
Chapter 219 I Am Lucifer

Stepping off to the side of the stage, Christian shook the hand of the woman in front of him with a big smile and spoke "It's a pleasure to be on your show Michelle."

"The pleasure is mine, I never expected to have the dreaded 'Lucifer' on my show" With an amused smile, a woman of about 45 with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes replied.

Nodding, Christian sat down on the couch to one side of the woman and smiled toward the cameras

"There's always a first time for everything, isn't there?" With a frivolous smile, Christian was wearing one of his elegant suits with his favorite jewelry and a neat appearance "Besides, I find it interesting to be in an interview like this, kind of curious."

"We heard you had to take a long trip to get there, right?"

"Yes, I was in Hawaii relaxing my mind, nothing better than the sun and sea for that."

"Lucifer, now that you talk about relaxing, how have you been feeling lately? How does it feel to enter society again?"

"I wouldn't know what to answer you, are you talking about my stay in jail?" With one leg over the other and his chin on his fist, Christian settled back on the couch and looked at the woman next to him.

"However you want to think about it, jail or hell, I don't know which will be your case" With a slight chuckle, Michelle replied.

"I actually arrived a few months ago from hell on this earth, have you heard of Afghanistan?"

"You say you were in the war?" Raising her eyebrows with interest, Michelle asked.

"I spent a few months serving as a soldier in Afghanistan."

"I think you're the first soldier to come on my show, is war really like in the movies?"

"After those months I can only say that reality outweighs fiction" Looking directly into the camera, Christian continued "Misery, death, hunger, pain, despair... so many negative emotions in one place, something I saw every day."

"Sounds so chilling" Hugging her arms, Michelle replied with a slight smile "Any book worthy experiences?"

"Every day in that place is worthy of a book, maybe someday I'll get around to talking about my experiences."

"I'm sure it would be another Bestseller" Chuckling softly, Michelle continued "Lucifer, have you been keeping up with what's been going on lately?"

"Not really, as I said before, I'm on a vacation period, so I don't often check social media"

"Here's the thing" Pulling out a control, Michelle looks at the screen next to her and presses a button, where several words appeared "Have you heard of Nostradamus?"

"That man who talks about the future?"

"Exactly, the point is that you've been involved in a lot of conspiracy theories lately."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian read the words "The antichrist will come to the world, everything will be shrouded in his darkness, countries will fall and the powerful will suffer, the church will come to an end and a new era will begin.... The apocalypse so much talked about will come in the form of beauty."

"What do you say? Many say that that antichrist is you"

"..." Staring at the prophecy, Christian chuckled slightly and spoke "Why do you think it would be me?"

"Several reasons, I don't know if you know this, but the church suffered a terrorist attack a few days ago and thanks to that this prophecy became famous."

"That would be it? Because of the church?"

"Not at all, in fact, many talk about your 'prophecies' as powers of the antichrist, and that the apocalypse in the form of beauty, is you"

'How convenient, I don't have to try so hard to be seen as supernatural anymore' Smiling naturally, Christian shrugged and spoke "What a curious prophecy."

"Don't you think it's weird everything going on around you?" Looking seriously at Christian, Michelle continued "Do you know anything about what happened to the people who locked you up in prison?"

"They died?"

"Ten people including the jury, they died mysteriously in accidents, even the judge was struck by lightning the same day."

"And it's supposed to be my fault?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"..." Looking silently at the woman, Christian asked "And if so, what will happen? Will they burn me like the church did in ancient times? Will they start another inquisition against the evil Lucifer?"

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Michelle asked "I don't think that will happen, but people are usually frightened by supernatural cases like these."

"I see you are making a mistake my dear Michelle" Without losing his composure, Christian continued "I was never the bad guy, I am not a bringer of evil as you have been led to believe."

"And who was?"

"Isn't it obvious?" chuckling slightly, Christian continued "Humans are to blame for their own miseries."


"Poverty, death, ****, abuse, even insults, all were created by you, not by me."



"You humans are used to blame someone else for your own mistakes, if something bad happened to you, it's the devil's fault, if something good happened, it's thanks to the goddess" Speaking with mockery, Christian continued "If in Africa children die of hunger, it's because of Lucifer and his evil, you humans are never to blame, no?"


"It is easier to say that Lucifer wants to see misery than to admit that everything is like this in this world because of human corruption, because of their unbridled greed and lack of goodness. It is easier to think that Lucifer is to blame for the fact that a continent as rich in resources as Africa is mired in poverty and misery, always overlooking that all this happens because of the constant plundering of groups like the Church, the United States or even China."

Looking at the smiling man, Michelle looked at him strangely and spoke "You really think you're Lucifer?"

"Honey, I don't think I'm Lucifer, I am."

"..." Turning her gaze, Michelle watched her audience for a few seconds, creating a tense atmosphere in the place, then turned to Christian and asked "Do you have any proof that you are Lucifer?"

