Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 389: – Aoko Ryuusei – [Membership Stream] Do you like my car?

Chapter 389: – Aoko Ryuusei – [Membership Stream] Do you like my car?

The sound of revving engines. Eurobeat blasting in the background for a moment before being turned down.


@[] Gah!

@[] My ears!

@[] *Eurobeat Intensifies*

@[] Finally, a Queen stream I can watch!

@[] Time to fall asleep to Queen drifting in the nineties...

@[] <100 USD> Spawn police


Police sirens immediately started to blare in the distance.

"@#[email protected]#$!" Aoko let out a strangled scream and then said, "Which of you bastards spawned in the cops!? I haven't even set up the cams yet!"


@[] lmao


@[] ...Sorry not sorry?

@[] This is a stream of all time.

@[] You guys aren't funny.

@[] Deja vu...


"Ah, screw it! We're doing it live!"

A car engine roared. Shortly after that, tires screeched and squealed.

While that was happening, the black screen changed to a screen transition.

An 8-bit Aoko driving a small racing car appeared on screen, driving along an old country road.


@[] Ooh! A new screen transition?

@[] Where do the girls keep getting all these assets?

@[] I would say John has money to burn, but...

@[] Titor Tech too Stronk

@[] Is this the stream?

@[] I joined because of the calendar, but this looks like it's going to be fun

@[] Why are you guys typing so much?

@[] Just sit back and enjoy the ride.


A racing car suddenly revved, sending out a trail of smoke. And then it sped off into the distance. As it did, racing streaks filled the screen. After that, the smoke covered everything in white.

And then a wind swept past, blowing it all away to reveal a split screen layout.

In the main screen, there was a first person camera showing the dashboard, steering wheel, and the road up ahead through the windshield. It also showed a floating holographic version of the live chat window in the middle of the windshield.

On the top right of the screen, there was a side camera view of Aoko's face. One that showed her currently gritting her teeth and glaring.

On the bottom right of the screen, there was a camera view from the back of her car. That showed the road the car raced across... and at the moment, a dozen police cars in fast pursuit.


@[] Ooh! Neat layout!

@[] So it looks like we're definitely not in Tokyo...

@[] Is that the golden gate bridge in the distance? O.o

@[] Wow. These graphics are waaay too good.

@[] New Forya game looks great.


Aoko reached down to shift her gears while glancing in the rearview mirror. "Dammit. Why the hell are these cops so persistent? You guys aren't paid enough for this crap."


@[] Maybe they're fans?

@[] Again, Titor Tech Stronk

@[] Advanced machine learning?

@[] If only cops were this good downtown...

@[] Why chase racers when there are murderers walking around?

@[] This is why I hate cops.

@[] Hey! Keep it fun!


It was night time.

Aoko was racing down city streets in her car. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any other cars around other than the cops.

Narrow lanes, traffic lights... the works. Everything that you would expect to see in an urban city or thriving metropolis.

A hyper realistic setting that looked suspiciously like a certain city in southwest America.

But it wasn't. While Aoko sped past them all, glowing LED signs and advertisements were all over the place and written in both English and Japanese.

[Start the Link! NERV_GEAR on sale today! Enter code 42069e at checkout!]

[Open the gate to the future! MirAI Operators, unite!]

[Are you a tech nerd? You got CompSci experience? Email TitorTech today to intern!]


@[] What the heck are those advertisements?

@[] Are we in Too Quick Too Mad?

@[] What the hell is Too Quick Too Mad?

@[] Family.

@[] wtf

@[] No! Go back! I want to apply!

@[] Why is replay turned off?! I need that code!

@[] aaaahhhh


"Persistent bastards." Aoko glanced at her rearview mirror again and clicked her tongue. "This is what happens when I let you guys crowd control, huh?"


@[] Oh yeah!

@[] crowd control is on?

@[] <50 USD> spawn Ki-sama

@[] <10K Yen> spawn Yakewlza

@[] <100 CAD> spawn maple syrup

@[] <100K Yen> reset conditions


A chaotic mess.

In the rearview cam, a crowd of dragons wearing suits suddenly appeared in front of the cops.

Said cops immediately slammed into the dragons, sending them flying into the air like a cartoon.

But immediately after, a group of buff humanoid dragons fell from the sky, smashing into the cop cars.

Explosions filled the screen left and right as the cars exploded.

And then a tidal wave of sticky syrup splashed down, covering everything behind Aoko's car.

But, like it was all an illusion, a second later, everything vanished.


@[] It missed!

@[] Why are they all spawning behind Queen?

@[] Awww

@[] Yas Queen! Leave them in the dust!

@[] Why is Queen acting like she's seen crazier stuff...?

@[] We're dragons?

@[] What the heck are 'Yakewlza'?

