
Chapter 304 Hidden Union?

"Anytime" Chuckling, Christian kissed her forehead softly, then took her back into his arms and laid her on his chest "Let daddy hold you to recharge his energy."

"You woke up" Entering the room with a basket of clothes, Elisa smiled softly and sat down on the bed, then lay down behind Christian and hugged him from behind "Did you sleep well?"

"You saw it, didn't you?" Without letting go of his little girl's embrace, Christian murmured softly.


"What do you think?"

"You know I'll support you through anything" Gently kissing Christian's back, Elisa gently caressed Christian's abs and continued "But you also know I won't hesitate to scold you if I think you're going down the wrong path."

"That's why I love you so much" Carefully turning around while holding Helen in his arms, Christian stands facing Elisa and gazes lovingly into her beautiful emerald eyes "Give me my good morning kiss"

Letting out a small giggle, Elisa purses her lips and moves closer to Christian, kissing him softly while ignoring the little hands trying to push her back.


Opening her eyes a little wider, Elisa slowly pulled back as she licked her lips, only to look down and watch the little girl clinging to Christian possessively "This little girl... did she just call me 'beast'?"

"Hahaha~" Laughing softly, Christian stroked Helen's face and commented with amusement "Look how she puffs up her cheeks, she's completely furious with you."

"..." Rubbing her forehead with a bittersweet smile, Elisa gently squeezed Helen's cheek "I'm your mother, don't call me beast."

"Beast..." Shaking her head to free herself from Elisa, Helen murmured and turned her face, quickly hiding in Christian's chest, causing Elisa to shake her head and look at Christian reproachfully.

"It's all your fault, I'm sure it's because of that new story you read her."

"But isn't she cute~?"

"*Sigh* If it was you he's calling beast, you wouldn't be grinning foolishly like you are now."

"Don't get upset about things like that" Drawing Elisa's head back, Christian rubbed his cheek with hers and whispered softly "You know our little girl loves you very much too, I'm just her favorite."

Rolling her eyes, Elisa sighed and let herself be pampered by Christian, then looked sideways at him and asked "Tomorrow your family is coming, what shall we do?"

"Mmmm, I would like to go out and tour Malibu but you know that unfortunately it is impossible for us" Sighing bitterly, Christian thought for a few seconds and continued "We could buy meats and some seafood and prepare something delicious..."

"We could go to our beach and bring a grill, it would be nice to spend the evening with a bonfire."

"That's a good idea" Gently kissing Elisa's cheek, Christian continued "We can also go for a few boat rides... my girl has a bathing suit?"

"I bought her a really cute baby swimsuit" With a twinkle in her eye, Elisa looked down at Helen and smiled expectantly "It has a cute little fox in the center and it's red with embroidery. It will look very cute~"

"I'm already looking forward to it, but... do you have one too?"

"Yes, but..." Pursing her lips, Elisa lowered her gaze further and murmured "I don't know if it will fit me..."

"*Sigh*" Taking Elisa's cheek, Christian forced her to look into his eyes with a little force in his grip and frowned slightly "I've always told you how beautiful you are and how much I love the new body you have. Stop judging yourself and recognize that right now you are an incredibly sexy woman full of natural charms. You are not fat and you are not ugly, just be yourself and enjoy yourself, because in my eyes you are an incredible woman and I am grateful every day to have you by my side."

Biting her full lips, Elisa looked at Christian with gentleness while a beautiful smile formed on her face "I love you".

"Yes?" Slowly approaching Elisa's face, Christian gently rubbed his nose with hers and whispered with a smile "Prove it~"

Biting her lips sensually, Elisa looked down and watched Helen for a few seconds, then smiled with a twinkle in her eye and slowly crawled down.

Pulling up the bed sheet, Elisa hid underneath and covered Christian, then licked her lips and began to pull down her man's pants.

Raising his eyebrows with a face full of interest, Christian settled down on the bed and made sure to keep Helen on his chest, so as to avoid any awkward mishaps with his little girl.

Holding Christian's erect cock in her hands, Elisa lifted the sheet slightly and watched Christian's eyes with amusement, then opened her full lips and took the glans into her mouth.

Without taking her eyes off him, Elisa slowly lowered herself to the point where a lump formed in her throat, but without any discomfort and with smiling eyes, she began to move her head up and down steadily.

"*Sigh*" Sighing with satisfaction, Christian trembled slightly just from the pleasure, but still he never stopped watching with a soft smile the demonstration of love from his beloved Elisa.

The minutes passed and Elisa did not rest at any moment, while Christian enjoyed in absolute silence the little moment, until there came a moment when the climax reached him and without giving any warning, he let it all out.

