
Chapter 274 Return

"Dethroning you? Why would I do something so boring" Shrugging, Lust continued "You go out of your way and hardly ever have any free time, that's not for me."

"Being a leader comes with a lot of expenses, only stupid people would spend their money on others."

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Christian purses his lips and comments "You know the money you use is mine, don't you?"

"That's why I said"Old man, do you think I could immortalize my company logo on the moon with a laser?" dropping a card on the table, Christian casually commented.

"That you can, but you'd be a world enemy" Dropping another card on the table, Dimitri commented "Poker".

"Royal flush."

"*Sigh* Again I got nothing."

Looking at Lust's royal flush and Greed's bitter face, Christian pursed his lips and looked at his own cards, hopefully seeing a duo "When I have enough defenses I'll mark a purple eye on the moon."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because it would be nice, every time people look at the moon, they'll think of me."

"It would be very theatrical to have an eye like that in the sky" Shuddering slightly as he imagined the sight, Greed murmured "Although it would be funny if you ruined the moon like that, it certainly wouldn't be romantic anymore"

"Master, your coffee."

Receiving the cup, Christian smiled slightly and turned his gaze to the woman who arrived at his side.

Natasha today wore a completely different outfit from how she looked on the first day, wearing a tight dark elegant suit on her voluptuous figure and keeping her hair tied in a ponytail.

Her empty eyes were exchanged for eyes full of vitality and her stoic face now presents a small smile, demonstrating at what level this woman can control her emotions and expressions, something that only drew praise from Christian.

Taking a sip of coffee, Christian closed his eyes and nodded with satisfaction "You learn fast."

"It's all thanks to your help maestro" Bowing slightly, Natasha replied with respect in her voice.

Humming softly, Christian waved his hand and spoke "You may go."

Nodding silently, Natasha left the room.

"Are you sure you're keeping her by your side?" Raising his eyebrows, Dimitri asked.

"It's fun to have her around, but there are things I must keep her from knowing, my daughter for one."

"Where will you keep her when you get to America?"

"I was planning to entrust it to Lust" Turning his gaze to Lust, Christian asked "What do you think?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lust replied with disinterest "As you wish."

"..." Nodding silently, Christian picked up his cell phone and checked his notifications, then sighed and set it back down on the table.

"What's bothering you? I've seen you checking your cell phone with the same look on your face all day" Putting his cards down on the table, Dimitri asked.

"Today is the meeting of the old families, but I can't manage to find anything they talked about and so far they showed no suspicious movements, it's very strange..."

"The old families... if they decide you're trouble, you'll have thorny problems, you should start being careful."

"*Sigh* I know, I already took care to increase security around my family, but I still feel uncomfortable" Leaning back in the seat, Christian continued "Unlike my belief that every debt has only one debtor, these people spare no effort in their goals, no matter if they have to harm third parties... these kinds of people are the ones that frustrate me the most"

"I doubt they will do anything to your family, for now you are the biggest problem and as long as you are still alive, they won't do something that can end your total hatred, most likely they will try to kill you first"

"Isn't that the same thing? They would still earn my hatred"

"Of course it's not the same" Chuckling, Dimitri continued "If they go after your family first, your hatred will be very different than if they go after you first, it's a simple thing that everyone in this dirty world knows. After all these people still have families."

"..." Pursing his lips for a few seconds, Christian turns to Lust and speaks "When we get to New York, you will leave separately, I'll call my mother to prepare your driver for me..."

"Isn't it safer for you to go with us?" frowning slightly, Lust asks.

"It's okay, you know I know how to defend myself" Waving his hand lazily, Christian smiled, then turned his gaze to Dimitri and asked "By the way, I've been here for several days now and I haven't seen Mrs. Natasha or Irina again, what happened to them?"

"Irina was sent to Africa to complete some arms deliveries, and little Natasha... is somewhat complicated with spies" Smiling bitterly, Dimitri continued "You may not be much interested in spies, but there was a woman who was Natasha's best friend, her being a spy hit her hard."

"Oh..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian nodded "I didn't bother checking that out, I guess she must be hurt."

"She'll be fine, it's not the first time she's had to experience something like that."

"Not the first time?"

"Being the head of the Bratva brings a lot of greed, haven't you wondered why you saw Natasha's daughter but not the husband?"

"She kill him?"

"He tried to dethrone her along with Natasha's sister."

"What happened to them?"

"Both dead."

"Yes she must have a hard life" Muttering to himself, Christian turned his gaze to Lust and Greed "You bitches don't even think about dethroning me, because death would be a blessing for you."

I wouldn't want to be the leader" Showing her teeth with her smile, Greed replied.



Another day passed quickly, and before Christian knew it, the day of his departure arrived.

Standing in front of his private jet, Christian hugged Dimitri tightly and commented "I'll be waiting for you in America, your granddaughter must meet you".

"I'll be there in a few weeks."

