
Chapter 267 Ancestral Families

"That much?"

"You have a unique and exotic look, not to mention that your status was high enough to be on par with all those Elites, that raises your price quite a bit."

"I see... if you were important before, a lot of people will want to get their hands on you even if it's just to humiliate you."


"..." Pursing his lips, Christian asked "Do you know where there might be interesting auctions in the world?"

"Interesting in what way?"

"That have everything, ancient relics, exclusive properties or illegal things."

"The Rothschild family does one auction a year with those characteristics, if I'm not mistaken the next one is in 2 more months."

"The Rothschild family... is it to be feared?"

"They have quite a lot of power in the world... few people know it, but those blond bastards own 70% of the banks in the whole world, in fact they were the ones who planned the war in the middle east, and they were the ones who stole the banks from those people."

"Rothschild family..." Muttering to himself, Christian continued "These old families will be a pain in the ass... the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Murdochs, the Du Pont, the Oppenheimer and finally the Rothschilds... they control almost half the world."

"In china you also have several old families that deserve caution, Long family, Yu family, Chu family, Yang family, Li family and the Xi family, the one currently leading the country" Nodding seriously, Dimitri continued "The Long family is the one you had problems with, they control half of the country's military power along with the Chu family, then comes the economic power with the Yu family and the Yang family, finally the political power in the Xi and Li Family"

"Quite a few families for one country..."

"The country that contains much of the world... not to mention that these families are the most important, but all over China there are hundreds of families that are 'important' and rich, you can meet problematic people in every region and city"

"I guess China is my last choice for a vacation" With a slight smile, Christian looked sideways and spoke "Where are we going?"

"We'll enter through the back door of this place, we'll go straight to the president."


Walking silently through the place full of soldiers, Christian thought for a few seconds and spoke "Do you think it's possible to see some military demonstration?"

"What demonstration do you want?"

"I'd like to see some of those explosions that mess your hair up."

Chuckling, Dimitri nodded "I'll prepare one before you leave, in about 3 days it should be ready, tomorrow we'll go to the Gulag".

"Thank you."

"Here we are, your violin will be inside and the pianist already has the sheet music you gave him, he should be practicing right now."

"Good" Looking at the large wooden door in front of him, Christian took a deep breath and formed a cheerful smile.

"So much for me, good luck" Opening the door for Christian, Dimitri smiled and continued on his way.

"*Sigh* Here we go" Entering through the door, Christian managed to see an extensive hall beautifully adorned on all sides "We are inside the famous Kremlin... no doubt the design is a work of art".

Sighing with satisfaction, Christian marveled at the exquisite carvings on the walls with gold and the dazzling pillars of what appears to be ivory.

"I can see my reflection in the floor and the chandeliers are several pounds of much money in one room."

"You like the view?"

Raising an eyebrow, Christian turns to the voice and smiles with a hidden twinkle in his eye "Good morning, you must be Nikita."

"The same" Standing in front of Christian, Nikita gave him a quick glance down his body and smiled politely "Christian Grey?"

"The one and only" Stretching out his hand towards Nikita, Christian smiled as he thought 'My god, this woman has a good enough body to be president'.

Nikita Putin, the famous president of Russia.

No doubt her appearance surprised Christian.

Long blonde hair, blue eyes, plump lips and a face quite young for her age but with her mature charm dominating everything.

But what stood out the most were her gigantic tits and accentuated waist.

'My god, if my Elisa is an F cup, this woman must be somewhere between a G or H, but as if that wasn't enough her ass almost reaches Lila's, although this one looks even softer and you can tell instantly she doesn't have the firmness of my little cook named Pride' Squeezing Nikita's hand gently, Christian continued with his dirty thoughts 'As if that wasn't enough her thighs are so plump it gives me satisfaction just to see them, no doubt she would have a heavenly dream if she sleeps on them. .. but fuck, how tall is this woman?'

Something that surprised Christian, is that the woman in front of him is approximately 1.98 meters tall, being one of the tallest women Christian has ever seen in his life, even surpassing Lila's 1.96 meters.

No doubt the woman has a nice body and good features, and although her face is not as beautiful as Elisa's or several of his girls, no doubt the woman is top notch.

"It's nice to have you here, I've heard great things about you" Just like Christian, Nikita's eyes sparkled at the sight of the young man in front of her, and while she didn't run her whole body as blatantly, it's quite obvious that her smile grew at the mere sight of him.

'Come to think of it... this woman is only about 45 years old, but she used to be KGB... according to the records, the KGB fell around 1950... it seems that the report is false and the KGB disbanded much later' Releasing Nikita's hand, Christian smiled and spoke "I have also heard great things about you, the woman who led Russia to its golden age"

"These are empty compliments, Russia was always destined to become a great country" Forming in space between his right arm and her body, Nikita smiled "You give me the honor?"

"Gladly" Intertwining his arm with Nikita's, Christian felt the softness of her breasts and nodded with satisfaction "What shall we do now? I know next to nothing about these political cases."

"You don't have to see it as such, just be yourself and let me give you a tour of the place."

