
Chapter 240 Balance

"Relax, only a handful of people know and I don't have more than 12 pairs of glasses, so nothing will come out."

"Okay... Jarvis, show me Hailie Grey's camera."

"That girl is on her cell phone in the middle of class!"

Chuckling lightly at Eva's slight annoyance, Christian raised his eyebrows and turned up the volume on the TV.

"Day seven of the Joanna Depp/Samber Bitch divorce trial begins."

[A/N: It's not a Johnny Depp and Amber Heard or its counterpart, it will just be a similar scene and I decided to take this as I found the trial very interesting].

"Poor guy, he must have suffered with that last name" Laughing lightly, Christian commented.

"That trial has been very popular lately, on one side is Samber Bitch who accuses her of mistreatment and on the other side is Joanna Depp who claims to be innocent, so far only Joanna has shown good evidence but you know, you always believe the man."

"What does the public say?"

"Most of them hate Samber Bitch, but I still think he'll win."

"Hoh, why?"

"Apparently he's in bed with Elene Musk, it's pretty obvious she's supporting him."

"Elene Musk..." Rubbing his chin, Christian spoke. "When is the next trial?"


"I want to go, can you get me a ticket?"

"No problem" Shrugging, Eva nodded, while continuing to fiddle with her glasses.

"Mother, sell all the AirBnB shares, then buy back in 2021."

"But they're doing very well..."

"That will be over around March next year, in the meantime prepare everything and accumulate until January next year."


"Also start investing more in Netflix, Steam, Amazon, Youtube, Inovio, Moderna, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Top Glove, Teladoc, K12, Microsoft, Clorox, 3M, Slack... and try to get more shares in Zoom."

"Okay, text me that later so I can start buying."

"How's the future of hotels?"

"They are still under construction, next year we may have everything ready."

"Delay it, we'll start in 2022."

"That's too late..."

"We will lose millions if we invest in anything to do with travel."

"It will be delayed then"

Turning his gaze to his mother, Christian continued "Also make sure you take that black box with you, because inside is what gives life to your lenses, also don't go more than 50 feet away from the box, or it will start to malfunction"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Mom, I was thinking of going into the movie business" Rubbing his chin, Christian looked at the TV and continued "What do you think?"

"If that's what you want, I'll support you."

"We could start a movie company."

"I'll start checking to see if we can find any with a good base to buy from."

"Thanks mom" Nodding, Christian pulls out his cell phone and starts looking through the information on Joanna Depp's divorce.


"So that bitch Elene Musk got her hands on the lawsuit... we're business partners, I'd only lose money if I help this Joanna girl... but what the fuck do I care? I hate it when they think they have everything in their pockets" Wearing his fancy suit, carrying his jewelry and a new dark cane with a black gold skull on top, Christian walked down the halls of the courthouse with an amused smile and arrived at the big door, instantly noticing several reporters covering the entrance.

"Looks like they're all in already..." Glancing at his watch, Christian shrugged and muttered "I'm 2 minutes early, I'm not late."

"Excuse me ladies" Passing in between all the female reporters, Christian didn't even give them time to see him and walked into the room, only to look both ways and see this showbiz duo.

Joanna Depp is a woman of about 55 years old, short dark hair, dark eyes and really the woman has a good style of clothing, wearing dark pants with a tight king blue shirt.

On her hands several rings can be seen and right now glasses cover her eyes.

"I like her style" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian turns his gaze to Samber Bitch and observes him meticulously.

Long blonde hair, an above average face, grey eyes and a slim body. His age should be around 38 and his style of clothing is somewhat common, but Christian comes to assume that he wears it to give a different image.

Noticing all eyes on him, Christian walks slowly under the absolute silence of the room and looks between the two sides.


With just his presence, the entire courtroom fell silent where even the female lawyers turned their gaze to look at the trial spectator, being equally as shocked as the audience.

Squinting at Samber, Christian snorts derisively and sits a few seats behind Joanna, causing the man to frown slightly as Joanna's lawyers raise their eyebrows.

"..." Ignoring the stares on him, Christian rests his hands on his cane and mutters "Now I understand why that old man always uses a cane, this shit is so comfortable and funny..."

"Will there be some idiot who wants to get hit? It would be great to hit someone with my cane..." Rubbing his chin, Christian looked at his cane and focused on the gold skull "I had this in storage a long time ago, gift from the old man... I could put some ruby on the eyes, it would look cool... maybe a diamond as a tip, hehe"

"I'm sure those old politician fossils will plug me in shit in the future, what fun" Looking at his cane with amusement, Christian chuckled slightly and looked up, finding the judge who was staring at him.


"..." Lowering his gaze, Christian looked at his watch and nodded, then looked up and smiled reassuringly.

"*cough* We begin the seventh trial."

'At last...' Leaning back in the uncomfortable seat, Christian rested both his hands on the skull of the cane and kept his smile amused for hours where he only heard bullshit and the sheer amount of lies caused him several stomach aches.

