Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 303: – Gap Moe and Slice of Life Antics from Prototype and Prodigy

Chapter 303: – Gap Moe and Slice of Life Antics from Prototype and Prodigy

Rin smiled as she watched Alphy pick a box up from her pile of gifts and carefully start unwrapping it.

After Meggie started off the gift opening, Rin, Asako, and Alphy pulled over some chairs to where Alphy's pile of gifts were and helped her start opening them.

At least, that was the plan.

But when they got there, Alphy insisted on opening the gifts herself.

So of course, Rin quietly started recording everything with her phone while leaning back in her chair. Just for future reference and definitely not any potential blackmail purposes in case Aneue did anything embarrassing.

Asako rolled her eyes and said, "You don't have to be so gentle with it, Alphy. It's just wrapping paper."

Alphy shook her head. "It is not just wrapping paper." She looked up at Asako and said, "After all. This gift is one that you chose, isn't it?"

"W-What? Pft. Me?" Asako blushed and looked away. "A-As if! What kind of person would sneak in and chuck a box under the tree in your pile without leaving a name tag?"

Rin gave Asako a sly smile and said, "I told you that the wrapping paper made it obvious, Aneue."

The box that Alphy was holding wasn't too eye-catching. However, it *did* have bright blue foil wrapping with a silver ribbon that had faint dragon designs.

"Argh." Asako blushed and said, "I knew I should have just used a normal ribbon. I had to try and be cool about it..."

Alphy smiled at her and said, "Well I think it's beautiful, Asako. Although..." She paused and said, "Since when did you have time to get a present for me?"

"D-Don't worry about it." Asako waved her hand and said, "J-Just open it already. Sheesh."

Rin laughed. "What are you so embarrassed about, Aneue?"

"Shut up, Sis."

Rin shook her head and settled back to watch Alphy open her present. But then she noticed someone walking over. "Hm?"

An old man wearing a flowing emerald robe and... holding a selfie stick?

Rin didn't recognize him, but the fact that he was here meant that he had to be related to Mister John somehow.

He seemed a bit weird, but he also seemed nice so Rin waved and said, "Hello! Merry Christmas, Mister!"

The old man let out a warm smile and said, "It is indeed! This Regal Self is enjoying the festivities a great deal."


Asako looked over to stare at the old man. After taking one look at his outfit, she groaned and said, "Oh god. We've got another weirdo like Titor?"

"This Regal Self is no eccentric mortal, Child. No. We are Yudi, the Jade Emperor. To be compared to that troublesome young man who plays the fool..." He paused and said, "We shall ignore the slight out of respect for your diligence and the festive spirits."

Asako gave Yudi a blank stare before frowning, as if wondering to do with the old man.

Rin just did her best to not laugh.

Yudi was giving off a serious and over the top atmosphere, but she could see that he was putting on an act.

Asako missed it because she was the serious type and wasn't very good at reading when people were joking. Which was why her streams were always fun because she took her chat seriously and got thrown off so much.

But anyway, Asako didn't catch how Yudi was holding back from breaking character.

As for Alphy...

"E-Eh?" She paused in the middle of unwrapping her gift and looked up at Yudi. "Celestial Jade Emperor? Since when did you arrive?"

"Wait." Asako looked back at Alphy and then pointed her thumb at Yudi. "This old man's an actual emperor?"

"A-Ah." Alphy's face turned red and she waved her hands. "T-That is to say... I-I mean..."

Yudi chuckled and said, "Rest easy, Granddaughter. This Regal Self is on holiday. Moreover, this Regal Self has no authority in these foreign lands." After saying that, he looked at the camera and winked.

Asako noticed and facepalmed. "Of course. He's just senile."

Rin frowned and said, "There's no need to be rude, Aneue. Mister Yudi is just having fun on the holidays. Right, Mister?"

Yudi nodded. "Indeed! You understand this Regal Self's intentions very well, Child. No wonder that you were the first this Regal Self's son-in-law entrusted with the future- Ah."

A soft beep echoed and the red light flashing on the camera died.

"Tch." Yudi frowned and muttered, "Of course. That disappointment would utilize a defective product. I should have expected as much."

A sudden change in tone, shifting from a haughty and domineering tyrant to a warm grandfather.

Asako blinked, completely caught off guard.

Rin laughed. "See, Aneue?"

Yudi shook his head and folded the selfie stick before sticking it in his sleeve. After that, he looked at the girls and said, "Please excuse this old man for the abrupt and embarrassing intrusion. I was granted the opportunity to play around with some degenerate and unsuspecting souls and could not resist."

Asako slowly nodded. "That's... fine, I guess- Wait." She glared at Yudi and said, "You were just trolling the entire time?"

"Hm?" Yudi tilted his head and said, "What do trolls have to do with making fun of mortals?"

"That's... Ugh, never mind." Asako shook her head and picked up another present from Alphy's pile. "Anyway, you done opening that yet, Alphy?"