@[] Ooh, this is gonna be a *fun* stream.


Aoko glanced in her rearview mirror and said, "Huh. Alright. Guess I can slow down a bit..." She shifted her gears down and said, "You bastards are having way too much fun with that stuff."


@[] sowwy Queen T_T

@[] ew

@[] found the simp

@[] But how else are you getting a challenge?

@[] Meh, you'll be fine Queen

@[] We need to get her to drift!


Aoko smirked and said, "Well, I guess that's the point." She glanced at the side cam and said, "You guys won the last bet, so I did the damned lewd calendar. But now we're in my territory."


@Alex_Frivolous Ch. Ayo?

@[] Another bet?

@[] More lewds?

@[] official henties?

@[] It's spelled ****** idiot.

@[] Look who's the idiot now, idiot.


A parking lot appeared on the right side.

Aoko immediately pressed on her brake and then grabbed the handbrake.

Screeching tires and burning rubber obscured the rearview camera with smoke. At the same time, the surroundings past the dashboard spun as the car took a sharp turn.


@[] grk

@[] motion sickness warning!

@[] Gah. Too realistic...

@[] This is why I don't race cars...

@[] Is this really VR?

@[] The physics engine! How?!


Aoko pulled her car to a stop and said, "There. Now we can talk... And I swear to god, if any of you bastards try spawning stuff now, I'm going to ban your ass."


@dumbduck Bet.

@dumbduck <20 USD> spawn cop

@dumbduck has been timed out for 99999999 minutes

@MiraChan<M> <MIRAIZ ADMIN COMMAND> reset conditions

@[] lmao

@[] Queen don't play, my guy

@[] Must be a newbie

@[] RIP 20 USD

@[] You can timeout people in memberships?!

@[] Isn't that against TOS?

@rationalrabbit Y'all need to start reading the fineprint more...

@[] MiraChan?

@[] ???


"Heh. Dumb f- duck." Aoko crossed her arms and said, "Play dumb games get dumb rewards... And thanks, Mira-chan."


@[] Secret member?!

@[] Is this the fabled fourth prototype member?

@[] Wait, Mira-chan is real?

@[] I have questions, Queen!


Aoko leaned back in her chair and glanced at the side cam. "Anyway. The bet. Since I know that you guys are all filthy perverts..."


@[] I resemble that statement!

@[] I think you mean 'resent'...

@[] You mean 'men of culture', Queen

@[] Women too!

@[] I think we're all cultured here since we enjoy Queen.

@sagebunny Is it perverted if it's natural though?

@[] @sagebunny Yes.

@MisterCranel Is it wrong to be cultured?

@His_Tia @MisterCranel Get back here!


"...How about this." Aoko nodded and said, "We'll do three laps around Tosan Fran. If I can do that in this stream, all of you have to do a killer workout that me and Alfi design for a month. Hell, I'll even supply the gear if we need it. If I lose..."

Aoko paused to think about it before wrinkling her nose. "...I'll do a lewd ASMR voice pack. I'll never be able to show my face on the internet anymore, but I think that's fair, right?"


@[] BET

@[] It's a win-win, isn't it?

@[] I'm in!


Aoko pointed at the camera and said, "Don't think I'm playing around though!" She wagged her index finger and said, "I can dox all you bastards now since you're in my membership. This is a for real bet. If you win, I'll make a private stream just for you bastards that got lucky. If you lose though... I'm going to send a cringe personal letter to your address and embarrass you in front of your whole family."


@[] Is that even legal?

@[] Uh...

@[] Jokes on you, I'm a high schooler!

@[] Bruh.

@[] Personal note from Queen?! YES! LET ME IN!

@[] I see we're doing a legally binding contract.

@[] So I lose, I get ripped. I win, I get Queen lewds and note...

@[] All-in baby!


Aoko glanced at the chat for a bit, watching all the people agree or disagree. After a few seconds, she nodded and said, "Make sure to log all the people who agreed for me, Mira-chan. And tell Alfi to get started on a crazy work-out plan too... and a meal plan. For now..."

Aoko reached out to tap something off screen. The moment she did, a holographic map appeared on the bottom left of the screen.

A blue dot flared, marking her position. Shortly after, a glowing green line appeared on the map, highlighting the race path.

After that, Aoko reached down to her gear shift and said, "You bastards ready? This time, I'll make you suffer and cringe."


@[] No u

@[] <10K Yen> spawn cops max difficulty

@MiraChan <MIRAIZ ADMIN COMMAND> Queuing all donations

@[] r/ProjectMirAIs gonna be wild this month, isn't it?

@[] Talk less, race more, Queen!

@[] Let the games begin!


Aoko chuckled and said, "It's on, you bastards. Don't regret losing!"


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