
Chapter 191 Family

"Bad Kitty, don't bite" Raising her finger threateningly, Elisa looked at the tiger reproachfully and spoke.

"Meow..." Letting go of Christian's pants, Kitty caressed his face with her leg while looking at Elisa directly.

"That's it, good girl~" Stroking the tiger's fur, Elisa nodded with satisfaction.

Stroking Elisa's soft stomach while resting his chin on the woman's shoulder, Christian whispered "How's the transfer going?"

"Sarah's almost done putting everything away and most of the stuff has already left for Malibu, we're just finishing moving" Leaning her body against Christian, Elisa replied softly.

"I got a call yesterday, they already finished the lake with the fish and we have 50 squirrels living in our yard, I bought them lots of food for you to come out and feed them whenever you want~"

"Really!?" Quickly turning her gaze to Christian, Elisa asks excitedly.


"Thank you!" Quickly hugging Christian, Elisa exclaimed with joy "I'll give them lots of food and they'll all have names, do you think they'll have baby squirrels too!?"

"They might have babies in the future, they have lots of houses attached to the trees for them to live quietly."

"Squirrels are very cute~" Smiling tenderly, Elisa nodded happily.

Smiling softly, Christian looked around and sighed contentedly, feeling that interacting with this woman calms his mind to levels never seen before.

After a pleasant time, Christian looked at his watch and sighed, then kissed Elisa's cheek and smiled "I'll go finish the situation with Hailie, then we'll play"

"Good luck~" Nodding as she gives Christian a kiss on the lips, Elisa turns and starts stroking Kitty's fur, as a beautiful smile was seen on her face.

Getting up, Christian stretches his muscles and yawns, then walks towards the mansion and sees several women setting up the whole scene.

"This is going to be fun"


2 days later.

Staring at the blonde woman typing rapidly on the laptop, Christian smiles slightly.

"Done" Finishing her work, Emily stretched her body and spoke "I have slightly modified YouTube's algorithms, Hailie will now have priority on recommended videos worldwide, regardless of language"

"Wow" Hearing her words, Hailie who was sitting next to her, whispered "How did you do that?"

"Mom always had a window in her systems, we usually delete videos that we don't want to appear and no one notices the situation."

"Hailie, the time has come" Looking at his sister, Christian spoke.

"Mn" Nodding, Hailie takes a deep breath and starts uploading her video clip, adding everything necessary with her title of 'Buy u - Lit Purple'.

Playing the video before uploading, Hailie's expression became hesitant as she saw herself dancing in front of a rag doll with a paper face glued on.

"Brother...this is so embarrassing to me."

"It's necessary" Stroking Hailie's hair, Christian smiles slightly and continues "There's nothing better in fame than having something that makes you stand out, in this case it will be your little dance at the sight of your opponent's corpse, it's simple and somewhat stiff, but believe me it will go viral and you'll see it everywhere in the future."


"If you're asked if you have a name for the dance, name it 'Wanna See Me'."

In fact, this little dance in front of the corpse comes from his old world, in his time it was viral and Christian knows perfectly well that, in a few years, every kind of weird dance will bring a lot of fame and recognition.

"*Sigh*" Without thinking anymore, Hailie hit the publish button, while the video was uploaded quickly.

After 5 minutes of silence, the video finally uploaded completely and with another flick of her finger, the video went up to the public.

Biting her lips, Hailie slumped back in her chair and sighed.

"Relax, it's going to be okay" Stroking his sister's soft hair, Christian continued "How many subscribers do you have on YouTube?"

"Six million."

"Not bad."


"You know I surpassed you in followers on Instagram?"


"I'm cool, aren't I?"

"You could upload a picture, you only have the profile one"

"Good idea" Nodding, Christian positions himself behind Hailie and pulls out his cell phone, then attaches the front camera, and smiles towards the camera "Come on, let's take a picture."

"W-with me?"

"Yeah, you too Emily, come on" Pulling the woman sitting next to him closer, Christian grabs them both by the shoulder and smiles towards the camera.

Squeezing the screen, Christian nods with satisfaction and looks at the image, noting a gaze dodging Hailie with red ears and a blushing Emily.

"Perfect~" Smiling softly, Christian logs into Instagram and uploads the picture.

"They look perfect" Kissing Emily and Hailie's cheek, Christian moves to Hailie's couch and relaxes, spending the next 2 hours chatting with the duo as Hailie refused to look at the notifications out of nervousness.

"Hailie, it's time!" Getting up from the couch, Christian walked over to Hailie's desk and opened YouTube notifications, finding thousands of them.

Opening the video, Christian raises his eyebrows at the number of plays "2 million in two hours, not bad!"

"500,000 Likes, over 2000 comments, Hailie this was quite a success" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian left the computer to his sister who watched everything with anxiety on her face.

After 5 minutes, Hailie whispered in a daze "It really worked..."

After reviewing the comments, Hailie saw that most of them were positive with people laughing or talking about how good the song was, something that completely stunned her because she really expected the worst.

"Obviously it was going to work, I produced the song after all" With a cocky smile, Christian looks at the comments and smiles slightly "With this you'll be trending for quite a while, chances are we'll see your dance on TikTok."

