Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 396: Starry Academy Days – IV

Chapter 396: Starry Academy Days – IV

Bored out of her mind.

That was the only way Meggie could describe herself as she sat through class.

It would have been tolerable if Tsuki was nearby. However, the class had assigned seats, and Tsuki was on the opposite side of the room. Not only that, but Tsuki was being buddy-buddy with the, and Meggie quoted, "cute boy", sitting next to Tsuki.

Meggie didn't get it.

Objectively, the boy sitting next to Tsuki was fairly handsome. With unique peridot-colored eyes and a heart-shaped pupil in his left eye, he had a stand-out appearance that ranked near the top of the people in this world.

However, Meggie was used to seeing literal divine beings like her father.

It was like comparing a weed with a jade flower: no contest.

...Well, Meggie's father didn't really fit that standard anymore since he was purposefully dressing down to blend in with the ordinary people around here.

Still couldn't get rid of his natural aura though, something evident by how he drew everyone's eyes in a room unless he went out of his way to suppress it and blend in.

And that sort of aura was something that Meggie had apparently inherited from her father, judging from the gazes she was sensing.

Although mind-numbingly boring, Meggie still played the role of a model student. Sitting up straight, diligently taking notes and summarizing the teacher lectures... Everyone watching her would have no idea that she was seriously pondering whether she should throw a fit and just leave the building.

Of course, she decided against it. This was Mom's school and personal project. It'd be rude to disrupt everything just because of a minor inconvenience like this.

Fortunately, the instructors were consummate professionals who knew when to reign the children in. 

Because of that, Meggie could just tune out and ignore most of the gazes on her by taking notes. ...Although she noticed that there were three persistent weirdos who kept sneaking glances.

The first was that blonde guy with red eyes that wished he could be as cool as Dad. Then there was the standoffish black-haired boy who pretended to take notes while glancing over. And the last was that obnoxious red-head who kept fidgeting in his seat.

Still, they knew their limits. Meggie was a bit surprised at that considering they were children.

...And let's ignore the internal voice saying that Meggie was technically still a child too.

She was a grown woman, dang it! She would not be swayed or moved by childish emotions or events!

...And video games were excluded.

But anyway.

Meggie had been a bit worried that her overprotective mother might do something.

Normally, she was prim and proper. A very by the books person and strict on rules and order.

Recently though, Meggie noticed her mom had been quite a bit more... emotional to say the least. More so than when they first arrived.

It wasn't anything negative like anger or something. 

But Meggie did notice that her mother was quite a bit more picky and overprotective of her. Well, whenever her mother wasn't gushing over Rory at least.

Gosh was Rory going to grow up spoiled with the affection their mother gave her.

Meggie would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little bit envious of that fact. But whenever she saw how Rory desperately squirmed to try and escape their mother, it made Meggie grateful for the small things in life.

Like the fact that she hadn't spent time as a defenseless little infant like Rory, and that their mother was more constrained back in the Three Realms.

While it was true that Meggie had hated how cold and unaffectionate her parents were back then and how much she had to work to get a hint of affection and approval, it was probably better than the smothering affection Rory was going through right now.

Their parents (mostly Mom) were always hovering around Rory to make sure she was fine and also spoiled her at any chance they got. And that wasn't even TALKING about how Grandpa Yudi was acting.

Like, Gramps started a UTube channel just to get pocket money to buy gifts for Rory. Gifts that Rory couldn't even use yet because she was still a baby.

Seriously. Meggie was starting to wonder if Dad's home world had a secret law of existence that made people go crazy and stuff...

But anyway.

Life went on.

While Meggie was stuck here in a school that was decidedly less exciting than Tsuki, manga, and anime made it out to be, everyone else she knew was busy doing other things.

Uncle Bai and Qing were over in America starting up a business with their fiancees, Big Sis Alphy and Asako were prepping for an in-person concert...

Mom was obviously busy with running the school.

Auntie Xuannu and the other Aunties were trying to get a beauty business or something off the ground when they weren't streaming or trying to steal Rory away to spoil her.

Big Sis Betty... was doing something. 

Meggie hadn't heard from her for a while, so she wasn't sure.

Then there was their mysterious Aunt Jenny who was running HR for Project MirAIs and Myth Inc.

Ah, and Uncle Titor who was living through hell since Aunt Amadeus was set to go into labor any day now.

...And with that last thought, classes were over. Great!

Meggie ignored her loud classmates that started chatting and ignoring the teacher the moment the bell rang. Instead, she focused on putting away her notes (taken on autopilot) and sorting out her bag. After that, she slipped her CapsuMon hoodie back on and took a look around.

There were a lot of children vying for her attention. Chief among them were two of the weirdos who had been sneaking glances all day. That red-head and the black-haired kid.

Meggie was surprised that the blonde guy didn't care though.

In fact, that guy had already left the room.

Not that she cared much. It was interesting though.

Tsuki... was already walking out the door with that "cute boy," chatting and giggling on the way. 

...Was it "like father like daughter?" 

Meggie was a bit reminded on how Kai apparently backstabbed Dad early on by not letting him know where Meggie and her mom were...

But that was fine.

Tsuki was a child, and Meggie was a grown woman. It was normal for Tsuki to be infatuated by things like puppy love.

Meggie didn't feel bad about it. She was a bit annoyed, yes. But she didn't mind too much.

It did leave a problem though.

'What the heck am I supposed to do now?'

It was lunch time. People were waiting on Meggie to make the first move, probably wondering if she would choose to hang out with any of them.

Not that she would choose any of them to begin with. 


There was still a problem though.

Meggie *could* go to lunch by herself, but that was just opening weirdoes from trying to fill the empty spaces beside her.

That was a lesson she learned from following Big Sis Betty around a few times in the past.

Then who should... Ah. Right.

Although Meggie hadn't paid much attention to her, there *was* a classmate who kept to herself and didn't bother Meggie.

And this was even while she sat right next to Meggie too. 

A cute and somewhat pitiful looking girl with blonde hair. Her crimson eyes were almost welled up in tears as she glanced at the door, clenching her hands against her skirt.

Mm... Well, her dad said it was never a bad thing to help people, so...

"Come on."

Meggie walked over and grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her out of her seat.

"E-Eh?" The girl blinked, tears running down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them and then stared at Meggie. "W-What-"

"We'll be late for lunch if we stick around too long." Without waiting for a response, Meggie started dragging the girl along.

The students still waiting in the class broke out into an uproar.

Meggie knew that they were practically just background NPCs though and ignored them. Instead, she focused on the girl behind her. Putting on a bright smile, Meggie said, "I'm Meggie. You're my friend now."

"E-Excuse me? Yes?" The girl blinked and then said, "W-Wait. I don't-"

"So, what's your name?"

"I-It's Emma, but-"

"Great." Meggie nodded and kept dragging the girl along, ignoring the constant stares. "My favorite colors are black and white, and I like shiny hunting CapsuMon. You?"

The girl's eyes looked like they were spinning, but she eventually stammered out a response. "I-I like idols...?"

"Idols, huh?" Meggie nodded. 

Great. This could work.

"Have you heard about VTubers?"



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