply and shout.

"Who the fuck are you!?"

Despite seeing him shout, the boy showed no reaction.

"I'm talking to you, who are you!" biting my lips hard as I felt an unreasonable fear inside my body, I gather courage and scream again, while a strange shiver ran down my back.



Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


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