Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 298: – Meggie's confusion and the Prototypes arrive

Chapter 298: – Meggie's confusion and the Prototypes arrive

"DAD!" Meggie woke up screaming. With the scene of Kai and Tsuki still fresh in her mind, she jumped to her feet and tried to reason with her father before he sent them all away.

"Big Sister... Please don't yell..." A young girl's voice mumbled from somewhere off to the side.

"Yes. Sister Meggie, please don't yell so early in the morning." Another voice that sounded similar to the first.

Meggie blinked and then realized that she wasn't on the road anymore. Instead, she was back in the room she had stayed with Tsuki and her younger sisters last night.

It was light outside. The curtains were shut, but they were letting a little bit of the sun in. Not enough to disturb a cozy morning nap, but enough to see in case someone woke up.

And because of that, Meggie could see Xuan and Wu snuggled together in sleeping bags on the floor.

After mumbling to Meggie, the twin sisters had gone back to sleep, peacefully slumbering back in dreamland.

In all honesty, it was tempting to do the same.

But Meggie was still trying to sort out what happened.

Tsuki. The text message. A mysterious woman claiming to be Tsuki's mother. Kai. And then Meggie's father showing up... With a baby girl held in his arms?

No, Aurora. Right, that was what Dad called the baby. And from the texts earlier in the day, that should be Meggie's newborn baby sister.

Wait. But then why-

"Argh." Meggie rubbed her nose and muttered, "Stupid Dad. You need to explain things too."

Alright, Meggie. Think this through.

Dad saw what was happening and showed up, so nothing bad happened or would happen to Tsuki. And even if Dad called Kai his best friend, he wasn't the sort of person who would let a guy do anything bad to his family.

So was Meggie misunderstanding it? But Tsuki's mom was dead. And this world wasn't like the Three Realms, so it was impossible for her to come back to life.

Meggie was sure about it. There wasn't a cycle of reincarnation or even an afterlife to be had in this world.

...Was there?

Then again, weird things *had* been happening to Meggie too. And Dad mentioned that his homeworld affected visitors to it in different ways-


Meggie froze and then looked to the door.

That was the sound of the latch unlocking. Someone swiping the card and unlocking the door. But the only other person with the card should be Tsuki-

Ah. No. Dad could get in too, right?

And judging from the presence behind the door, it was definitely-

"Yoohoo!" A bright and cheerful voice called out. "Are my cute nieces still sleeping? Auntie Jenny's here to take you to the fun Christmas party!"

Meggie froze.

A beautiful young woman with short blonde hair and clear green eyes. She was wearing a bright green blouse and mini-skirt combo, along with tall green boots.

A Christmas Elf, right? The woman seemed to be wearing the same outfit as that one Christmas movie Tsuki had them watch. Except the outfit was tailored for a woman instead of an old and ugly middle-aged man.

For a split second, Meggie thought that it was Tsuki's mother showing up. But only for a split second. Because she knew the face of that woman standing there very well.

It was burned into her mind against her will after John's cringefest in the first concert, after all. But...

Meggie blinked again and then rubbed her eyes. "...I must still be half-asleep."

Right. Because there was no way that her dad would cross-dress on Christmas of all days just to embarrass her. Especially not right after Meggie's baby sister was just born.


Jenny giggled and said, "Don't worry. I know we look similar, but I'm not your dad. ...Though he did mention that he was tempted to come up here too and troll you." She frowned and said, "It's weird. Having a newborn around seems to have made him suddenly really relaxed... Or maybe it's the Christmas cheer?"

Meggie frowned and then eyed Jenny again.

...Now that she paid closer attention, it was clear that the Jenny standing there wasn't the 'Jenny' that John turned into at the concert. First of all, her bust was a bit bigger. Then there was how her eyes were a bit softer and her smile was more relaxed. And then there was the distinct lack of 'that' down there. Something that John had covered up with his powers to give off the illusion of feminine charm.

But the woman there was all natural and, well, a woman.

But then...

"...Who are you?"

Dad didn't have any real siblings. 'Uncle' Titor was apparently a half-spiritual clone experiment thing. And Meggie's Aunts were all adopted by John and weren't actually related by blood.

Plus, Mom was an only child, so Jenny couldn't be related to her. So...

