Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 366: – A Prototype Slice of Life – I

Chapter 366: – A Prototype Slice of Life – I

A changed world. One where VTubers dominated entertainment media and the term was known to even the elderly grandparents who never visited the internet except to scroll through social media to catch up with what their grandchildren were doing.

It wasn't quite to that level yet, but it was getting there.

With the debut of V-ShowGirls, the ease of streaming with the MIRAIZ app, and the continuing growth of the group that started it all, Project MirAIs, VTubers had grabbed the spotlight and weren't letting it go anytime soon.

But as for the three girls who started it all, and in particular the one girl who started everything by meekly telling her wish about wanting to become an idol...

It was another weekday.

Rin slouched over the beanbag cushion in the Prototype lounge, idly scrolling through social media while she waited for Asako to finish her stream.

Terrorist organizations being dismantled in America by special forces, new VTubers making their debuts and pre-debuts on Tweeter, 10/10 ratings coming out for Mister Titor's VRMMORPG... and lots of fun reaction videos to people playing through the storyline for the Project MirAIs crossover in Mister Titor's game.

Flipping around on the cushion to lay on her back, Rin placed her phone against her chest and stared at the ceiling. 'I know Mister John says to just go with it... but this is still surreal.'

Rin thought that she had gotten used to weird things happening with Mister John. Between curing Rin's mother of cancer, his seemingly endless wealth, and also incredible talent in everything he did... not to mention his outstanding family, John had already cemented himself in Rin's mind as a person who could make anything happen if he wanted to.

Even still...

'The whole world is different now because of you, Mister John.'

It wasn't just Rin's world that had changed now. And it wasn't just the members in Project MirAIs either.

Although Mister John had definitely helped everyone in Project MirAIs, through that, he had helped a lot of other people too.

Like the Ohana.

Rin had never met most of the Ohana, but from their comments on the fan tags and all the Superchats, she knew that the Ohana got a lot out of watching their streams too.

Was it the joy and satisfaction of being able to cheer someone on?

Rin didn't know if that was completely true for the Ohana, but she could definitely see it in Alphy onee-chan's fans.

So that they could support Alphy and make sure she wasn't worried about them, the Alfis worked hard to improve their lives.

Then there were Asako Aneue's fans who accepted that they were 'trash', but rallied behind her because she accepted them for who they are while saying they could be better.

And for all the trolling and lewd comments the Ki-sama made during the stream, off it, they were every bit as supportive of each other as the Alfis were.

The world was a dark and scary place. While it was rare for most people to be in as desparate a situation as Rin had been before meeting Mister John, there were plenty of people in silent suffering who just went through the motions each day.

Rin had seen it. No, it was impossible not to see it.

Rin remembered all the times she rode back home on the train.

Tired, drained, lifeless... she remembered thinking that about all the businessmen and businesswomen riding the train with her.

And even until recently, you could walk around downtown and see more than a couple people walking around with listless expressions.

But that had changed now.

A spark of light in people's eyes. Excited chatter as they talked about Mister Titor and Betty nee-chan's new games. Casual conversations about favorite VTubers. The tragedies in the world slowly being drowned out by hopeful stories and fun streams.

"...Is this what it means to be an idol, Mister John?"

Staring at the ceiling, Rin quietly muttered those words.

The star that inspired people to move forward. An anchor in the chaotic waves of life. Hope that they might be able to succeed as well by following that bright light.

Rin would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit pressured. Especially since she wasn't the only VTuber idol out there now.

Even so...

Rin sat up and slapped her cheeks. "You've got this, Rin! You and Hana both!"

Even if she wasn't as special or as talented as the other members of Project MirAIs. And even if she was eventually forgotten among the crowd of new VTubers debuting...

So long as there were still people watching her, she and Hana would light up the sky as that star-

"Huh? Why are your cheeks red, Sis?" Asako walked down the stairs, suspiciously eyeing Rin's face. "...You didn't get into the wine fridge and steal a few drinks, did you?"

Rin immediately sat up and puffed her cheeks. "Of course not! And you shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that, Aneue!"

Asako walked over to the vending machine and grabbed an energy drink. After that, she headed towards Rin and said, "Not my fault you weren't paying attention. I waved at you three times, you know?" She cracked open the energy drink can and then paused. "Well, guess you wouldn't if you were spaced out, huh?" After taking a sip, she looked at Rin and said, "What were you so deep in thought about anyway?"

