
Chapter 211 Airports

As for the injured eye, Christian exchanged her pirate patch for a medical one, but still forged a medical paper for her to have the excuse of an eye operation.

"Christian, I swear to never do this shit again in my life, even if you make me!" looking at his body, Lust exclaimed with discomfort.

Rolling his eyes, Christian spoke "You think I want to do this?"


"*Sigh*" Shaking his head, Christian looked at his cute Emily who was already disguised as a man and smiled seeing her not complaining one bit "Are we ready?"


"Good..." Walking over to a small wooden box, Christian opens it and takes out passports and IDs "Emily will be Liam, Lust will be Noah and Leslie will be called Ava, while I'll be Abigail."

"We will go to Rome, for work in a new gardening company called 'Agromecverde', we have a residence granted by the company and we will be 6 months there... that will be our last stop, first we will arrive in Spain as tourists with the same names, but different surnames, we will change our faces again and go straight to Italy"


"Any questions?"


"Well, to make it more real, I'll be Liam's girlfriend (Emily), while you two will be siblings.... Hugo and Alejandra, from the Garcia family."

"All set?" Looking at the women one by one, Christian asks earnestly.


"*Sigh* Let's get that shit done quick."


"Perfect, I'll go put on my suit and we'll head to the airport, we have a flight in 70 minutes, take the bags I dropped off to the cab."

Christian made sure to be as detailed as possible, right now they were in a motel where they didn't even have cameras, he bought a lot of simple men's and women's clothes, leaving the suitcases with pure credible content for the borders.

"Emily, are we already in the system?"

"Yes, officially we exist in this country, once we are to Spain, I will delete the registry and create a new one with another name, everything is ready."

"Perfect" Nodding, Christian sighs and walks out to the room, then quickly gets dressed and leaves.

Taking Emily's hand, Christian smiles slightly towards her and walks towards the cab, then gets in and speaks in the most feminine voice he could muster "To the airport please."

Looking at everyone, the woman nodded and started driving.

After 20 minutes, they finally arrived at the airport.

Pulling out $30, Christian hands it to the woman and exits the vehicle, then grabs his suitcase with one hand and Emily's hand with the other.

"Let's go."

Entering the airport, Christian smiles reassuringly and they walk towards their destination to Check-In.

"Passports please" Smiling professionally, a man spoke.

Pulling out his passport along with his group, they leave it with the tickets and wait patiently.

After about 15 minutes, the man smiled and handed them a piece of paper along with the tickets "Have a nice flight".

"Thank you" Taking Emily's hand, Christian walks along with his group and they arrive in front of the security area, then drop their small suitcases in the machine and pass their new cell phones along with their wallets.

Passing through the metal detector with no second glances at them, Christian smiles slightly and takes their things, then walks to their last check area.

"Looks like everything is going well" Without looking sideways to avoid causing suspicion, Lust I speak calmly.

"Actually security is not a problem if you don't bring anything illegal like drugs or some other object, although the most 'difficult' thing is at the border of the other country, since they ask questions and if they suspect, even a little, you will be checked and we could be in trouble."

Turning to Emily, Christian speaks "Do you have everything ready to erase the camera data? We have 20 minutes before the plane leaves."

"I'll do it in 5" Nodding, Emily looks towards the local eatery "Let's go there, I need to connect to the Wifi"

"Okay" Walking over, Christian lets go of Emily's hand and walks over to see what they are selling, then calmly gets in line and talks "Can I have 3 sodas and 2 chocolates please"

"That would be $50."

'Airports are so fucking expensive' Sighing, Christian pulls out a few dollars and pays for everything, then walks over to his group and passes the drink to the girls.

Chatting quietly amongst themselves, Emily pulled her laptop out of her backpack and began typing rapidly, while her back was pointed to a wall making sure her screen wasn't recorded by the cameras.

After 4 minutes, Emily put the computer down and took a drink "Done, all recordings from an hour ago and the next 30 minutes, will be corrupted and eventually deleted, we're sure."

"Perfect" Nodding, Christian eats his chocolate carefully to avoid touching his makeup.

Looking at the time on his cell phone, Christian speaks after a few minutes "Let's go".

Thus, Christian passed the border without leaving any trace of his presence, while his heart was pounding with emotion.


"May I know the reason for your trip?"

Looking at the man with a bored face in front of him, Christian smiles with joy and speaks "We are here for a vacation!"

"..." Looking carefully at the group of 4, the man sighed and stamped the passports and spoke with boredom "Next!"

Smiling slightly, Christian took his suitcase and they walked out of the place, then looked at the big sun in front of them and the elapsed entrance "That was simple"

"Simple!?" Turning to Christian in despair, Lust exclaimed "You don't know how uncomfortable I felt! 11 fucking hours sitting around with these shits on my body!"

"Quiet, we're leaving."


Taking the first cab they saw, Christian gave them the address of the motel he already booked, where Dimitri made sure he had their new passports and the supplies for their new disguise ready.

Arriving at the motel, Christian didn't bother going to the front desk and pulled a key out of his pocket, then opened door number 30 and went inside, seeing everything he asked for on the bed.

