Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 361: – Tyrant Emperor – I

Chapter 361: – Tyrant Emperor – I

A large and fancy office room. A window spanning an entire wall, showing off the cityscape as well as letting in light. A long office table big enough to sit over a dozen people, but currently seating only five.

John recognized a power play when he saw one. And these people weren't even being subtle about it. That much was clear from the fact that there was only a single chair on the side John and Hana stood.

Hana noticed and then tensed, looking back at John.

John smiled and placed a hand on Hana's shoulder while looking out at the board of directors... or at least the few senior board members that had forced some hands to arrange this meeting.

It was a typical crowd of old fogies and corrupt men used to having their way and wielding power. Three of them weren't worth mentioning, just looking like the generic old ugly bastards who you would expect to take advantage of people. Two of them were different though, the man on the far left and the man in the middle.

The man on the far left gave off a grandfatherly vibe. Although he was old and wearing a sharp suit, he had a welcoming aura to him. He also looked uncomfortable about being there, subtly glancing at the other board members with a slight frown.

As for the man in the middle... unlike the other members, he looked young. Well, younger. And he also looked like a total douchebag. Shaved head, a tailored suit that showed off a trained body... then there was the fact that he was wearing sunglasses indoors.

John let out an internal sigh. But on the outside, he gently nudged Hana and walked forward with her.

A tense silence. Four piercing gazes focused on Hana and one gaze that was apologetic.

Hana was still a bit tense from the pressure, but she kept walking with John.

Footsteps echoed in the conference room and nothing else. The board members simply watched, observing both John and Hana.

'You really think you're something, huh?'

Impassive gazes, a 'holier than thou' attitude... They were clearly trying to pressure him and Hana- No. They were trying to pressure Hana in order to see how John would react to it.

Understandable. Fony was a large company with plenty of assets and power. If John were an ordinary manager or businessman, he would probably be walking on tiptoes trying to suck up to them.

But he wasn't, and he wouldn't.

When they arrived at the chair, John let out a bright smile towards the board members and then purposefully sat Hana down in the chair.

Since Hana was still nervous, she didn't realize it until John had already sat her down, but then she immediately tried to stand up.

John walked to her right side and placed his left hand on her shoulder to calm her down. After that, he looked towards the board and said, "It's surprising. We were under the impression that today was going to be a meeting with the team for the project, not with such esteemed individuals."

The bald director in the middle smiled and said, "We apologize for the inconvenience, Mister Smith. Of course, we will bring Miss Homura straight to meet the team after this meeting, but we wanted to get a first impression before doing so. Although a small project, this will have a very big influence on the company's image." After saying that, he turned his gaze to Hana.

Hana flinched, instinctively shrinking back. But John patted her shoulder and sent her a bit of spiritual energy to bolster her spirits.

At least he planned to, but then he remembered that this was an automaton she was just puppeteering from a distance.

Fortunately, it seemed that the gesture was enough since she relaxed.

John smiled at Hana and then said, "How about you introduce yourself, Hana? It's a good learning experience to interact with these sorts of people."

A clear slight. Just like how the board was being dismissive of them by only having one chair and pulling these shenanigans last minute, John made it clear to Hana that this meeting didn't really matter with his words.

And it didn't.

If they wanted to play hard ball, John had countless eons of experience to draw on, as well as limitless resources.

The bald director... or was it the lead director? He looked at John with a fake smile and said, "Before then... Should we have someone bring you in another chair, Mister Smith? It seems like there was a mistake."

"Oh, it's fine. I can still stand this, so no need to put in the effort. This meeting isn't that serious anyway, right? Just formalities."

A tense silence filled the room.

Hana shifted a bit and looked up at John.

John simply smiled.

After a short while, the grandfatherly director on the far left cleared his throat and said, "Miss Hibana, if you would?"

"Y-Yes!" Hana sat up straight and said, "S-Should I do my usual stream introduction?"

The director let out a warm smile and said, "If you would."

"O-Okay. Then..." Hana took a deep breath and then put on a bright smile. "Ohanayo! It's Hana Homura, first member of Project MirAIs and your fireworks in the sky!" Hana waved and said, "Let's have some fun today!"

The grandfatherly director smiled more after hearing Hana's introduction. But the other directors weren't affected and stared at Hana with a cold gaze.

A random director on the right picked up a piece of paper and then said, "Fireworks... yes. We saw from your stream that you sang a fireworks song on your debut. We agree that you have a pleasant voice and appearance, but what makes you believe you are the best fit for this commercial?"

John's gaze turned cold.

The deal was already done and they called the meeting a formality, but now they were grilling Hana on why she would be a good fit?

The lead director stared at John, smiling.

Seeing that, John understood.

...Those bastards were using Hana as an excuse to get a read on him. And the poor people who genuinely wanted Hana on board for the project were forced to give way to these people.

John glanced at Hana and said, "You don't have to answer that."

Hana looked up at John and then shook her head. "It's fine, Mister John."

A clear and determined gaze. One without a hint of fear, but instead competition.

John blinked and then smiled, pulling his hand back. "...Alright."

It seemed like Hana... No, that Rin had grown up a lot since they first met.

Hana smiled back at John and then looked at the board of directors with a serious expression. "I understand that Fony Corporation has many candidates to choose from for the commerical, but I'm sure that I'm the best fit."

A director on the far right raised an eyebrow and said, "And why is that? Although you're cute-"

John narrowed his eyes.

The director flinched and cleared his throat. "A-Although you are certain to draw an audience and your singing ability is above average, what makes you believe you are better than any other idol or celebrity for this commercial?"

"Because I'm me!"

A stunned silence.

John blinked, not expecting that answer either.

Another director looked at Hana and said, "Would you care to explain?"

Hana nodded and said, "The commercial shoot is to advertise Fony's new wireless earbuds, and the song is about reunions and meeting again. Well, for me, everyone who my voice reaches is a part of my family, and my streams are like meeting again, so isn't it a perfect fit?"

A childish and naive answer. But at the same time, one filled with confidence and determination.

A majority of the board was swayed by that. All except for one.

Still, the conversation took on a lighter tone after that and Hana comfortably fielded questions from the rest of the directors.

And then finally it was over.

The grandfatherly director spoke up and said, "Thank you for your time, Miss Homura."

"No! It was my pleasure!" Hana stood up and bowed. "Thank you for the opportunity!" After that, she looked up and gave a bright smile to John.

John smiled back and patted her shoulder.

But just because Hana's questions were done didn't mean the meeting was over just yet.

The bald lead director had been quiet the entire time. And now he finally spoke up. Looking straight at John, he said, "Would you kindly step outside for a moment, Miss Homura? There are a few last minute details we need to discuss with your manager."

"Y-Yes! But um..." Hana looked at John.

"Don't worry, Hana." John stared right back at the bald director and said, "This won't take long..."

Hana looked a bit worried, but then she nodded and said, "Okay, Mister John." With those words and a few hesitant steps, she left.

The moment that the door closed behind Hana, John pulled the chair out and sat down, swinging his legs up to slam against the table.

Eyes a frosty jade green, he smiled and said, "It's been a long, long time since there have been idiots who acted so impertinently in my presence while I offered them grace." He loosed his spiritual pressure and said, "Since you were all so eager to meet with me... shall we talk?"


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