Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 408: Hana Homura – [Chatting and Karaoke] I’m back from school~!

Chapter 408: Hana Homura – [Chatting and Karaoke] I’m back from school~!

The stream thumbnail showed a picture of Hana waving as she ran over from a school gate. Her school uniform fluttered behind her.

[Chatting and Karaoke] I’m back from school~!

Hana Homura Ch.

Live in 5 minutes

Mon, April 7, 4:00 PM

> [] Yo, did UTube change its layout AGAIN?

> [] I blame the ai thingy they’re trying

> [] Oh god, did you see the disaster they had?

> [] You mean like when you tried looking up how ‘cockroaches’ got their name?

> [] ew, ew, ew, ew…

Live in 4 minutes

> [] Welcome back imouto!

> [] We missed you lots!

> [] How was school?

> [] Did you make any new friends?

Live in 3 minutes

> @HanaOniiChan [100 USD] Here’s your allowance for the week, Imouto!

> [] Oi, we showing off now?

> @HanaNumberOne [100 CAD] I just got paid from my new job, Hana! Here’s a gift!

> @OhanaDayo [100K Yen] Hmph. That’s nothing. Take half the paycheck of a new salaryman!

> [] NANI

> [] Dude. Isn’t that like, almost 1K? 

> [] I think it would have been better to buy merch @OhanaDayo… 

> [] Where’s our tech bros at?

> @OhanaMeansFamily [1000 USD] Bet.

> [] Since when did they increase the superchat limit?

> [] Apparently since John bought majority stock in Googol

> [] What?

Live in 2 minutes

> [] Anyone see that thread on Readit about John?

> [] Yeah! Some people spotted John in the wild with family, right?

> [] Don’t we see that all the time?

> [] That’s why we all agreed to just smile and wave

> [] Oh yeah! @Loreowl said John got into a fight with his big brother?

> [] John has a big brother?!

Live in 1 minute

> [] Anyone else catch Alfi and Aoko’s Kofi Concert?

> [] OMG it was amazing!

> [] I was there live! Alfi and Aoko are real!

> [] Wait, so like that’s not cg?

> [] They even had a meet and greet! Alfi-sama signed my shirt! Aaaaaaah!

> @StepOnMeAoko Queenie slapped me!

> [] …Aren’t you that guy who tried to do a running hug and got taken outside by security?

> @StepOnMeAoko Worth it!

> [] Alfi-sama’s hand… it was so warm…

> [] Did anyone get the number of that hottie with silver hair helping Alfi? Asking for a friend…

Waiting for Hana Homura Ch…

> [] Do we have a schedule yet for everyone?

> [] Alfi and Aoko are still the usual times, but everyone else is guerilla right now

> [] Oh yeah! Most of the girls are in school, right?

> [] …Wait. So like, are the girls all underaged?

> [] 🔫 Always have been.

> [] FBI? Over here, please.

> [] New fans…

> [] Any news about Betty? I miss her…

[Play stream cafe - boba date ♥ (1 hour) : cute music )]

The thumbnail faded away, replaced by a sidewalk with a chibi Hana in a school uniform running along it, her backpack bouncing up and down as she ran.


> [] hnnnnnnnnnnngh

> [] KAWAII!

> [] Chibi Hana as marketable plushy when?

> [] don’t forget her knives!

> [] or the loot boxes!

> [] or imouto’s guns!

> [] I’m new here. But, uh… what?

A flurry of sakura petals covered the screen before revealing Hana standing close to the camera and waving. “Ohana yo! Hana da yo! Morning afternoon evening, everyone!”

She was still wearing her school uniform and carrying her bag, as if she just walked in the house.

> [] Hanaaaaaaaa!

> [] We missed you!

> [] How was school?

> [] You didn’t get into any fights, did you?

Hana puffed her cheeks and said, “I behaved! It was boring, but I was a good girl, you know!”

> [] That’s exactly what someone in trouble would say.

> [] X

> [] We still doing the x to doubt thing? It’s been like 10 years, hasn’t it?

> [] 💀

> [] Did you get a new room, Hana?

Hana glanced at the chat and then said, “Oh yeah!” She grinned and said, “Do you like the new setup?” She held her bag behind her and twirled a bit. “Since I’m busy with school, I asked Mister Titor to help me set up things so we can stream as soon as I get home!”

The camera spun a bit to show a hallway leading into a kitchen and then some bedrooms. After that, it panned back to Hana, who was taking off her shoes.

> [] wtf is this black magitech that Myth Inc keeps pulling out?

> [] Wait, so is this a render of the ENTIRE HOUSE?

> [] Hold on. So, people said they saw Aoko and Alfi in-person. Like, frfr. So…

> [] Are we… fleshtubers now? CGtubers? 