Rin stood up to stretch and said, "Just the future, Aneue."

"Mm. I feel you." Asako dragged over another beanbag cushion and sat down. Taking a sip from her energy drink, she let out a wry smile and said, "I've been procrastinating on releasing that calendar for a while now, but I don't think I can put it off anymore."

Rin laughed and said, "You should have picked something else for your membership reveal then, Aneue."

"Yeah, well... it's a bit too late for that now." Asako sighed and took a long sip from her energy drink. After that, she looked at Rin and said, "Did you figure out what you want to do for yours yet?"

"Mmhm!" Rin smiled and said, "I'm going to be treasure hunting!"

Asako blinked. "Treasure hunting? You mean like in games? But don't you do that already?"

Rin shook her head. "No. I mean... Well." She paused to think about it and said, "...I think it'll be a bit complicated to explain since I don't think you've used the IDOL bodies yet."

"The idol what?"

Rin giggled and said, "Don't worry about it, Aneue!" She glanced at her phone and said, "Anyway, what's taking Onee-chan so long? We were going to walk around town today to relax, right?"

Alphy was usually early for appointments, so for her to not be here yet-

"Sorry!" Rapid footsteps echoed from above before Alphy arrived at the Prototype lounge, slightly out of breath. "Papa wanted to ask me something and it took longer than we thought it would... Did I keep you waiting long?"

Asako drained her energy drink before chucking it into a nearby trash bin. Smiling at Alphy, she said, "Of course not. You're just on time, Alphy."

Alphy smiled back at Asako and said, "I'm glad, Asa-chan! Oh! And you did a great job on your stream today! I think it was a bit mean how you scolded the Ki-sama, but they looked like they were having a lot of fun!"

Rin tucked her phone away and giggled. "The Ki-sama always have fun with Aneue... even if they have to make fun to get it."

Asako rolled her eyes and said, "You're getting snarkier by the day, Sis."

"Well, that's the fault of my role model, isn't it, Aneue?"

"...You're definitely Sakura nee-chan's daughter."

Rin stuck out her tongue and then started skipping towards the door. "Come on! It's the first time in a while we actually did something outside together, so let's go have some fun!"

Alphy smiled and walked after Rin. "Yes! There's a lot of shops I want to visit... and I want to get some gifts for Grandpa and Aurora as well..."

Asako walked beside Alphy and then muttered, "Why do I feel like the day's about to get hectic again?"

Rin puffed her cheeks and said, "That's because you keep jinxing it like that, Aneue!"

Alphy giggled and then said, "Don't worry, Asa-chan. Papa gave me a good luck charm, so everything will be fine."

Asako frowned and said, "...It's not something ridiculous like one of the Three Treasures, is it?"


Asako waved her hand and said, "Never mind. Now, let's get going before either the three stooges or your crazy knights intercept us."

A discreet apartment building tucked away around the corner from Myth Inc. HQ.

There, sitting around a rectangular table, six individuals faced each other, divided in two groups of three.

The first group of three were all fit, possessing honed bodies with rippling muscles and a confident air. Knight, Hottie, and Couch.

The second group of three were a ragtag bunch that had nothing in common. Garbage, Foxy, and Orca.

And, just from a glance, that seemed to be true of both groups.

But at that time, the six had gathered together for a serious discussion about something very important.

As for the subject of that discussion...

Knight folded his hands together and leaned against the table. "So it is decided?"

Garbage sighed and ran his right hand through his hair. "I still don't think we're the people who should be doing this..."

Foxy rolled her eyes and said, "If not us, then who else, Garbage? I mean, degenerates can pick out degenerates, right?"

Orca adjusted a pair of golden whale cufflinks before saying, "I would object to that classification... but I suppose it is true that I am fairly familiar with sifting through the trash."

Garbage blinked and then gave Orca a sidelong glance. "...Are you talking about me?"

Orca smiled and said, "Of course not, dear friend."

"...You're being sarcastic right now, aren't you?"

Hottie ran a hand through his silver hair and said, "Can we be serious about this for once?"

Couch nodded from beside Hottie and said, "Yes. This is a matter concerning Alfi-sama's beloved imouto"

Knight nodded as well and then said, "While Alfi-sama's Papa is currently managing Alfi-sama's beloved imouto, he is a man fit to rule the world. At some point, she will need a team like us. Now..." He reached down to the floor beside him and then picked up a manila folder before sliding it across the table. "These three are our targets..."


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