"S-so he hit me" With a pained face and a slightly agitated voice, Samber looked at the jury and continued "Lying on that carpet, I wondered.... Since when did this carpet get so dirty? How did I get here?...-"

Rubbing his chin, Christian spoke "I'm sure I heard that in a movie, did you copy the dialogue? How cheeky."




"Oops" Noticing all eyes on him, Christian noticed that everyone heard him, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"*cough* Mr. Samber, please continue."

"Yes..." Staring at Christian, the man nodded, then continued talking shit for hours.

"The trial ends for today."

"*Sigh* alfin ends this torture" Stretching his neck, Christian yawned wearily and stood up, then looked at the bespectacled woman and approached the partition "Joanna Depp."

Quickly touching the woman's shoulder, the lawyer whispered, "he is talking to you."

"Mn" Stopping drawing, Joanna turns her gaze and looks at Christian "May I help you?"

"Yes" Smiling as he bares his teeth, Christian reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flash drive "I'll trade you that skull ring you have for this"

"My ring for that..." Lowering her gaze, Joanna caresses her ring and smiles slightly, then takes it off and stands up.

Approaching Christian, Joanna stretches out her hand and speaks "You don't need to give me anything, it's a gift from me for all you've done to help the children."

"..." Looking at the ring in her hand, Christian chuckles lightly and takes it, then drops the flash drive in the woman's hand and speaks "You're a good woman."

Turning his gaze to the lawyer, Christian continued "By now you should know that you are fighting against someone else and not against this man named Samber, in that pendrive you have everything you need to win the trial and I will be giving you my backing, I wish you luck."

"..." Looking at the man with surprise, the lawyer nodded in a daze.

"Ms. Joanna, this is for you, I sent for it from Detroit when I decided to come, I think it suits your style" Stretching out his cane, Christian looked at the woman and continued "This has a lot of sentimental value to me, it was given to me by a loved one and even though I have others, this one has its importance"

"..." Holding the flash drive in her hand, Joanna looked at the cane and shook her head "If that's the case I can't accept it-"

"I can't accept being turned down" Smiling slightly, Christian put the baton in the woman's hand and pulled out a business card from his clothes "I know you have no plans to continue acting now, but if you're interested, I can help you find a job".

"That would be all, see you later" Yawning, Christian turns his gaze and sees the judge arranging his things.

As if sensing Christian's gaze, the judge turns his gaze towards him and their eyes meet each other.

"..." Holding two fingers to his eyes, Christian moves his hand and points towards the judge, silently indicating that he is watching him.

"See ya" Finishing his threat, Christian waves his hand with a smile at Joanna and walks towards the exit.

"Christian- Lucifer, could you tell us what your relationship is with Joanna Depp" Quickly approaching Christian, a woman with a microphone asked, as several more people began to approach.

"I'm just maintaining the balance" Showing his teeth with his smile, Christian quickly passes between the reporters and exits the scene, leaving those only words for several future conspiracies.

"What to do now..." Rubbing his chin, Christian whispered "I can't get too far away from my girl... how about singing? I have a studio in the building... how are those bitches doing? I should ask mom."


"So... you're the famous White Lion" Looking at the plain looking woman in front of him, Christian commented.

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you" Stretching out her hand towards Christian, the woman replied with a smile.

"The pleasure is mine" Shaking the woman's hand, Christian smiled and looked sideways "It's a nice floor".

"I personally took it upon myself to give it this ambiance."

After spending a day at the trial, Christian went home to relax, until the next day came and Christian went downstairs to the floor dedicated to the music company, meeting directly with the head of the company and the leading manager of the place, White Lion.

This woman is good at her job, Christian asked Eva to be the best and his mother ended up stealing her from another company under a millionaire contract, but it must be said that it was a good investment, the woman so far has done an impeccable job in the place and Christian does not doubt it after seeing the popularity of the songs she has produced.

50 Cent, Notorious Big and 2 Pac are the new revelations in the rap world.

Thanks to their 'Gangster' life and their 80's-90's beat, people are quick to notice them and support is coming in from all sides, something that has brought big profits to the developing company.

"White Lion, can I know how my girls are doing?"

"Right now they're spread out across the country, 50 Cent has a gig in Detroit, 2 Pac is in Los Angeles with Notorious Big."

"How's it going?"

"Great, in fact we are already preparing for several music videos, we should be starting next month."

"I see, you've done an amazing job" Nodding, Christian takes a flash drive out of his pocket and a notebook, then hands it to the woman and speaks "I prepared music bases and several lyrics for those 3, do you already have someone to adjust the music for you?"

"Yes, we have several people with experience" Taking the books, the woman nodded.

"Good... now I need to discuss another topic with you, but first let's sit down, I'm uncomfortable standing."

"Let's go to my office."

Following the woman, Christian looked around curiously and saw several recording studios, causing curiosity to be born in him "How many singers do we have?"




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