"It stresses me out Tik Tok..." Scratching her cheek, Hailie smiled.

"Me too, but it makes us a lot of money, more so now that we're adding companies to the stock market, we're already worth close to $350 billion, and most likely we'll top $580 billion by the end of the year"

"That much!?" Widening her eyes, Hailie asked.

"You didn't know?" looking at his sister quizzically, Christian asked.

"I don't usually check the news much less care to see anything about money..."

"We own the 4 most famous platforms on the internet, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitch and Discord... we own Starbucks, the largest coffee chain in the world... we own Uber, the largest transportation app in the world... we own shares in Netflix, Zoom, Airbnb, Tesla, we own construction companies, the third largest law firm in the United States and we are the largest seller of Marijuana in this country, we even expand overseas as several countries have it legalized"


"And we have many shares in other companies, but I would be hours talking and it is really unnecessary... oh, we also have more than 70 books in the family name, with all those books of mine, we already make billions, not counting that I still have a big part ready to sell and release movies... we also have an island, airplanes, helicopters, many properties, and according to mom's plans, we will also have hotels"


Looking at his sister's stunned face, Christian asked "You really didn't know about this?"

"Mom never talks to us about business and I never investigated..."

"You didn't even see the interview they did with mom? Even though they don't talk about everything we have, they talk about what our fortune is approximately."

"I fell asleep..."

"..." Smiling slightly, Christian stroked Hailie's cheek and spoke "It doesn't really matter how much money we have, it's just a means to do what we want, not an end."


"Hailie..." Sitting on the couch with his sister, Christian looks at her and speaks "Have you talked to mom about our 'family'? I talk about mom's family, her parents."

"Mom wasn't an orphan?" looking at Christian quizzically, Hailie asks.

"Where did you get that information?"

"That's what I thought...after all we never saw our grandparents."

"..." Looking at his sister silently, Christian sighs and speaks "Let's go to the living room, and call Alan, it's time to talk about our family."

Getting up from the couch, Christian looks at Emily and speaks "You can come too if you want"


Walking up to the second floor, Christian arrives at his mother's recreation room, finding her working on her computer.

Walking over to Eva, Christian stands behind her and hugs her neck "Mom, we need to talk"

"Whatever you want sweetie" Stopping typing, Eva takes off her reading glasses and turns to Christian with a smile.

"Hailie thinks you're an orphan."


"I think it's time to answer our siblings' doubts, it's better that they find out everything from our mouth, because in the worst case, they can be manipulated by others"

"..." Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Eva finally nodded and sighed "Then it was time..."

"Then let's go, they're waiting in the living room."

Nodding, Eva stood up and stretched her body.

Looking at her mother's body which was highlighted by her movements, Christian hugged her from behind and kissed her neck "I love you"

"Me more" Turning around, Eva kisses Christian's lips, then smiling and walking towards the exit "Let's go."

Walking through the house hand in hand with his mother, Christian finally reached the first floor and sat down on the couch as his brothers stared at them.

Looking around at everyone, Christian nodded "Alan, did Hailie tell you why you're here?"

"Yes..." Wearing his pajamas, Alan looked at his mother and nodded.

"We'll answer any questions, don't hesitate to ask" Looking at her children, Eva speaks earnestly.


Looking between Eva and Christian, Alan bites his lips and asks "What happened to dad?"

"..." Opening her eyes a little wider, Eva turns to Christian with a complicated face and falls silent.

"What do you remember?" looking at his brother, Christian calmly asks.

"I only remember a big fight you two had.... then I don't remember more, but I saw your interview and I know what happened... I just want to know what happened to him after that" Looking at Christian with a complicated face, Alan answered.

"After the fight, as you know, I went into a coma and 'dad' was left in the hospital, after that he took his things and as far as I know, he went to live with his grandfather."

"I see..."

"..." Looking at his brothers and noticing the tension in the air, Christian sighed "Dad also lived his own problems... those problems haunted him all his life and we can't blame him for everything... if any of you want to see him, it's no problem for me."


"..." Biting his lips, Alan nodded silently, giving no response to her words.

"Now I will answer for what happened with our grandparents" Looking at his mother, Christian sighed and started talking about everything that happened with his mother, from who they are to Eva's expulsion.




"So... we're part of the nobility of England?" looking at Eva quizzically, Hailie asked.

"Not really, after all I was taken off the family records, so legally we're not family."

"..." Looking at his mother and brother with teary eyes, Alan stands up and walks over to them, then hugs them both and whispers in a clipped voice "Th-thank you for everything..."

Sighing, Hailie stands up and hugs them along with Alan, causing Christian and Eva to look at each other.

After about 5 minutes, finally the group hug ends and everyone returns to their seats, while Alan was still wiping away tears.

"Does anyone have any other questions?" looking at everyone, Christian asks.



"Okay, so we're up to date with everything that happened" Smiling slightly, Christian leans back on the couch and looks at the silent Emily, who was just watching everything calmly.

[A/N: I really see a lot of hatred against Alan, and I honestly don't understand why. Yes, the guy is kind of annoying, but he's young and naive. Keep in mind that Alan in this world is the same as a woman, I think his attitude is somewhat normal if you take that into account]




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