> [] Please stop with the weird names…

Hana placed her bag along the side and then reached up to stretch. “Hah… I can finally relax with everyone! Yosh!” She did a fist pump and then said, “Come on, Mira-chan! Let’s get back to my room.”

> [] Mira-chan?

> [] Project MirAIs mascot real?

> [] Oooh! Is she that rainbow-haired girl on the site?

> [] Is Mira-chan like, a real person, or…?

> [] This is Project MirAIs. You honestly never know.

> [] Real. Still can’t believe Aoko and Alfi were real…

> [] So like, were they just cosplayers, or…?

> [] If Aoko and Alfi were cosplaying, cosplayers might as well not exist.

The camera followed Hana as she walked over to one of the rooms at the end of the hall. But then the sound of a door opening from behind echoed. The camera turned around towards the sound and revealed a mature woman who looked like an older Hana walking in. Like how Hana had just gotten back from school, the mature woman looked like she just got off from work, wearing a white dress shirt, a black skirt, leggings, and heels.

She walked in and started taking off her heels before she noticed the bag Hana tossed to the side. She rolled her eyes and said, “You can’t just leave your bag around, Sweetie… Wait. Are you streaming?”

> [] Mama Hana REAL?

> [] OFFICE LADY Mama Hana?!?!

> [] OMG

> [] Whoops! Looks like imouto’s in trouble…

> [] Sorry Mama Hana!

The camera panned back to Hana, and she let out an awkward smile. “Aha… M-Maybe?”

Mama Hana let out a long sigh and said, “Fine. It’s your job, so I guess it’s alright… but only an hour, Sweetie. You still need to do your homework. Plus John’s inviting us all for a family dinner at his place, so we won’t have much time to get ready if you stream too long.”


Right after saying that, she grabbed the camera and walked into her room, shutting the door behind her. When inside, she let the camera go and said, “Sorry, Mira-chan! I’ll make it up later, okay?”

> [] Mira-chan mvp

> [] Ooh, is Mira-chan like Droni?

> [] Mira-chan kawaii!


The camera spun around, revealing Hana’s usual bedroom. The only difference was that there was a lot more fanart and merch lying around. 

Hana walked over to her desk and rolled over her chair before spinning around to face the camera. “We’re here! I missed you guys lots! Ugh, you’ll never BELIEVE how boring school is…”

> [] No, I believe it.

> [] Oooh, I forgot that Japan starts in spring instead of fall.

> [] How’s being a high schooler?

> [] JK imouto is real?

> [] What’s JK?

> [] Wait. I just realized. Since when is autotranslate a default option on UTube chat?

> [] Since it added their AI plugin.

[Chat Summary]

Auto-generated experiment. Quality may vary.

People are talking about Hana Homura starting school in Spring instead of Fall. Some people are talking about how hot Mama Hana is. Others are surprised at the new technology being incorporated into chat.

> [] Ayo, anyone else seeing this chat summary thing?

> [] Did Googol finally decide to try and make one too?

> [] Blud just outed he’s not watching on the MIRAIZ app.

> [] What the heck does ‘blud’ mean?

> [] The MIRAIZ app has had that for a while now with Mira-chan, you know?

Hana huffed and then leaned forward, resting her elbows against her thighs and holding up her head with her hands. “First we had to do homeroom and icebreakers. Then there was math, science, English… Why do we even need English these days anyway? Mister John already has a perfect auto-translater device.”

> [] Wait, he does?

> [] That WOULD explain the captions in every language imaginable.

> [] For audio too? Not just text?

Hana sighed and said, “It’s all so boooring. And easy too.” She sat back up and crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks. “I don’t get why we have to do all this busy work, you know?”

> [] Sasuga, Strongest Imouto

> [] I think that’s because you’re overspecced, Hana…

> [] Me and high school every day… T_T

> [] Wait until you get to college. Things get easier.

> [] If by easier, you mean 90% of your grade is the final, I guess.

> [] I’d rather that then 100+ hours of pointless busy work each semester.

“But anyway!” Hana smiled and said, “How about you guys? A lot of the Ohana started school today too, right? Anything fun happen?”

> [] I got a girlfriend!

> [] I got confessed to at the school gates!

> @Nanami_B I-I confessed to a guy as a punishment, but he’s super cute and we’re going out now… (⸝⸝๑  ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)

> [] What the-? BS!

> @Kenji_2224 Sensei didn’t accept my confession, but she said she’d wait a few years until I graduated!

> @WorldlyDetective Some weirdo crashed into some trash cans with a bike, but I decided to leave him be.

> @AKillerJoker A weird app installed on my phone and I got lost for a bit, but people aren’t as scared about me as I thought they’d be, so that’s cool.

> @ToKnowDeath My sister just inherited the family home, and I’m finally moving back in since the old man’s kicked the bucket. We’re getting dinner tonight to celebrate with the maids.

> @PerfectShellfish ...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?


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