Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 353: – Pandora's Box of Goodies – I

Chapter 353: – Pandora's Box of Goodies – I

"Wait. *This* is the Myth Inc. HQ?" Garbage took a second look up and down the streets before saying, "We walked past here like ten times back at Comiket. How the heck did we miss this?"

Foxy adjusted her fox-eared hood on her jacket and said, "I mean, it kind of blends in."

Orca nodded and said, "Although a towering building, it conceals its true worth beneath a humble facade. Fitting of the home for such treasures like the Project MirAIs idols."

Couch shook her head and then glanced at John. "Do you not have that much money? Why are you allowing Alfi-sama to work in such a plain building?"

Knight nodded in agreement and said, "Yes. For the hallowed home of Alfi-sama to be an ordinary office building is a bit..."

Hottie rolled his eyes and said, "Ignore them, John. They don't know how expensive a building in Roppongi is."

"Hey!" Foxy spoke up and said, "Of course I know how expensive these buildings are! I was just saying that it doesn't stick out very well!"

Hottie glanced at her and said, "And that's the point. Or did you forget that our Oshis are supposed to be anonymous in real life?"


Garbage started hopping in place and said, "Well, what are we waiting for, John-san? Let's go already! We're missing Queen's stream standing around like this!"

John let out an internal sigh.

These were the best candidates he had to work with for the jobs. He just had to keep reminding himself that.

After that brief pause, John nodded and said, "Follow me. And don't get intimidated by the guards. They won't hurt you."

Garbage took the lead in following John and laughed. "Guards? As if I- Grk!?"

"These the newbies, Boss?" A man with green eyes and spiky blonde hair with a giant sword sheathed on his back.

"Hm... A bit weak. But support staff are like that." A tall man with long silver hair and sharp eyes. A handsome but villainous face, especially when paired with his smirk staring at the people behind John.

John glanced at them and frowned. "Aren't you two supposed to be guarding Yuri?"

Claus shrugged and said, "It's Saturday. Her grandfather and Maji wanted to treat the Prodigy girls out to a meal with Kai and their mentors."

Seth stuck his hands into his pockets and said, "Besides that." He glanced outside and smirked. "It's amusing to patrol around and eliminate those pesky flies trying to peer in the building."

"...Don't commit any murders."

Seth smiled and said, "With what evidence?"

Claus sighed and said, "Don't worry, Boss. I'll keep him in line."

Seth looked at him and said, "You speak like I'm a criminal, Claus. I'm hurt."

Claus snorted and said, "Can you still say that considering the Wuhan incident at the end of 2019?"

"It was for the greater good. The sun has been bright enough. A corona was unnecessary."

...Alright. Maybe John should take some time to personally interview all the members of the Legends Security company. It wasn't like he didn't trust Takashi's judgment, but these guys were dropping info that sounded like serious bombshells...

But that was for later. Maybe after he had that lunch double date with Yato-san and his wife to sort out the whole definite isekai and intradimensional shenanigans they were pulling first.

For now...

John glanced back at his newest hires and said, "You coming or not?"

Foxy was the first to recover and said, "Y-Yes!" She immediately sidled up behind John and looked away from Claus and Seth... though her eyes kept drifting towards their honed bodies.

Orca gave a nod of appreciation towards the former soldiers and then followed after Foxy.

Garbage didn't say anything and just scrambled to not be left behind.

As for the three devout fans of Alfi...

Knight eyed up Seth and Claus. Couch cracked her knuckles...

And then Hottie promptly grabbed both of them and started walking forward. "Stop being a nuisance."

Yeah. Definitely needed to give Hottie a bonus in the future for being the voice of reason.


Even though it'd be funny, it would be a bad idea to barge in on Asako at the moment when she was streaming. And stepping into the girls' lounge was no good too. Boundaries had to be drawn. So...

'It's a good thing that I decided to renovate the rest of the floors.'

Walking into the elevator, John pressed the button for one of the spare office room floors and then started reviewing the plan for what was coming next.

...Specifically the contingency plans.


"Ugh." Asako flopped into one of the bean bag chairs in the Prototype girls' lounge and let out a deep sigh. "I knew I was going to get grilled on it."

Alphy walked over with a smile, carrying a soda bottle in each hand. When she reached Asako, she held one out and said, "Well, Asa-chan is beautiful. Who wouldn't be eager to see more of you?"

Asako blushed, but she shrugged off her embarrassment and grabbed the soda. "You say that like it's not true for you, Alphy."

"Mm." Alphy nodded. "It is. But I think Papa would go on a rampage if something like that got out..."

Asako stopped to think about it.

Alphy in lewd poses... Pictures of said poses being put out on the internet somehow, whether it was through Alphy or not...

"...Yeah, that sounds like a bloodbath." Asako cracked open her soda and took a sip.

Alphy nodded and said, "It would be." She paused. "Though, I think Papa would probably resort to throwing money around instead this time to quiet people down. I think he doesn't want to set a bad example for Aurora, so he shouldn't be too violent."