Releasing Dimitri from his embrace, Christian watched as they loaded their suitcases and commented "I'll see that my gifts get to my island".

"Don't worry, we already have all the shipment ready, just make sure someone you trust gets everything."

"Mn" Nodding, Christian stretches his body and sighs "See you old man, take care".

"Likewise, let me know if you need any help with those families"

"I'll be fine" Smiling reassuringly, Christian gives Dmitri one last look and walks to his plane, then climbs in and sits down.

Looking at the 3 women accompanying him, Christian focuses on his new slave and comments "I got you the visa to enter the United States, you will use your own name but you will have no provenance than the royal family."


"We have not yet discussed your revenge, but you will have to wait for a few more days for me to settle my affairs."

"I'm in no hurry master"

"Perfect" Nodding, Christian picks up his cell phone and looks at the wallpaper fondly 'Dad's on his way...'


"Are you sure you want to go alone?" looking at Christian doubtfully, Lust asks.

"It's okay, we're a few minutes out of town, I doubt they'll do anything so overtly, besides if I can't protect myself, no one can."

"*Sigh* Alright, see ya."

"Mn" Climbing into the limo, Christian picked up the phone by the side of the door and spoke "Let's go."

With his command, the vehicle began to move, as Christian stared at the driver through the window.

'She still looks just like the last time I saw her' Smiling slightly, Christian remembered this woman perfectly.

How could he not?

He'd fucked her for hours on his mother's birthday.

She who used to be a construction worker is now a chauffeur earning thousands of dollars a month.

Definitely a big change.

"It's been months since that big day... maybe I'll do it again with mom sometime" Looking out the window with a small smile, Christian murmured.

As Christian expected, the ride went smoothly, being outside his building after 20 minutes.

Stepping out of the limo, Christian turned his gaze to his driver Sophie and commented "Can you carry my bags?"

"Yes boss!" Nodding quickly with a twinkle in her eye, Sophie took out the bags and carried them without showing any discomfort.

"Thank you~" Smiling sweetly, Christian entered the building under the devouring gaze of the woman at his back 'It's the least you can expect from a woman like this'.

Arriving at the elevator, Christian opens it with his card and turns to Sophie "That's far enough, thanks for your help"

"My pleasure boss, call me for anything you need!"

"I'll keep that in mind" Taking his bags, Christian enters the elevator and waits in silence, while his eyes sparkle with excitement.


Stepping out of the elevator, Christian sets the bags aside and walks quickly to the living room, easily finding what he wanted to see so badly.

Looking at the little girl sitting on the couch, Christian opens his arms and exclaims "Daddy's home!"

"..." Quickly turning her gaze to Christian, Helen's eyes sparkle with happiness and she stirs, plodding off the couch, then slowly begins to walk towards Christian on her chubby legs.

Smiling softly, Christian walks over to the little girl and takes her in his arms, feeling immense happiness at having his little girl in his arms after so long.

"Daddy" Wrapping her arms around Christian's neck, Helen clung tightly and buried her face in Christian's chest, and murmured softly.

Smiling contentedly, Christian looked up and smiled softly at the red-haired woman who smiled back at him.

"Good morning" Wiping her hands on her apron, Elisa smiles softly and moves closer to Christian, then gives him a chaste kiss on the lips and looks at the little girl "She misses you so much".

"I missed them too" Kissing Helen's head, Christian turns his gaze sideways and asks "Where are the others?"

"Leslie is working with your mother, Emily must still be asleep and Sarah doesn't wake up until later."

"Anything new happen while I was gone?" Taking Elisa's hand, Christian walks over to the couch and sits down with Helen on it, then snuggles up to his wife and asks.

"Mmmm..." Leaning on Christian, Elisa pursed her lips and commented "Your music is already out to the public, it became very famous very fast, it's impossible not to listen to it on social networks."

"So the music is out... it's going to be an annoying time."

"Well, you've been trending for a while now, don't forget the live show you put on finding those missing kids, people are still talking about it to this day."

"Didn't the police come?"

"No, at least I haven't seen them."

"I see... that's it?"

"Hailie and Alan came to see Helen, stayed a few days and then went back to their own thing."

"Helen interacted with them?"

"She doesn't let them take her, but she got all her toys quietly."

Chuckling, Christian gently stroked his daughter's red hair and spoke "In a few months Helen will have her birthday, what will we do?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"We could do something between us, Helen doesn't like to be with strangers either."


"..." Gently caressing Elisa's waist, Christian smiled playfully and whispered in her ear "How about we wait for Helen to fall asleep and have some fun~?"

Blushing slightly, Elisa lowered her gaze and replied "Mn."

"..." Smiling softly, Christian closes his eyes while enjoying this warmth, then he opens them again and looks seriously towards nothing '2 days ago the ancient families of this country joined together to talk about me, they haven't shown anything suspicious but I can't let my guard down, I have too much to lose...'


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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