"Perfect, we'll rest for the day, Emily, make sure you delete the cameras all our way and the one at the airport in Spain, then take off your makeup and let's take a nap."


"Hand over passports and documents, also contact lenses and wigs, I'll be sure to get rid of everything."


"Motivo del viaje?" (Reason for the trip? - Spanish) Staring at Christian, a woman asked with a professional smile.

[A/N: This entire conversation is supposed to be in Spanish, as Christian used a passport with the country of origin in Spain]

"We are here for work."

"Where will you work?"

"At 99 Via aurelia, new garden store."

Typing on her computer, the woman asked again "Where will you be staying?"

"Via Leone IX, 8, they are apartments in front of the store."

Nodding, the woman again typed "How long will you be in the country?"

"6 months"

"Does anyone have a criminal record?"


"May I know how much money you are bringing?"

"We have 25 thousand dollars in effect between the 4 of us."

"Did you declare the money?"

"Yes, I gave you the papers with the passport"

"Good" Writing everything down while looking at the passports, the woman finally smiled and handed the documents back to him "Welcome to Italy, all the best"

"Thank you" Taking his bags, Christian fixed his blond hair behind his ear and left the place with a smile.

"At last..." Almost crying, Lust whispered wearily "I want to die..."

"Stop complaining, we're leaving" Taking a cab, Christian and his team head towards their destination, while on the way admiring the city with interest.

After 40 minutes of driving, they finally arrive at their destination.

Taking out 50 euros, Christian hands it to the driver and gets out of the vehicle, then takes his bags and looks up at the giant structure in front of him "Your architecture is incredible..."

"Christian... are we really going to rob the church?" looking at the large structure in the distance, Lust brought saliva and asked.

"Yeah, these bastards have been accumulating wealth for years, they might as well donate some to hell" Chuckling slightly, Christian scans the area and notices the traffic cameras in one corner "Emily-"

"I've seen her, let's get inside the premises and I'll start clearing our presence."

"Perfect" Looking at the dilapidated structure in front of him, Christian smiles and speaks "This place is perfect, tomorrow our people should arrive to do the facade, also buy a truck to move the dirt and even send it to paint with the logo of this landscaping"

"Where will we sleep?"

"Right here, this place has 3 floors and we will only use one, we still don't have beds so we will have to sleep on the floor for the first few days, we also don't have hot water for at least 3 days"


Arriving at the door of the premises, Christian takes a key out of his pocket and opens the door, finding a view of a floor clogged in dust.

"This is perfect for our plan, but at the same time extremely irritating to my mental health..." Muttering to himself, Christian notices the footprints on the floor and follows the line, then opens a door and observes a storage room with dozens of picks, shovels, 4 wheelbarrows, light cables, spotlights to illuminate the area, among several other tools.

"My father already organized everything..." Muttering to himself, Christian sighs and turns around "Make yourselves comfortable, take off everything troublesome, the windows are covered with newspapers so they won't see us, but keep your wig handy just in case... don't take off your contact lenses, that doesn't bother."

"You can rest for now, I'm going to mark the area where we will start digging"


After an afternoon of recharging, Christian stood in a secluded room and stared at a blueprint in his hands "The engineer told me that this area has several pipes that I should avoid touching if I don't want to arouse suspicion... he told me to avoid the long hole and go down as I go, while only making a straight 20 meter hole with a ladder."

"He commented to me that when tunneling, do not advance under structures if I am not 25 meters below ground, or it could collapse on us."

"The wagon has everything to climb up with a shaft-style system, so we won't have any problems... let's get started."

Adjusting his work clothes, Christian rolls up his arm sleeves and dons a dust mask, then slips on safety goggles.

Grabbing an electric wrecker, Christian plugs it in and squints at the concrete on the floor, then turns it on and begins his work.

A loud sound began to envelop the place, Christian's muscles trembling from the constant pounding as the dust began to rise.

After 40 minutes of work, Christian finally completed the 4-meter square and turned off the machine at the sight of the dirt.

Wiping the sweat from his brow with his clothes, Christian grabbed a shovel and began dumping all the debris into a cart beside him, so that after another 10 minutes, he could clearly see the dirt.

"Ready..." With his voice muffled by the mask, Christian leaves the room and watches Emily working on her computer, while Lust was cleaning the place along with Leslie in work overalls.

"My whole pussy is sweaty" With an uncomfortable face, Lust wiggled her coveralls in annoyance.

"Girls, we've come ashore."

"So we're finally getting started..." Dropping the broom, Lust sighed and spoke.

"Leslie, you'll be taking the dirt out to the yard, then we'll load it into the truck when it arrives, while Lust and I will go take the dirt out."

"Because I will!" With a tired groan, Lust protested.

"Because we're both special and you know it, now move that fat ass into the bedroom and get to work."

"*Sigh* What a woman has to do to get laid..." Muttering inaudibly, Lust nods and walks towards the bedroom.

"Emily, let me know if you find anything suspicious around the area, we need to prepare everything in case of unexpected visitors."

"I'm keeping an eye on everything."

"Perfect" Walking towards the room, Christian took the shovel and started digging quickly, feeling no discomfort at all from his great strength.




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