"Humans and their proof" Shaking his head with a smile, Christian stood up and walked towards Michelle, to then take her face and stare into her eyes "This is not the time dear Michelle, so I will ask you to continue with the interview normally and leave this topic aside, yes~?"

Staring at Christian's beautiful face, Michelle couldn't stand it anymore and lowered her gaze, then nodded awkwardly "Y-yes."


"Perfect~" Returning to his seat, Christian clapped his hands and smiled "Let's get back to the interview!"

"L-lucifer, could you tell us about your experience in prison?"

"I'm glad you asked" Smiling while squinting his eyes, Christian looked towards the cameras and spoke "It was a silent place, sometimes despairing for a human but pleasant for anyone who knows how to love silence."

"A-something you remarked in your memory?" Still feeling uncomfortable for some reason, Michelle asked.

"Of course I do, in fact, in that prison where I saw only misery in the eyes of the inmates, a hymn was created for us, do you want to hear it?" Glancing sideways at the time, Christian smirked and asked.

"I think we would all like to hear that hymn" Closing his eyes for a few seconds, Christian rose from his seat and began to sing softly.

"The Queen and her women stole the King from his bed

And bound him in his bones

The seas be ours be on the powers

Where we will, we'll roam."

Approaching the camera slowly, Christian's voice grew deeper and deeper, while his strange intonation caused more than one to shiver.

"Yo-ho, all hands

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die"


Rising from her bed, Agatha listened to the music that enveloped the whole place with a twinkle in her eye.

"He did it..."


Hearing the screams around her, Agatha smiled and chanted.

""Yo-ho, all hands

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die""

Multiple voices accompanied Agatha's chant, as loud bangs sounded on the metal doors, all the women smiling with excitement knowing what's coming.


Watching the door open, Agatha smiled and looked at the masked person in front of her.

"Agatha Capone?"

"The same one."

"Take these, help hand them out to your people, in 1 minute the smoke will hit this place."

Receiving the masks, Agatha put on the mask and moved quickly, while a stifled whisper came from her "Freedom has arrived"

"Yo-ho, all hands

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die"

Standing in front of the camera, Christian affirmed it with his two hands and whispered with a big smile "I hope you liked my song, in a while we'll meet again."

"See you~"

Walking out of the studio with a big smile, Christian left everyone in confusion.

Arriving at the exit smoothly, Christian looked at the vehicle in front of him and got in "Leslie, take me to my building."

Thus, Christian's plan began.

Everything was simple, have an alibi at the time of the escape, and nothing better than being in front of thousands of people.

But he also made sure to leave a proof that he was, he was the person who freed all those people, he has the power to do it, but at the same time, nobody has the power to put him away for it, he's not the same anymore, he doesn't bleed.

At the same time, he made sure to start his role as Lucifer, to leave the seed of doubt in everyone's mind and even if tomorrow he will be seen as a clown, when the time comes, everyone will shudder.

"What fun~"


"The count is 67 criminals escaped from the most secure jail in the world, from CNN we ask you to be careful and lock your homes, the country went on high alert and the police committed to give everything of themselves to bring back peace."

Standing at his desk looking out over the city, Christian took a sip of coffee and listened to the news, as everyone was in an uproar over what had happened.

Looking at the group of people at the entrance of his building, Christian chuckled lightly "Don't these religious people have anything better to do?"

"They are angry at you for accusing the church, they are also angry at you for talking about Lucifer."

"I fail to understand their anger, it bothers them that I personify him? They don't even believe that I am Lucifer."

"They believe you are the antichrist, but it's only a small group who take it seriously, I was researching the social networks, and most of them laugh at this whole theory"

"What nonsense" Laughing lightly, Christian looked at the bright lights approaching and smiled "Looks like it's time."

"Are you sure about this master?"

"Yes, it's done"

Christian knows that placing that song in jail and singing it on TV at the same time will give a hint of doubt by the authorities.

He knew that would earn him an interrogation, something he's looking forward to.

But if he was assured of anything, the safety of his girls.

His 7 sins, they were with padding on their breasts, with shoes that give them more height and all heads covered.

All the women measured the same, had the same body type, the same amount of bust, and even wore the same clothes.

It is impossible to create a search profile, investigators will have their hands tied on that matter.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Looking at his cell phone, Christian sighed, then answered "Dear Lila, I haven't heard from you for a long time."

"My dear Lucifer, you've caused me trouble."

"I know, does it bother you?"

"I couldn't be mad at you, but I need you to hide those people and not see them in the country again, we will make the citizens believe that they all escaped and won't give trouble in the United States."

"It's ok, most of them are already gone and the others, they won't set foot in cities."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, and you?"

"I miss you very much, did you see the gift I sent you?"

"The flowers that arrived at the reception?"


"They are beautiful, thank you very much"

"I'm glad."

"Lila, I'll leave you, the police are here."

"Let me know if you need help"

"We'll talk later" Hanging up the call, Christian handed the cell phone to Leslie and spoke "Save it"




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