"I'll be in your care~" Smiling sweetly, Christian let himself be led by Nikita and spent the next 30 minutes listening to various irrelevant information about rooms he didn't care about.

Somewhere along the way the cameras arrived and started filming them nearby, but Nikita and Christian paid no attention and continued on their way.

"This would be where I usually eat" Entering a large room with a small circular table in front of a large window, Nikita guided Christian to the table and let go of his arm, then took the chair and moved it back "Have a seat"

"Thank you" Nodding, Christian sat down with a smile and looked at the large amount of food on the table, seeing everything from basic fruits to some foods he never saw in his life.

Sitting down across from Christian, Nikita looked at Christian and spoke "Have you ever eaten anything from our country?"

"Nothing, but this all looks interesting."

"Let me introduce them to you" Pointing towards a kind of shiny white bread, Nikita spoke "This is Sirniki, it is a hot dessert very common in Russia, it is sweet and easy to chew".

"This is called Grenki, essentially it's fried bread with a special sauce that gives it a sour taste, it's my favorite."

"This is also very tasty, it is called Kefir and you can accompany it with the Grenki, the essential in Kefir is fermented milk with a special recipe from our country."

"This is called Vareneki, it is a handmade pastry filled with Cottage cheese, I highly recommend it, you will like it".

Looking at the curious dishes in front of him, Christian nods with interest "Let's see how the Grenki with Kefir tastes".

With his elegance strictly trained by Dimitri, Christian gently took a piece of fried bread and smeared it with the white paste called Kefir, then took a small bite and closed his eyes to focus on the taste.

'The kefir is somewhat bitter and has a cheese-like taste, not bad on its own, but if we combine it with the fried bread that has acidic touches, it is certainly a tasty combination' Opening his eyes, Christian narrowed them with satisfaction and swallowed silently, then wiped his mouth and smiled "A great recommendation".

"Did you like it?"

"I'm not one for empty compliments, actually this is tasty, although if it were up to me, I'd add some sautéed shrimp and the flavor would be much better."

Smiling slightly, Nikita commented "I'll be sure to have it on my table for when we meet again."

"I'll be looking forward to it" Noting the invitation hidden behind that simple answer, Christian smiled slightly and nodded, then continued chatting trivial things about the world.

"President Nikita, lately I've been thinking about investing in the livestock industry and I haven't yet managed to decide on a good place, do you have any recommendations?"

"Just tell me Nikita, and as for a good recommendation I can only tell you about what I know and what is based in Russia..." Forming a thoughtful face for a few seconds, Nikita commented "Personally I recommend you to invest in Saratov, it is the biggest cattle region in our country."

"I guess I'll have to send a team to study the area to see the feasibility of the work, I appreciate your recommendation."

"Do not hesitate to contact me, I am sure that the Ministry of Economy area would be happy to have a great businessman like you".

"Then we'll be in touch" With a professional smile, Christian thought 'This shows the world that I will start investing in Russia, I don't blindly follow my homeland and look for good relations with Russia, those politicians in my country will be mad'

In this whole hour-long meeting, every little detail had something political behind it, to the point where a simple sentence like 'You like this shade of red on the wall' could trigger something in the world.

If Christian says yes, the old bitches might interpret it as supporting communism.

If he says no, these same people will interpret it as not supporting it, but if you consider the friendly tone of it all and how they walked around with their arms intertwined, they will always think that if not for politics, Christian went for something else, be it investments or even something illegal.

More than 100 thoughts can come out with just a smile and more than 100 conclusions with just a nod of the head.

This is a tedious and thorny world of politics.

Not to mention that we are talking about Russia, public enemy number 1 of its home country, the United States.

Even more so in the future when wars break out and everyone connected to this president gets dragged into the mud.

Practically Christian already manages to see his face in newspapers as a man who supports wars and hardships, something that in a way is real but obviously is something he can never admit openly if he doesn't want to exterminate his public image and cause great losses to his companies.

Wiping his mouth elegantly, Christian looked up and smiled at Nikita "Shall we continue with the tour?"


'This is so weird...' Sighing inside his mind, Christian kept his smile and continued walking through the Kremlin, while the cameras never left his side and constant lights flashed on the duo.

After another 15 minutes of walking, Nikita opened a door and spoke "This is my presidential office."

'A chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a large desk, antique furniture and a coat of arms on the wall, not bad.'

[Photo of the office here]

"May I sit down?"

"Go ahead."

"Hehe~" He smiled happily, Christian quickly advanced to the presidential seat and looked at the smiling woman in front of him, then lost his smile and rested his chin on his hand "Report."

"..." Raising her eyebrows as she noticed the obvious change of atmosphere in the man in front of her, Nikita chuckled lightly and spoke "Mr. President, we have an alien invasion on the way, please give instructions."

"Aliens..." Frowning slightly, Christian leaned back in the comfortable chair and turned his gaze to the window with a deep expression, then shook his head and sighed "We have no choice, let's bomb jerusalem."

"..." Blinking in a daze for a few seconds, Nikita smiled strangely and asked "May I know your motive?"


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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