Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 362: Tyrant Emperor – II

Chapter 362: Tyrant Emperor – II

A tense atmosphere- No, a stifling one.

While John was perfectly relaxed sitting there with his feet on the table, the directors across from him were frozen stiff.

Of course, considering the directors were put under existential dread that didn't seem to have a tangible source, that was an inevitable reaction. Well, most of the directors.

Since the grandfatherly director seemed to be on Rin's side, John ignored him.

Still, the fact that the other directors were frozen stiff was enough to set the mood and cause that director to be quiet as well.

Slowly glancing at each director, John waited for a bit more to let the existential dread sink in before removing his spiritual pressure.

Immediately, the directors started gasping. A few doubled over, clutching at their chests while looking at John in terror.

John smiled and said, "Fony... Looking at you now, I have to say the name is fitting. Pretending to be interested in a business deal but using it as a false pretense to probe me... Truly, a bunch of phonies."

The bald lead director let out a gasp and then narrowed his eyes, trying to gather his bearings. After a bit, he glared at John and said, "You damned brat... You think we won't sue you for this?"

John blinked.

Did... Did that man just...?

John laughed. "You? Sue me?"

The grandfatherly director on the left cleared his throat and said, "Shino-san. Perhaps we should-"

"Shut up, Iwa." The lead director, 'Shino-san', glared at the grandfatherly director 'Iwa' and then glared back at John. "It was enough that we threw the brat a bone, but he decided to act like this to us...!"

"Man." John swept his hand through his hair and said, "It's been a while. Nostalgic even." He chuckled and said, "So this was how it felt for people to not know what I'm capable of and mouth off like that."

Because of Shino-san's bold actions, the other directors were shaking off the fear from before.

John thought it was impressive. If it was the Three Realms, this group would have already been groveling on the ground already and begging forgiveness.

Was this the effect of social media? Unlike the Three Realms where you had to say things in person, people here could talk smack behind the screen... Was that why people like this were so fearless even after all of that pressure?

Well, either way...

"You're even ignoring me now?" Shino-san grit his teeth and said, "Hmph. We'll see how you can ignore us after-"

"About 109 billion USD. That's the market cap of Fony Corporation, isn't it?" John held up his right hand and made a show of looking at his finger nails. "I suppose the fact that it increased tenfold in a decade is what gives you this bravado. Well, that and the large stake you have in both digital media and video games."

Although the world was different, Fony's history lined up with a certain other big entertainment corporation that John remembered. From the game consoles to the famous spider-based superhero movies, it was definitely a heavy hitter. But...

John smiled. "Did you know? Although there's all sorts of regulations against it in the United States... Hostile takeovers are pre~tty easy overseas here in Asia. Speaking of which..."

A phone started buzzing. And then another. And before long, all of the directors were pulling out their phones.

Shino-san froze, his arrogant expression slowly shifting as he glanced at the caller ID.

John yawned and then stood up. "You should answer that. And I think we're done here."

"H-Hold on!" Shino-san stood up and said, "You can't just-"

Another director suddenly stood up and said, "Sh-Shino-san! Legal just called!"


"It's a derivative suit! The shareholders are blowing it up on social media! I-It's already trending on Tweeter!"


Shino-san slowly turned to look at John.

By that time, John was already standing at the door. Turning around one last time, he smirked and said, "We'll talk soon." After saying that, he opened the door and walked out, leaving a shocked silence after the door closed behind him.


Hana lowered her phone and glanced over at John as he walked out. "That was quick."

John adjusted his tie and said, "I said it wouldn't take long, didn't I? Anyway, it seems like there are some problems with this ad, so it looks like we might have to rearrange some things."

Hana frowned and said, "Really? I liked it though..."

John reached over to pat Hana's head and said, "Don't worry about it. I won't let my cute idol's debut commerical fall through that easily."

Hana huffed and said, "I'm not a kid, Mister John!"

"When you're my age, pretty much everyone is a kid, Hana."

"...How old are you anyway, Mister John? I don't think you ever told me..."

John cleared his throat and said, "Don't worry about it."