"True." Asako nodded and said, "No more running off into the night to dismantle criminal organizations like before." She shook her head and said, "Still can't believe John managed that."

Alphy cracked open her own soda bottle and then said, "Maybe we should get Papa to start a UTube channel telling some of his stories?"

Asako paused to think about it.

Obviously, Asako didn't know exactly what went on in the background revolving the Smith family or where they came from, but she knew that they had done some ridiculous stuff. Ridiculous enough that no rational person would believe any of it. Especially since there wasn't any evidence.

And since John was already playing up the ridiculous mysterious CEO role... not to mention that rambling thread on the forums by LoreOwl grasping at straws...

"Not a bad idea. Hell, maybe we can rope him into starting a male branch of idols too like that."

Alphy laughed and said, "That would be fun. But I think Mama would object. Not to mention all of my Aunties..."

"Right, right. Most desirable man in the world and all that jazz." Asako sipped on her soda and then pulled out her phone to check the time. "Where's Sis by the way? Didn't she come here with you?"

Alphy dragged over a beanbag before plopping down on it. "She did. But Rin looked tired, so she went to go take a nap in your room."

Asako blinked and then rolled her eyes. "I told that girl not to stay up late reading manga again."

At that time, a faint voice echoed from the lower floor of the lounge. Rin's.

"I didn't!" Footsteps echoed, and then Rin walked up from the lower level, stifling a yawn.

Asako leaned over to look at her sister.

Messy hair. Dark circles under her eyes barely hidden with make up. A giant cup of coffee in her left hand. A wrinkled white blouse and pair of jeans that were definitely just picked up from off the ground in her room instead of a new pair...

"...Sure you didn't, Sis."

Rin puffed her cheeks and said, "It's not my fault! Betty nee-chan's new game is just too good!"

Alphy's eyes lit up and she said, "It's out now?"

"Mmhm!" Rin took a long sip from her coffee before pulling out her phone. While tapping on the screen, she said, "It's crazy good! I keep beating the game, but the endings change every time I play! And then there are *so* many pretty CGs too... Here!" She handed her phone over to Alphy to take look.

Asako shook her head and said, "At this rate you're going to be a pipsqueak forever, Sis. You need your sleep to grow."

Rin stuck out her tongue.

Asako rolled her eyes and then chugged her soda. After that, she stood up to stretch and said, "Should we head to John's office to see what he wants? Or-"

A sudden chorus of chimes. All of the girls' phones sounding at the same time.

Asako blinked and looked at her phone before cautiously peeking around the room. "...John doesn't have hidden cameras or something in this place, does he?"

Alphy handed back Rin's phone and then pulled out her own. "Papa wouldn't do that. He learned his lesson a long time ago after trying that with hotsprings when he was younger."

"...Anyway." Asako said, "Looks like we'll be meeting some new staff or something." She slipped her phone back into her pocket and said, "Come on. Let's see what sort of people John picked up this time."



"O.M.G. You're even hotter in person!"

"As expected of the one I deem a Queen. Your personal beauty puts your avatar to shame."

Garbage, Foxy, and Orca.

"Alfi-sama! I pledge my life to you!"

"Alfi-sama! Please, use me as you wish!"

"You idiots! Stop embarrassing yourselves in front of Alfi-sama!"

Knight, Couch, and Hottie.

Rin stepped to the side and covered her mouth, hiding a smile.

Alphy let out a light laugh and waved at the Alfis.

As for Asako...

"DAMMIT!" She pointed at the Three Musketeers and said, "Why'd you have to bring these idiots here, John?!"

John simply smiled and said, "They were the best candidates for the job."

Garbage snapped to attention and gave a salute to Asako. "Right! We're the cream of the crop among the Ki-sama!"

Foxy pumped a fist in the air and said, "To prepare for trouble, make it double!"

Orca covered his face and said, "We're putting a stop to that right now."

Foxy pouted and said, "But whyyy? Do you know how long I practiced nyaaing to roleplay Nyaowth?"

Garbage pointed at Orca and said, "That's right!"

Foxy rounded on Garbage and said, "No, you idiot! That's my line!"

"What? No, I was talking about-"

"That's your problem! You talk too much and don't think enough!"

"Oh yeah?! And what about you, Miss Fox Fetish?! You're all looks and no brains!"

"Well, you're all head! And not the upper one!"

"And I bet you'd love to give-"

Orca cleared his throat. "Ahem." He looked at Asako and said, "...It's been a long night. Don't mind them."

Asako blinked and then looked at John.

John laughed and rubbed the back of his head. But then he put on a serious face and dropped his smile. Looking at everyone, he said, "There will be time for you all to mess around later. Right now..." He waved his hand, causing the room to shimmer before a long table and chairs for everyone materialized. "Let's get down to business."

Asako narrowed her eyes and said, "Do *not* tell me you are quoting Mulan right now."

John coughed and then took a seat.


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