"A-Ah." Alphy blinked and shook her head. "No."

Asako frowned and said, "At this rate we're going to be here all day opening your gifts, Alphy."

Rin smirked and said, "And wouldn't you enjoy that, Aneue? Spending Christmas day gushing with Onee-chan about cute gifts?"

"S-Shut up!"

Alphy smiled at the two sisters interacting for a bit. But after that, she looked at Yudi and said, "Jade Emperor-"

Yudi waved his hand and said, "Just call me Grandfather, Child. Though we do not share blood, I would like to think of us as family. Particularly now that your father has shown he truly cares for my dear daughter."

Alphy paused.

Asako's eyes widened. "W-Wait. Hold on, Alphy!"

Rin quickly interjected too and looked at Yudi. "M-Mister Yudi. I don't think it's a good idea to let Onee-chan call you that."

"Hm?" Yudi frowned and said, "Why ever not?"


Before Rin could finish speaking, Alphy continued talking.

Looking up at Yudi, Alphy let out a soft smile and said, "Then... Thank you, Grandfather. I'm happy that we can finally be a proper family together with Mama, Papa, and everyone else."


Yudi's eyes widened in shock, staring at Alphy.

Rin facepalmed. "It's over."

"W-Wait!" Asako stood up. "Mister Yudi!"

Yudi kept staring at Alphy. And then he let out a soft smile, his expression relaxing. "I see. How... formidable." And with that, Yudi collapsed on the ground.

"Dammit Alphy!" Asako quickly walked over and helped Yudi up. "You did it again!"

"W-What did I do?"

Rin sighed.

Well... Mister Yudi died content, at least?

...Oh wait, he was still breathing.

Asako gave Rin a pointed look and said, "You just thought the old man died, didn't you."

"O-Of course not!" Rin laughed and got out of her chair. "A-Anyway... Miss Iyasu is here too, right? Let's get him over there."

Alphy stood up and said, "I-I'll help! Although..." She frowned and muttered, "Was he that happy to hear me call him Grandfather?"

Rin looked at Asako.

Asako stared back.

And then the two sisters shared a sigh.


Across the room, sitting with a small pile of gifts of their own at a small table, the Prodigy members of Project MirAIs were getting ready for their own present opening session.

As they did, Yuri looked over and noticed Alphy and the others helping an old man to his feet and dragging him towards Miss Iyasu. She frowned and said, "What do you think our Senpais are doing over there? Did the old man have a heart attack?"

Chihiro picked up a small box from her pile and started unwrapping it, completely ignoring Yuri's words.

Yuri's frown deepened and she said, "Hey! It looks serious!"

Chihiro rolled her eyes and said, "The old man probably just got overwhelmed by the holiday spirit. It's not like he'd just drop dead out of nowhere, you know? Besides, even if he did, I bet John has some weird voodoo black magic tech to bring him back to life."

Suzume raised her sleeve to cover her mouth and giggled. "Chi-chan! That is rude! You should not wish ill upon anyone... Although I agree that Mister John likely has such technology."

Chihiro nodded. "Right?"

Shu adjusted her tie and looked in the distance, watching as Betty and Emily rode the Arctic Express train around the perimeter of the room. "I still can't believe all of this is real... Isn't this the same room where there was the baby shower? I thought it was a lot smaller than this."

Chihiro shrugged. "It's probably not up to code. But John has FAQ money, so he doesn't care."

Shu frowned. "FAQ money? What's that?"

"You know? Fu-"

Suzume gasped. "Chi-chan!"

"What?" Chihiro adjusted her glasses and said, "She asked."

Yuri let out a deep sigh. "Why am I the straight person in these situations...?"

"Hm?" Chihiro raised an eyebrow and said, "You're straight, Riri?"

Yuri's face turned red and she said, "O-Of course I'm straight! And that's not what I was talking about!"

"Could have fooled me with how you were staring at Suzu-chan when we were changing."

"I-I was just admiring her dress!"

Suzume laughed and said, "Thank you, Riri! You look beautiful in that dress as well."

Yuri groaned and said, "Why did I decide to accept this job again?"

"Because you get unlimited funds to practice cooking." Chihiro crumpled up the unwrapped paper and tossed it into a giftbag before unboxing her gift. When she did, a sleek pair of horn-rimmed glasses were revealed. "Ooh, new glasses. From... Mister Titor, huh?" She picked them up and swapped out her glasses for the new ones. "Smart glasses too. Neat." After that, she looked at Yuri before frowning.

Yuri pursed her lips and said, "What is it this time?"

"Huh. I didn't know you were an B-cup, Riri. Do you pad your bra to look like a C-cup?"


And then Yuri lunged towards Chihiro. "Give me those glasses, you pervert!"

Shu grabbed Yuri and said, "R-Riri! C-Calm down!"

Suzume nodded and said, "Y-Yes! Remember where we are!"

"I don't care!"

Chihiro laughed.


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