"If you say so..." Hana hummed and crossed her arms behind her back as she followed John out. As she did though, she paused and said, "Is this what they mean when they say age is just a number?"

"No. And if you ever hear anyone say that to you in person, slap them in the face, scream bloody murder, and run the other way."

"Um... Okay?" Hana blinked, clearly confused.

John ignored her and checked the time on his watch. "Anyway... There's still some time before your stream later, right? It's been a while since it's been just us, so how about we head back and grab some lunch?"

"...I think I get why Miss Yue was so concerned about you now, Mister John."


"Nothing~! And I want sweets! Ah, but as me, not Hana!"

"Got it. Let's just drop 'you' off first before we head out."


Back at Myth Inc. HQ, Asako's office floor.

Asako pulled off her VR headset with a bright smile. "Hah... I didn't know I needed that. I forgot how refreshing it is to knock some heads around."

Garbage slumped over the desk, exhaustion clear on his face. "Easy for you to say, Queen. You weren't the one who had to direct the camera work."

Foxy laid on the floor, her eyes closed. "Ugh. And don't get me started on all the trollers trying to derail chat..." She shook her hands and said, "My hands hurt from banning them all..."

Orca glanced at both Garbage and Foxy and then shifted his gaze back to his tablet, scrolling through emails. "Don't complain about self-inflicted injuries. Titor left a detailed manual behind on how to use the MIRAIZ AI to manage all of that."

Garbage sat up and slammed his hands on the desk. "You expect me to read that thousand page manual!?"

Orca gave Garbage a blank stare and said, "...Have you opened it? The first page has a cheat sheet for all the commands and essential configurations."

Garbage froze and then slowly pulled out a thick book from the desk drawer. With it in hand, he opened the front cover and then stared at the first page with a blank look. "Ahaha... That's... uh..."

Asako watched the trio interact and then laughed. Standing up to do some stretches, she said, "Well. At least I know I won't be bored with you stooges around."

Orca glanced at Asako and said, "I take offense to that, Queen. While those two may be jesters, I see myself as more of a magistrate or advisor."

"Hey!" Foxy sat up and pointed at Orca. "I'm not a clown!"

Garbage dropped his book and said, "Yeah! I might be trash, but I'm no class act!"

Foxy blinked and then looked at Garbage. "That's the same thing...?"

Garbage blinked as well and then his ears turned red. "I-I meant I'm not a clown!"

Asako laughed again and said, "Yeah, yeah. You're my valuable underlings... Anyway, I'm pretty hungry after smacking those idiots around in the game. You guys up for a team lunch?"

Foxy gasped and jumped to her feet. "Lunch with Queen!? Yes Ma'am!"

Garbage quickly closed out of the apps on the computer and shut it down before saying, "Don't forget me!"

Orca stood up, rolling his neck. After that he pulled out his wallet and took out a black card. "Shall I pay?"

Asako snorted and said, "Just because you're an oil baron prince doesn't mean you need to show off, Orca. And besides." She grinned and said, "A boss has to show off to her underlings every now and then, right? Leave it to me."

Foxy covered her mouth with her hands and said, "So cool!"

Garbage pumped a fist in the air and said, "That's the Queen I love!"

Asako grabbed her phone and purse from nearby and said, "Don't let Alphy hear you say that. Now, let's get going." After saying that, Asako started walking towards the exit.

"Ooh!" Foxy followed after Asako and said, "I call shotgun!"

"Dammit!" Garbage ran after her and said, "You can't just do that, Foxy!"

"Can too, slowpoke!"

Orca sighed and took up the rear. "Children."

Garbage rounded on Orca and said, "You're the same age as us!"

"Yes." Orca nodded and said, "And I am an adult while you two are still children. Maturity has nothing to do with physical age."

Foxy stuck out her tongue and said, "Well, I'm staying a child at heart forever!"

Asako kept walking, resisting the urge to facepalm.

'It'll only get worse if you acknowledge it, Asako. Just... ignore them and let Orca handle it.'

"Me too!" Garbage chimed in and said, "Age is just a number anyway!"




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