Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 394: Starry Academy Days – II – Season Break

Chapter 394: Starry Academy Days – II – Season Break

Yue took a deep breath as she looked down at the crowd of students below.

It was the auditorium. And right now it was filled to the brim with youth. Children barely over a decade old. Compared to the time she had lived, and even to the time her Meggie lived, it was just an infinitesimal speck. Less than dust in the wind.

They couldn't see her, of course. The design of the auditorium was such that there was a ground stage, an open seating arrangement, and then a private booth overlooking it all.

That booth was where Yue currently stood, calming herself before the big moment.

Shifting her gaze away from the students below, she looked at her faint reflection in the one-way window.

A neatly braided pony tail. Thick-framed glasses to give an air of seriousness as well as attempt to blunt her natural beauty.

The operative word was 'attempt.'

Her beloved husband had said that it actually just changed it instead of blunting anything, but Yue would take what she could at this point.

There were her clothes, a neatly tailored gray suit and pants, paired with shoes that her husband called 'loafers.'

After months of research, it was Yue's secret weapon for her new pet project. The ultimate outfit that would ensure everyone took her seriously.

...Her husband still didn't, but then again he rarely took anything seriously these days.

Other than his work with Project MirAIs, but considering the Valentine and White Day incidents, that was to be expected.

At that time, there was a knock at the door. Shortly after, a neatly dressed woman with curly black hair and light green eyes walked in. Looking over at Yue, she said, "The students have all gathered, Headmistress. Shall we delay a bit longer, or would you like to begin?"

Yue glanced at the crowd of students one more time. And as she did, she saw some familiar faces walk in from the back.

Meggie, her rambunctious daughter, running around with that Tsuki girl while being stared at by four impertinent brats.

And then, walking in on the parent's side of the auditorium, John, her beloved husband.

As always these days, he wore his business suit out in public. Clutching a black binder under his right arm and wearing a blue tie, he immediately glanced up at Yue and smiled.

Yue blushed and then quickly looked away. Clearing her throat, she looked at the woman and said, "We can begin. Since there is the high school opening ceremony after this, we must keep a tight schedule."

It wouldn't do to mess up. Not when this was the first time she had to show her dear husband that she could properly do things on her own without his help. And especially when she could show that she wasn't just a mother who went crazy over her adorable, lovely, and extremely talented baby girls-


Yue blinked and then cleared her throat again. "Apologies. Please, lead the way, Miss..."

The woman... What was her name again? Something like 'Village Air' in this land's tongue?


The woman nodded. "Of course."

Yue let out an internal sigh of relief.


It was difficult to remember mortal names still when she didn't interact with them every day... especially when there were so *many*.

But she was getting better.

Yue just had to not think about the fact that they would be all gone in essentially the blink of an eye in the long scheme of things.

Like her beloved husband said, "One step at a time."

...Yue personally had issues with that saying considering how time in her beloved husband's homeland seemed to fluctuate even more rapidly than the most distorted of spatial dimensions, but she digressed.

Miss Muraki walked over to an elevator and pressed the button to call it, holding it open for Yue.

Yue walked in, doing her best to maintain a firm presence.

Poised. Confident.

Calm and authoritative.

...These were children. Compared to the countless bloodied worries she once had to govern in her husband's sect, it was nothing.

...Except that these children were mortals whose lives could take drastic turns with the slightest misstep.

And that misstep could come with a single wrong word from a person like her who had authority over their lives.


Yue was beginning to understand why her beloved husband took his job with Project MirAIs more seriously now.

But in any case...

Miss Muraki looked at Yue before giving a relaxed smile. "Rest assured, Headmistress. Everything well be fine."

Yue bristled and said, "Of course it will. There will be no room nor margin for error."

"Yes." Miss Muraki nodded and said, "Considering how much effort you have put into rehearsing your speech, I have no doubt. So... relax." She chuckled and said, "Although this is the opening ceremony, it's also a time to reap the fruits of your labor."

The elevator doors chimed and then slowly opened. The moment they did, a low murmur filled the air. The sounds of the children and various parents talking in the auditorium while they waited.

Yue stepped out of the elevator.

She was still out of sight. The elevator was located at the back of the stage and out of line of sight from the ground.

Miss Muraki stepped out behind Yue and then waited by the elevator to offer some moral support.

Yue glanced at her one last time and then nodded, slowly making her way towards the edge of the curtains concealing back stage. As she did, Yue picked up the fragments of conversation from the children.

"How much longer are we gonna wait?"

"I can't believe Father sent me to such a far-off land..."

"I heard that some of our Senpais could be idols!"

"Will this place really help us get into good universities...?"

A mix of inane concerns and childish wonder.

Surprisingly, Yue didn't hear Meggie at all. But that may simply be due to her daughter being self-conscious about being overheard by both of her parents.

But in any case...

Yue stepped out from behind the curtains of the stage and approached the podium.

The moment she did, a hush fell over the crowd.

Seeing that, Yue had to resist the urge to smile.

A culmination of hard work. Carefully won authority and prestige from countless hours negotiation and researching. Countless more crafting proposals, curriculum, and textbooks. And then even more searching for the perfect candidates for the staff.

All of it resulted in the sight before her. Even children falling silent at her appearance.

...Or perhaps it was what her dear husband said and more due to her physical appearance and aura, but she would like to think otherwise.

In any case...

Yue stepped up to the microphone at the podium and said, "Students and staff. Parents and visitors from a far." She put on a brilliant smile and said, "Welcome to Hoshigawa Academy, where we help you navigate the starry river of destiny."




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