"Mm, for a quick answer, I'm your Dad's long lost baby sister. A long answer will take a while, so ask him about it later, kay~?" Jenny walked in the room and started tidying things up. "But wow, you girls sure had fun the other night, huh? Look at all these wrappers and cans..."

A natural response. Jenny wandered around the room and fixed things up like she belonged there. Pulling back the curtains to let light in, straightening stray cushions and pillows, picking up the trash...

"Wait, wait, wait." Meggie held up her hand, trying to catch up with what was going on.

Definitely didn't help that Tsuki was still on her mind too. And the fact that Meggie was now officially a big sister. And that she had a real baby sister who shared her blood completely.

Not that she didn't think Alphy and Betty weren't her real sister or that Xuan and Wu weren't adorable younger sisters. But Aurora, the new baby girl that her dad had been holding... Both of her parents were the same as Meggie's. They were real sisters, not just half-sisters or adoptive sisters.

Which meant that it was Meggie's job to set a good example and not let her baby sister go astray and take after their ridiculous Dad or their a bit too controlling and overprotective Mom-

Aaand she was being sidetracked now.

Meggie shook her head and looked back at Jenny, only to see her holding Xuan and Wu in her arms, both clinging on each side of her like a pair of sloths hanging on a tree.

Jenny smiled and then noticed that Meggie was staring. "What?"

Meggie sighed and rubbed her face. "I have a lot of questions. And a lot of things I want to yell at Dad. But it's still too damned early to deal with this without coffee."

Jenny nodded and said, "That's true. Though coffee will stunt the growth of a growing girl like you, Meggie."

Meggie flinched. "R-Really?"

"Mmhm." Jenny nodded and said, "Especially up there, you know? So if you want to grow up big, it's important to get a lot of sleep and not drink too much coffee." After saying that, she paused and took a quick look around. Then she leaned close to Meggie and said, "That's what your Dad would want me to say. But really, you do you, Meggie. Auntie Jenny's got your back no matter what you do, kay?"

Meggie frowned and slowly edged away from Jenny. "...Are you trying to butter me up for something?"

"Who, me?" Jenny giggled and said, "Of course not. Just trying to get close to my adorable niece. Now." She shifted Xuan and Wu before walking back towards the door. "Let's get you girls downstairs. Santa brought a lot of gifts for everyone!"

Meggie frowned.

Jenny was weird. She definitely seemed nervous about something... But she also seemed genuine. Both in her demeanor and in how closely she seemed to be related to Dad.

Still weird. But...

Meggie walked beside Jenny and said, "You mentioned presents?"

"Mmhm! There's a lot for you too, Meggie."

"...Alright. I'll bite for now." Meggie opened the door for Jenny and said, "But if you're leading me into a trap, you're going to regret it. Even if you really are Dad's baby sister."

"Don't worry!" Jenny laughed and then walked out the door. "...I already regret my life decisions after seeing the paperwork on your Dad's desk."

"Oh. Then never mind." Meggie tucked her hands into her sweatshirt... that she never changed out of? Awkward, but whatever. "Better you than Mom. She already had to do enough of that back in the Three Realms."

"Really now? So Big Bro was that lazy there too?"

"Not *lazy*. More just... He couldn't be bothered?"

"That's being lazy, Meggie."

"...Okay, maybe just a little."


"We're here!" Rin spun around the Myth Inc. HQ lobby and then looked back at Asako and Alphy. "You two ready for Christmas fun?"

Asako groaned and rubbed her temple. Shifting the gift bag in her left hand, she said, "You are far too happy about all of this, Sis."

Alphy walked beside Asako and nodded. Clutching her own gift bag, Alphy looked at Rin and said, "It's just another party, right? Um, there's no need to be so excited."

Rin rolled her eyes and then looked at her mom.

Sakura chuckled and walked over as well. "Ignore the two lovebirds, Sweetie. I think they're just annoyed they have to share their private time today."

"L-L-Lovebirds?!" Asako stammered and turned a deep shade of red.

"P-Private time?!" Alphy stammered as well and glanced at Asako before quickly looking away, her face a bright red.

At that time, a low chuckle echoed from behind the front desk. Takashi, sitting there in a bright red Santa suit. "To think I'd see the day where the ice cold dragon turns into a blubbering school girl..."


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