
Chapter 280 Errors

"My goodness, you're so sweet even in the mornings, I think I'm going to get food poisoning" Laughing softly, Christian rested his chin on Elisa's head and looked down at the food he's preparing "What's that for?"

"It's Helen's food" Leaving the spoon on the table, Elisa turned around in the embrace and wrapped her own arms around Christian's back "She has to eat mush."

"But she's asleep, is it okay to disturb her?"

"She has to eat."

"But she can have milk"

"It's the nutrients that are important, everything has to be balanced" Smiling confidently, Elisa gently stroked Christian's pectorals with her fingernail and continued "Working early?"

"It was a bit of a complicated situation, but everything is fine now... but that's not the important thing here..." Looking out the window at the mush and the dark sky, Christian sighed and grabbed Elisa's butt with both hands, then lifted her up and carried her to a nearby chair "Since when do you do this?"

"Food?" Resting her head on Christian's shoulder, Elisa asked.


"Mmmm... 2 months?"

"..." Biting his lips, Christian lowers his gaze and mutters "I'm a failure as a father... you've been doing all the hard work alone for so long-"

"Don't talk anymore" Covering Christian's mouth with her hand, Elisa sighed with a beautiful smile and continued "I'm happy doing what I do, and although I'd like to spend more time with you, I know you're doing everything you can for us, so please don't talk nonsense."

"..." Without stopping biting his lips, Christian gazed dazedly at the beautiful woman in front of him, then smiled bitterly and replied "It's amazing how each day I love you more than the one before"

"I get to see it" Gently caressing Christian's cheeks, Elisa replied.

"Hoh, and how do you see it?"

"The love for me in your eyes is so great!" Smiling confidently, Elisa replied without any shyness.

Raising an eyebrow, Christian chuckled and commented, "I'm a good liar. What if it's all a facade?"

"Then I have to ask you to keep lying to me for the rest of my life, because I'm very happy inside this charade" Bringing her face closer, Elisa rubbed her nose with Christian's and closed her eyes with a smile on her face "I love you too much."

Closing his eyes with a soft smile, Christian enjoyed the warmth that flooded his heart in silence, feeling that in moments like this, all his worries and frustrations magically disappeared.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes, to such an extent that the couple didn't even notice and half an hour passed, until finally Christian smiled with satisfaction and opened his eyes again.

"Let's go feed our little girl."

"Mn" Opening her eyes, Elisa smiles softly and purses her full lips "But first I want my good morning kiss."

"At your command my lady" Squeezing Elisa's ass, Christian licks his lips and smiles, then moves in and gently kisses his wife's soft lips.

"Delicious~" Pulling away after a few seconds, Elisa smiles playfully and takes a soft bite of Christian's bottom lip, then giggles happily and gets up "I'll go finish the meal~"

"I'll be waiting for you" Licking his lips, Christian followed Elisa's back with his gaze and commented "She's wearing black panties, my favorite."

"I was thinking of seducing you, did it work?" Lifting up her shirt, Elisa showed her ass to Christian and wiggled it slowly, then turned her face with a playful smile "Lace panties just for you~"

Biting his lips, Christian leaned back on the seat and stared at the big butt in front of him "You know... I think Helen would be happy with a little sister."

"Another daughter?" taking the spoon, Elisa raised her eyebrows and smiled teasingly "Wouldn't be bad another little Helen, but I think your little girl would be really mad at me."

"Yes? Why?"

"You know she doesn't like me coming near you when you're with her, imagine if we gave her a sister to take away her time with you, she'd go crazy."

"..." Pursing his lips, Christian rubbed his chin and frowned slightly, then sighed and smiled bitterly "Yeah, that could happen..."

"Although it wouldn't hurt for her to have a child her age for company" Looking sideways at Christian, Elisa commented.

"Do you really think Helen would live with other kids her age?" chuckling, Christian continued "I'm sure at best she'd just look at them, at worst she wouldn't even consider them."

"*Sigh* Even though you say she looks just like you, I have a hard time relating our silent Helen to the unruly child I saw when we first met, she doesn't look much like her father in that respect."

"Hahaha, I still remember that day" Smiling warmly, Christian looked carefully at Elisa and commented "That day I felt envious of Sarah the very moment I saw you... coming out of the room with wet hair, baggy clothes like now... you were like an angel, I even got dazed just seeing you".

"What? I'm not an angel anymore?"

"Mmmm" Looking at Elisa's big ass, Christian commented "I don't think angels are that tempting, no doubt pregnancy was the best thing that could have happened to you."

Rolling her eyes, Elisa pursed her lips and replied "I'm fat and now I have stretch marks on my stomach."

"You know they are very few stretch marks and yet they only make you more beautiful... as for the former, heh... do you really think you are fat?" Rising from his seat, Christian approaches Elisa with a smile and hugs her from behind, then slowly moves his hands and gently squeezes his wife's breasts "I still see the sensual woman who bewitched me since I was a child~"

"Yes~?" gently rubbing her ass with Christian's crotch, Elisa continued to grind the rub and whispered "I'm still your sorceress~?"

