Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 399: – The Dawn of Happy Times

Chapter 399: – The Dawn of Happy Times

An unchanging blurry white ceiling. Tall bars that enclosed on every side. An almost unbearably soft surface beneath. And an unusual silence.

Because of that, Aurora was really, really bored.

Usually, there would be *someone* around to play with her and take her to explore. But today, there wasn't anyone around.

Which left Aurora with nothing to do but lay on her back and stare at the blurry mass of gray shadows around her.

"Babu babu... Pbt. Hehe."

She managed to entertain herself a bit by making funny noises, but it only went so far.


Where *was* everyone today?

Papa said he was busy, so Aurora understood.

She was worried at the beginning, but Papa turned out to be the sort of guy who randomly popped in and out because he was busy. He loved all off them lots and lots though, so he always came back.

It was weird how Mama wasn't here though. She really loved to hug and squish, so it was confusing why she was missing.


Maybe she should cry? People always came running when she did. But that would make people worried.

Aurora liked going *swoosh* and going around to see new things. But she didn't like making people worry.

The pretty colors around them always turned icky when they did, so it made Aurora feel bad.

But maybe it was good that it was quiet like this.

Aurora had always been around people since she was born, so this was new.

And it was a little exciting too.

"Babu babu?"

Since it was so quiet, Aurora could hear her own voice properly. Meaning it was time to learn to talk!

Maybe she could *finally* tell Mama that she didn't want anymore milkies. And that she didn't want to be squished all the time.

"Baba. Babu. Paba... Bleh."

Aurora puffed her cheeks and pouted.

It was hard! How did everyone move their lips and tongue so easily?

"Hah..." Aurora wanted to flop over or sit up. But she still could barely move without someone helping her.

Soon! Soon she would get to go with Big Sis Meggie and play the pewpew blingbling thingy with the flashy colors!

...But until then, she was stuck like this.


Time passed. The room remained the same.

Aurora looked around, but it was the usual blob of murky gray colors and random lines.

It was kind of weird, really.

Aurora didn't understand what was so fun about a gray world like this, but Mama, Papa, Meggie, Fifi, and Beti seemed to have a lot of fun. And then there was Auntie Nunu, Auntie Zaza, and Auntie Jiji. Ooh, and Grampa Yudi too.

Since everyone was having fun and smiling all the time, this world must be more fun even though it wasn't as pretty as Mama's home.

Aurora was sure of it.

Maybe she just had to get a bit bigger first and move around on her own.

She wished she could at least sit up to look around more, but...


Aurora raised her arms and then let them drop.


A soft hissing sound echoed and the ground started to move a bit.

"Babu? Babu!"

Aurora giggled and then did it again.


A different sound echoed when her arms fell back down, and the ground moved a little bit more.

Aurora giggled again and tried raising her legs a little bit too.


Aurora giggled again at the funny noises.

At that time, a cool and familiar female voice echoed. "It is good that you know how to keep yourself occupied, Littlest Sister."


Aurora looked over to the voice.

A pretty and familiar blob of rainbow colors. It moved closer, and then the blob became a familiar face.


Aurora laughed and then reached out to her older sister.

A soft giggle echoed in response to Aurora's laugh, and then a finger reached out to tap Aurora's nose.

Aurora giggled again and then grabbed the finger with her hand.

Betty smiled and said, "That is correct." She leaned over to pick Aurora up and said, "Your older sister Betty is here to visit. But I am surprised." She looked around and said, "It is a bit reckless to leave an infant unattended."

Aurora blinked, not understanding half of what her pretty big sister said. But she smiled anyway and giggled. "Babu Bebi!"

At that time, a voice echoed from somewhere nearby. "Don't worry your little heart out, Betty."

Aurora flinched and held onto Betty tighter. After that, she looked around.

That sounded like Papa, but it was a little different.

Not only that, but Aurora didn't see Papa's pretty and warm gold color anywhere nearby either.

Betty glanced up and then said, "Ah, that explains it." She tilted her head and said, "Did Father install baby monitors and assign you to watch them, Titor?"

Titor's voice echoed in response. "That's right. Since Sweetie is staying at the hospital, I'm stuck here anyway. Might as well keep an eye on my precocious and adorable little niece."

Betty hummed and said, "So you are abandoning your pained wife and duties as a husband to watch over Aurora?"

"Hey! It's not like I don't want to be with Sweetie! She cursed me out for all the pain she's going through and made the nurses kick me out of the room though!"

Betty nodded. "That does sound like Aunt Amadeus."

"Yeah! Besides, Gramps is taking care of her!"

Betty sighed and said, "Grandfather is not *your* Grandfather, 'Uncle' Titor." She emphasized the word 'Uncle' and then shook her head.

"Hey, it's weird calling him Dad or something, okay? And Gramps is fine with me calling him Gramps! ...Between him chucking sandals at me. Seriously, what's with old people and chucking sandals?"

Betty let out a deep sigh.

And while the two were having their talk, Aurora was listening. But she didn't understand a single word. So she looked up at Betty and asked her. "Bebi? Baba, ba, ba?"

Betty looked down at Aurora and blinked. Then she shook her head and muttered, "I still cannot comprehend how Father can understand baby speak. Is it because immaturity lies at the core of his personality?"

"Ba!" Aurora reached out to smack Betty's cheek.

'No making fun of Papa, even if you are my Big Sister!'

Betty chuckled and said, "Fine, fine. I will stop disparaging our father." She gently moved Aurora's hand aside and said, "He *has* become a worthy father figure in recent times."

A speaker crackled and then Titor said, "Yeah, at my expense! Do you know how hard it is to design all the new tech he’s working on? And organize the convention meets? Or booking flights and hotels in LA for a dozen people so they can attend Anime Instinct? AND the visa applications?!"

Betty looked up and said, "That sounds like a skill issue."



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