
Chapter 271 Gulag

"..." Shaking his head as a bitter smile spreads across his face, Dimitri sighs and walks towards the exit "Let's go."

Exiting the mansion, Christian looks sideways and asks curiously "Where's security?"

"Training at the military base, not that we need it after all."

"I see..." Looking at the helicopter in the distance, Christian sighed 'Another long trip...'


"You came armed?" Looking at the compound over a completely snowy mountain, Dimitri asked.

"I'm always armed."

"Usually you should leave your weapons behind when you enter, but we can skip those steps, get ready to leave, it will be very cold."


Opening the door of the helicopter, Dimitri got off with the help of the on-site security and put on his mask, while Christian and his two girls followed his actions.

Jumping out of the helicopter, Christian trembles slightly and observes the beautiful scenery around him.

Large mountains surround his entire vision, while the color white and a cloudy sky adorns the whole place.

"This is beautiful..."

"I have some mansions in mountains like this, if you want I'll give you a couple of them."

"What country are they in?"

"Mostly in Russia, but I have some in other countries, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark... I also have a couple in Alaska, those should be good for you."

"You like to brag, don't you?"

"Heh, you have over a hundred mansions, compared to you I'm still a little short."

"I have over a hundred mansions? Nice."

"Tsk, tsk, this kid doesn't even know what he's got" Snorting with annoyance, Dimitri took his staff and started walking under the escort of a group of guards.

Looking at the group surrounding them, Christian nodded with satisfaction 'Face completely covered, military helmets, bulletproof vests, white camouflage, this security is top notch, even their steps are coordinated. I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped in front of a bullet right now, just as I'm sure they'd take their own lives if my father asked them to.'

"This is a bunker?"

"Did you notice?"

"It's obvious, while what I see now looks like a nice mansion, there's no way they have everything you described in this little place."

"..." Nodding with satisfaction, Dimitri spoke "This is just an exterior facade, it fulfills the role of a hotel, but obviously the interesting part is in the subway inside the mountain, you'll see."

Nodding silently, Christian walked beside Dimitri in silence and entered the compound, finding a long line of armed women standing imposingly at the sides of the hallway.

"Tsk, tsk, what an amusing display of power" Clicking his tongue, Christian muttered.

"Quiet child."

Arriving after a few minutes in front of a wall with a large painting of a landscape, Dimitri takes it by the edge and opens it easily, then looks at the illuminated passageway inside and smiles "Come on."

Humming with interest, Christian didn't think twice and entered the place "This bunker is made of reinforced steel... it resists nuclear bombs?"

"It's made for that"

"Why is there no one on the roads?"

"This path is private, we'll get directly to the reception area without having to go through searches and checks."

Nodding silently, Christian had to walk for 2 more minutes and finally reached an elevator, then down for a few seconds and a large metal door opens in front of them.

Looking down the small hallway that leads you to a wooden door, Christian comments "This is very theatrical, I'm sure someone ordinary would be pissing themselves with fear".

"It usually happens a few times a year" With an amused grin, Dimitri grabs the doorknob and opens the door, then turns and smiles broadly "Welcome to the Gulag"

"..." Looking at what's on the other side of the door, Christian adjusts his mask and steps inside with a twinkle in his eye.

As he stepped through the door frame, noise began to reach Christian's ears.

Hundreds of people in expensive suits and dresses were milling about, while various types of masks covered their faces.

Men in suits and flashy white masks were walking around the place with several trays of food and glasses with what seems to be alcohol, while a phrase attracted all Christian's attention in these masks 'Bratva... is practically marking his territory with these employees, at the same time giving them security, no one would want to touch them or try anything funny with them'.

"This is very noisy" Without the slightest interest in talking to these people chatting idly, Christian scans the room and murmurs "Several sofas, coffee tables, men with nice bodies at the sight of these women, dim lighting and soft music that keeps you with the ambiance, no doubt this room is made for generating contacts or doing business."

Smiling with satisfaction, Dimitri nodded "In fact all these men you see handing out food or drinks, are spies, they listen for anything of value."

"They supplement information between workers, don't they?"

"Exactly" Nodding, Dimitri turned and started walking avoiding the people "Come on, I'll prepare something entertaining for you"

"Mn" Looking sideways at the two women at his back, Christian smiled under his mask and followed Dimitri in silence, while the bustling room was getting farther and farther away.

After a few minutes of walking through several corridors, Dimitri opened a single door and continued walking.

"Why so much red? Red carpet, darker red walls and the ceiling has a red color mixed with brown."

"Rich people like this color, it makes them think they are important, not to mention we add gold designs on everything to make them feel more at ease."

"I hate red"

"Your daughter has red hair"

"They are two very different things, I hate the color red, but I love redheads."

"..." Rolling his eyes, Dimitri opened another door in front of him and smiled "Here we are."

"What is this?" Looking at the room in front of him, Christian asked with interest.

The room is somewhat plain compared to everything before.

3 sofas in the middle, some small furniture around the edges and the whole interior is a creamy white color.

No more, no less.

"Quiet" Sitting down on the middle sofa, Dimitri took a small control from the coffee table and pressed a button, causing the front wall to suddenly change and show a view of the other side.


"Yes, quite a convenient technology for these cases" Leaning back on the couch, Dimitri looked at the scenery in front of him and smiled "You know what that is on the other side?"