"I'd say you went up a level~" Gently nibbling Elisa's ear, Christian continued "Now you're a great sorceress who can hypnotize me with just a little movement~"

"You swear~?" Turning her head, Elisa looked at Christian with a shy look and whispered.

"I need to swear the obvious to you?" smiling warmly, Christian takes Elisa's chin and gently kisses her lips, then chuckles softly and lets her go "Where do you feed Helen?"

"Mmmm..." Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Elisa smiled and put the spoon aside "I'll just give her milk for now, put this away and let's rest."

"But didn't you get up just to give her food?"

"Yes, but that can wait a few hours, milk will do" Putting everything away in the refrigerator, Elisa washed her hands and smiled "Let's go~"

Nodding silently, Christian followed the cheerful woman to the room and entered quietly, watching the picturesque scene in front of him with a smile.

'So cute'

Although the bedroom light is on, Sarah and Helen are still sound asleep.

Sarah with her breasts exposed to the air is totally sprawled out on the bed, arms spread and legs spread while a little saliva dripped from her mouth.

But as if their situation wasn't picturesque enough, Helen was sleeping in the same manner next to her, though she did keep her mouth shut.

"Aren't they adorable?" Taking off her shirt, Elisa smiled softly and whispered "Sarah doesn't believe me when I tell her Helen sleeps like her, I had to take a picture of her for her to notice and she looked so embarrassed."

"Most likely she was quite happy" Chuckling, Christian took off his shoes and pants, then continued "This woman is very bad with her feelings."

"They're called tsundere."

"Do you watch anime?"

"Every day"

"My wife is otaku"


Unbuttoning the first 3 buttons of his shirt, Christian turns to the bed and smiles, then climbs up and crawls to the center.

Taking Helen carefully, Elisa places her on top of her and brings her weight to her mouth, causing the girl without opening her eyes, to start suckling.

Moving Sarah's arm, Christian leaned back in the center and settled into the pillow, then settled back and turned to Elisa.

Taking the woman's free breast, Christian snuggled up to her and took it into his mouth, suckling the warm milk with satisfaction.

Stroking Christian's hair with one hand and Helen's back with the other, Elisa smiled warmly and closed her eyes, feeling the much loved familiar warmth she never got to feel in her childhood.

"Christian..." Still stroking Christian's hair, Elisa whispered softly.


"Could you spend more time with Helen?"

"What?" Frowning slightly, Christian pulled Elisa's nipple from his mouth and looked at her doubtfully "I always spend time with her.... I may not always be able to because of my travels, but whenever I'm here I'm always with her..."

"I know, silly" Smiling softly, Elisa smiled softly and continued "I know this is new to you as it is to me, but... I think you're making a mistake with our daughter."

"In what?" Turning his gaze to Helen, Christian asked with concern.

"Spending time with Helen doesn't mean just holding her in your arms while you go about your business... the most you share with her is watching TV or watching each other for hours... whenever you hold her and she is awake, you spend time reading or doing something else, you never really devote your time completely to her... you share almost nothing with her."

"..." Opening his eyes a little wider, Christian turned pale quickly as those words repeated over and over in his mind.

"I'd like for you to play with her.... sing to her if you want to, read her stories or take her for a walk... just have a hobby with her, whatever it is... I'm sure she'll be very happy about it and in the future you can keep that connection with her" Looking at Christian's pale face, Elisa sighed softly and smiled, then pinched Christian's cheek and continued "I'm not saying you're a bad father now, I'm just saying that it wouldn't be bad if you did more than just be with her."

Biting his lips, Christian smiled bitterly and murmured "I see... I made a mistake, I'll fix it tomorrow."

Christian didn't have to be very smart to realize what a big problem Elisa was talking about.

He just focused on what he wanted as a child, to spend more time with his mother.

He didn't care if Eva did anything else while she was with him, he just wanted to have her around or at least get to see her once a day.

The loneliness consumed him and that's all he would settle for.

But obviously that's not enough, at least not for a father like Christian and Elisa, who want with all their hearts for their daughter to be as happy as possible.

Spending time with your children is much more than just seeing them or holding them in your arms.

Spending time with your children means really giving them your time, focusing only on them.

Reading stories, building something with toys, going shopping, playing sports, anything goes as long as you make a connection.

Although this tends to be more important with older children, we must not forget that if Helen is really like Christian, everything she sees now she will never forget.

So whatever pastime Christian has with her, it will always be on her mind and accompany her for the rest of her life.

"Thank you sweetheart~" Smiling sweetly, Elisa kissed Christian's forehead and closed her eyes again, knowing full well that her man would keep his word.

'Have some pastime with my girl...' Taking Elisa's nipple into his mouth, Christian drank milk quietly as his mind worked fully on various ideas to make amends for his mistake.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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