"*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*" Swallowing again and again, Elisa went up and down a few more times, then lifted her head and licked her lips.

Lifting the sheet a little more, Elisa opens her mouth wide and reveals her pink tongue still with traces of semen forming threads inside, causing Christian to chuckle and speak "Finish cleaning it up."

Sticking her tongue out playfully, Elisa went back down and finished with her work, making sure to run her tongue over every nook and cranny and clean up every little drop that had escaped.

Taking the erection, Elisa tucked it back into Christian's pants and crawled up, then leaned against Christian's shoulder and closed her eyes with a satisfied smile.

"I love you" Gently kissing Elisa's forehead, Christian sighed contentedly and continued "I will miss this so much when I go to Ireland."

"I will miss you" Pursing her lips as her gaze turned sad, Elisa continued "When do you have to leave?"

"In 13 days, they already called me and I have everything ready."

"Who are you going with?"

"With Emily" Softly caressing Elisa's hair, Christian murmured "When we were kids I promised her that we would travel together to many places..."

"You promised me to go camping in the mountains" Looking at Christian reproachfully, Elisa continued "You said we'd go with Sarah and stay a few days there."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled softly and nodded "I know, do you want to go on one of these days? We still have time."

"*Sigh* You know we can't" Shaking her head, Elisa looked down and gently stroked her daughter's hair "We have a responsibility now and it's not a good idea to go with a baby to the mountains."

"We could leave her with my mother, you know she gets along well with her" Shrugging, Christian stroked his little girl's soft hair and continued "But we could wait a while longer and go with our little girl when she's a little older, it would be a nice experience for her to be among nature"

"Not bad, but when she is a little older" Nodding with a small smile, Elisa continued "What are you doing these days?"

"I've already ordered everything I need for Helen's room, I'll paint it and draw some pictures... but I also need to train and finish some paperwork, so I'll be a little busy" Frowning slightly while muttering those last words, Christian remembered the message he received yesterday.

Jarvis' red alert was activated.

Jarvis has a pretty complete and efficient system. But unfortunately, it is still very archaic and cannot yet be used to its full potential.

The red alert is a code specially written by Emily. A code that is dedicated to monitor or recognize any mention of some keywords such as 'Christian Grey and Kill'.

Whenever the name Christian and the word kill are put together, Jarvis will detect it and file it as a file to review. But Christian being such a well known figure in the world, he naturally has a lot of people talking about him and mixing those two words together is not a difficult thing to do, so it always fills up with files that are usually junk.

It usually takes at least 3 days to be able to classify that information as junk or something important.

But after a second inspection and further monitoring, it was discovered that Christian is now the target of some unknown organization.

Despite having all the world's networks tapped, Christian could not fully identify who sent him to dial him, but he does have some ideas.

The source of this information is quite interesting even though it only lasted a few seconds.

It all started in China, Beijing.

A group of strange people wearing strange traditional robes were walking through an upscale residential area. The group did not talk much, but they had some very talkative young people and without realizing that these high-level houses had cameras, they blurted out important information.

The two young women talked openly about having to kill the American Christian Grey. They talked about how easy and boring it would be and even made bets between them, but that's not what caught Christian's attention the most, but their next words.

"They sent the hidden Union after me..." Muttering inaudibly, Christian thought 'What the fuck is the hidden Union? My father must not know about it since he made me learn all about the big organizations...'

Hidden Union.

It is not known who they are, nor what their purpose is, but Christian can tell that they must be strong enough to be sent to kill him.

'The person who commissioned them is not hard to imagine' Recalling Long Fei's arrogant face, Christian clicked his tongue and muttered "I thought that having all the networks in the world, everything would be visible, but I was naive..."

Although Christian has access to almost everything electronic in this world, he came to realize that he has a rather frustrating limit. For starters, the people who really matter stay away from anything with a signal or internet.

The big bosses and the Elite, people who can easily overlook Christian's detection.

Usually when these people are planning or holding important meetings, they always take care not to carry any compromising devices, be it cell phones, tape recorders or anything else that could put them at risk, making it very difficult for any information to leak out.

Of course, they will not be able to hide their faces at all times and there will come a time when Christian will have something on them, but it doesn't take away the fact that the most important matters will be completely hidden for a few days and that can cause a lot of problems.

But even though hell may be about to break loose on Christian, he personally is not worried.

He saw the signal and knows they will come for him, that's all he needs and he doesn't doubt his ability to take down anything.

He knows perfectly well that right now this house is the safest, it has more than 100 armed people for security, they have a fully equipped panic room, not to mention that they have national security guarding and guarding their doors. Unless they send in an army or drop a nuclear bomb, it's impossible to get to him.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


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