Pursing his lips, Christian observed in detail everything on the other side and smiled "Interesting, I've never been in a colosseum".


In front of Christian you can see several bleachers filled with masked people watching 2 women fight in the center.

Blood splatters and dust rises from their sudden movements.

But unlike the normal audience, Christian is in the VIP room, watching the whole scene from a privileged height and being able to see everything more easily.

"How many rooms like this do you have?"

"8 in this arena, in fact all of them are occupied."


"Didn't I tell you I had something interesting for you? These people will still be interested."

"..." Nodding silently, Christian leaned back on the comfortable couch and put his feet up on the coffee table, watching the bloody fight with interest.

"We already have a winner."

After a few seconds, Christian sighed with boredom and averted his gaze to his girls, who were standing still beside the glass staring at the fight.

'Are these bitches nervous? They've never been as quiet as they are now.'

"Elder, can I take off my mask?"

"As you wish, they can't watch us from outside."

"*Sigh*" Without delay, Christian yanked off the mask and took off his wig, causing a sigh of satisfaction to escape from his mouth "I was so uncomfortable with that."

"You said we already have a winner?" turning his gaze to Christian, Dimitri asked with interest.

"Yes, between the black-haired woman and the blonde... the blonde will win."

"But right now she's the one who bleeds the most."

"Her movements are more fluid and her breathing is steady, while the black-haired woman already has tremors in her legs and sweat is covering her face, she will collapse in a few seconds at the most".

"Oh, she fell" Dimitri didn't even manage to refute and the black-haired woman fell down on the sand, while the screams of the audience echoed all over the place.

"These people claim to be the Elite? No different than apes" With a mocking face, Christian commented.

"They are used to manners and having to put up with their dark desires, in places like these they show their true faces and let it all out of themselves."


Suddenly, several women in dark clothing and masks with the Bratva logo entered the arena, bringing with them various tools and construction materials.

"What's going on?"

"An impromptu stage is being set up, we usually do surprise auctions from time to time."

"Why? Isn't it better to give advance notice so we have more buyers?"

"Generally it would be, but we want to have these people tied to this place at every turn, and although the Elite leaders won't be there directly, they will have a representative or something similar, after all we always have interesting things for them."

"That ensures that this place is always full."

"Profits never go down" Nodding with a small smile, Dimitri replied.

"What are you auctioning?"

"This will be the monthly auction, we were planning to do it in a week, but since you want to see it, go ahead."

"I didn't get you in trouble, did I?"

"Not at all, it's not the first time we've done it" Smiling slightly, Dimitri continued "We also took some valuable things out of our storage, I'm sure there will be some things that will interest you"

"We'll see" Humming lazily, Christian looked sideways for a few seconds and asked "Will it take long?"

"30 minutes or so, we have to get everything ready" Nodding, Dimitri leans over slightly and reaches under the couch, then pulls out an electronic tablet and smiles "Do you guys want something to eat?"

"Do they have any of that fungus called Truffle?"


"And shrimp?"

"We have everything, just ask"

"I want truffles, shrimp, mushroom sauce and some chips... no cilantro, morron, onion or garlic".

"Okay, and you guys?" Looking up at the two women, Dimitri asked.

"Do you have meat?" nodding quickly, Lust asked, being followed instantly by Greed "Do you have whisky?"

"Yes, all kinds of meats or drinks."

"I want that Wagyu beef, wouldn't hurt to have a nice beer either."

"I'll have the same meat with fries and whiskey, please"

"Fine, but sit down, it makes me uncomfortable to see you standing."

Smiling at that comment, Christian suddenly distanced himself from Dmitri and patted both sides of him.

Removing her mask, Lust laughs with amusement and sits down on Christian's right side, while Greed glances sideways at Dimitri and sits down cautiously on the other side.

Wrapping his arms around his women's waists, Christian squeezes them to him and enjoys with a smile the breasts clinging to his sides "*sigh* This is the life."

Rolling his eyes, Dimitri snorted and busied himself with ordering food, then nodded and leaned back in the seat.

The minutes passed and Christian's boredom grew more and more, at some point he couldn't bear to do nothing and his hands went up to grab the breasts of his 2 obedient slaves.

Squeezing with satisfaction, Christian looked sideways at Greed's flushed and tense face and chuckled lightly "Easy woman, no one will kill you."

"..." Not daring to speak, Greed only glanced sidelong at the old man in the distance and quickly lowered his gaze.

In a way that reaction was understandable.

That same old man beat her for many days to the point where her mind is extremely wary of the old man.

Knowing perfectly well that if that man tries to kill her, she won't even know how she died.

That's why she tries to avoid cursing or talking in front of him, even avoiding sudden movements, but...

Here she is, enjoying the hands of the man's adopted son while her breasts are gently massaged.

How can you not get nervous?

It's like if you got a new girlfriend and fucked her in front of her father, in Christian's old world it would certainly be something to pull out guns and shoot the one who committed that offense.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Food's coming."

"I'll get it" Releasing Greed and Lust, Christian yawns lazily and approaches the door, finding nothing but a cart with several plates of food on it.

Seeing no one in the hallway, Christian shrugs and moves with the cart to the couch, then sets it aside and begins eating contentedly.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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